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EggGate 2?


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I really don't want the last days of the debate to centre on egg throwing but it will be interesting to see what sort of political outcry there is from the media regarding this. After all it was wall to fucking wall with Murphy greeting his eyes out, playing to victim card, smearing the opposition and using the incident as a 5 minute unchallenged political propaganda speech on national media.

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I remember a country before we threw eggs at one another.

I remember a country when we shared our eggs -- and now we launch them.

I remember a country when an egg was for breakfast, and not for launching.

I remember when a box of eggs fed a hungry family on a Sunday morning -- and now these eggs are launched.

People, give peace and eggs a chance.

I have a dream that we eat our eggs, eat our cereal, and we stay safe.

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I really don't want the last days of the debate to centre on egg throwing but it will be interesting to see what sort of political outcry there is from the media regarding this. After all it was wall to fucking wall with Murphy greeting his eyes out, playing to victim card, smearing the opposition and using the incident as a 5 minute unchallenged political propaganda speech on national media.

To be fair, I don't even know if this happened :lol: I read a tweet earlier saying someone launced an egg.

If this story doesn't get any coverage, we can never know whether it's because it never happened or if it's because Humza Yousaf isn't a total w****r who goes if for the Labbi Siffre act because of on an egg.

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Will he be able to claim the cleaning costs on his Holyrood eggspenses?

Murphy wants in, Yousaf wants out,

Both get egged by some IndyRef lout,

They do the Yolky Colky "where's the launderette?" turnaround,

That's what it's all about.

Shitting Christ.

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