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Not wanting to put the shits up anyone but,I'M GONNA DO JUST FUCKIN THAT!


Thanks man at 38 years old I had never even thought of flying fucking spiders... Don't even want to check if they are genuine or not.
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It would be much better if spiders were the size of cows. They'd be too big to fit into your house, and they wouldn't give you as fright so easily as you'd hear them coming. Much less scary IMO.

Then they would most definitely eat you and be pretty good at it to as per size a spider is eight times stronger than a human and something like 4 times faster. The only positive is spiders exhaust very easily when running whereas human are the animals with the most endurance on earth, still I wouldn't fancy my chances :(

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+1 for the 'Spiders are creepy as f**k and scare the living shite out of me' group on here.

Actually fucking petrified of them, it's no even funny.

I took a pic of a spider tonight i found in my house. I could post it if you want? :thumsup2

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Spiders don't bother me in the slightest.

Ever girl I've been with has always designated me as Chief Spider Remover. My gf refers to them as "Hectors" for some reason.

They do seem a tad bigger this year, but I'm happy to let them go on trapping bugs etc. The garage window was a mass of uneaten flies last month, but the web owners were still there, so they must be getting picky.

Wasps on the other hand terrify me no end. Especially if you meet it in a vulnerable moment like in the shower or having a slash.

I feel like I ought to be given a medal or something any time I've managed to escort one back out of a window. If they fail to get the idea that I'm trying to set them free then they deserve to die for being so stupid.

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"Sadly it's a fake"


Are you for real?

Flying spiders ARE real.

They were the first to build silk parachutes.

ETA also, some of them live in the jetstream so they can travel much faster than 100Mph. They're too fast to run from.

Edited by jock001
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Ken what I dislike more than spiders? Flying ants. I hate when they swarm in the summer. Even the way they look and crawl all over each other and the look of their wings reviles me. Ugly wee fuckers. I'm all in favour of spiders eating flying ants.

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I hate it when I find an exceptionally large bee or wasp in the house. I never know if it's just a big fatass or if it's a queen looking for a place to build a nest. I always kill them in a most vigorous manner.

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I hate it when I find an exceptionally large bee or wasp in the house. I never know if it's just a big fatass or if it's a queen looking for a place to build a nest. I always kill them in a most vigorous manner.

if it was a bee you killed , then you would know all about it as when wasps or bees die they send out a signal/noise to let others in the nest know they have been done in, so if you ever killed a queen yer house would probably end up full of panicked , angry defensive bees


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if it was a bee you killed , then you would know all about it as when wasps or bees die they send out a signal/noise to let others in the nest know they have been done in, so if you ever killed a queen yer house would probably end up full of panicked , angry defensive bees


first line should read if it was a queen bee

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Flying spiders ARE real.

They were the first to build silk parachutes.

ETA also, some of them live in the jetstream so they can travel much faster than 100Mph. They're too fast to run from.

yeah that's me done with this thread I think...
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