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Tommy Sheridan


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For my entire adult life my opinion of the man has pretty much been disdain.

I mean, it's really hard to argue with his transgressions... Both implied and proven.

But today's performance with Andrew Neil and many other interviews I've seen in the lead up to this referendum have really actually made me start to begrudgingly grow a little bit fond of him.

He's so passionate about the things I want for Scotland and for all the world looks like a voice of the working class these days - what do we think P&B?

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Look Tommy is a roaster but he isn't usually far off the mark tbh. The line of questioning was irrelevant so to come out of it making good points is a big well done

Aye, probably should've linked that. Was the catalyst to my thread to be honest so don't know why I didn't. Cheers man.

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Went to see him last week at Paisley Grammar, mainly as I'm torn on which political party best represents me. Outstanding speaker, and whilst I whole heartedly agree with the majority of what he says and admire his passion and support of those who are not "represented". His utopia in an independent Scotland is near impossible to get to.

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My opinion of him has sky rocketed, whilst I'm the total opposite with George Galloway. As I said in another thread, I can't believe I used to like George Galloway (although thinking Sheridan was a plum was more understandable).

That might sound like I just think everyone who agrees with my political opinions is great and the rest bawbags, which isn't the case. For example, Charles Kennedy is someone who I still respect and even though I don't agree with him on this, I think his heart is in the right place. The difference between Galloway and Sheridan is staggering though. One talks with passion about what he believes in whilst running no one down in the process, the other is a fucking bellend who talks about his nationalistic pride about Ireland and then wants to deny people in his country of birth the chance to do the same.

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Tommy Sheridan has been excellent throughout this campaign. He has done over 100 public engagements this year and spoke with passion, fire and emotion throughout.

One of the real unsung stars of the Yes movement.

And those who think he is in it for personal gain clearly haven't watched his videos.

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And he's a really good public speaker too: I'm not aligned to his particular brand of politics, but I've watched more than one of his speeches from start to finish on YouTube. Can't say I've done that for anyone else in this campaign (or before).

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He's played a blinder in this Referendum campaign. Spoke passionately at hundreds of meetings across the country involving thousands of people.

Can see him returning to parliament in an indy Scotland as an independent MSP.

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