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Jack Harper


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I think it's could be quite a good move for him actually. Houghton is a bit of a dinosaur, unfortunately, but managers switch Championship teams quite a bit.

It's a fairly nice place to live, lets hope he gets some first team football this season.

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Pretty terrible reasons from Sbragia. Look at Gauld and Robertson - one makes Messi look like a giant and Robertson was released from Celtic for being too wee.

Never going to amount to anything those two.

Hah, this is the biggest lie I've ever heard.

Every player who has ever been released from anywhere has played this disingenuous card.

Plenty of rubbish small players have made it in Scotland - look at Jamie McCluskey. In fact, McCluskey broke the SPL youngest ever player record, and his record was broken by Scott Robinson. Neither have ever been over 5 foot 7. Some of the best players from our golden era were midgets.

It has never been a barrier, it's a complete myth. Robertson may not have developed and that's why he was released, hardly unusual, Ashley Young was released as a youngster and went on to Man Utd and semi regular English international.

The kind of people implying that Messi might not have made it in Scotland because he is so wee are deluding themselves, and doing a disservice to our coaches and entire game.

In fact, if anything our national team has plenty of small players (Anya, Maloney) and very few tall, strong players relative to other nations. Which is fine, but completely dispels the myth that we favour the latter attributes over footballing ability.

Edited by Whitnail
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Hah, this is the biggest lie I've ever heard.

Every player who has ever been released from anywhere has played this disingenuous card.

Plenty of rubbish small players have made it in Scotland - look at Jamie McCluskey. In fact, McCluskey broke the SPL youngest ever player record, and his record was broken by Scott Robinson. Neither have ever been over 5 foot 7. Some of the best players from our golden era were midgets.

It has never been a barrier, it's a complete myth. Robertson may not have developed and that's why he was released, hardly unusual, Ashley Young was released as a youngster and went on to Man Utd and semi regular English international.

The kind of people implying that Messi might not have made it in Scotland because he is so wee are deluding themselves, and doing a disservice to our coaches and entire game.

In fact, if anything our national team has plenty of small players (Anya, Maloney) and very few tall, strong players relative to other nations. Which is fine, but completely dispels the myth that we favour the latter attributes over footballing ability.

Spot on, if Celtic didn't like small players then how is James Forrest pretty much the only player to come through their system in the last 5 years to be a regular/semi-regular?

I think it's partly an excuse to save face from some people - 'Well it wasn't that I wasn't good enough, I was just too small'. And if it geniunely has been given as the reason by the club it's a polite way of telling them (that in their opinion, sometimes they are wrong) they aren't good enough.

The only position where height matters is centre back (even then, try telling that to Fabio Cannavaro), but it's rare in Scotland you'd be playing that position anyway if you're small, it completely defies logic to think that clubs release players who have the ability just because they might not be tall.

Edited by Diamonds are Forever
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There's not to say there isn't cultural issues in Scotland. You're completely right about Cannavaro, no way him (or Baresi or Passarrella) would have ever been centre halves in this country given the fans uneasy obsession with height at this position.

NEED a big guy at the back to win headers and intimidate opponents. Cause strikers are definitely more scared of Kevin James than Roberto Ayala or Daniel Passarella.

They'd end up as full backs or midfielders, not reaching their full potential, but it's not as if they wouldn't make it.

This is a UK thing as much as Scotland, not as if England have had many terrific small centre halves, Terry Butchers are their preference. Italy have it right, but we'd be laughing if we could ever replicate their culture of professionalism and tactical acumen.

Kirk Broadfoot and Kris Boyd discussing tactics? They'd be as well mediating on Middle Eastern Peace Talks.

And yes "I was too small!!" is a line trotted out by bitter players, I can't imagine (hope) that clubs are saying it to spare their feelings.

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  • 2 months later...


Is he back fit and playing for Brighton yet?

Can't be far off - he was 6 weeks away from fitness when he signed. Hughton did say though that when fit, he'd have a battle on his hands to fight his way into the first team squad, so might be a while away yet.

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