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Broadcast News for Scotland


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The Yes campaign was undoubtedly disadvantaged by the fact that Scotland doesn't have it's own media, unlike Quebec and Catalonia/Basque region. The Catalan public would no doubt be a lot less in favour of independence if their TV stations and press all still owed their ultimate allegiance to Madrid.

Still, I'm not sure a pro-independence (or even neutral) TV station/paper would be able to garner the audience to sustain itself in Scotland. Not unless it bought in the X Factor and Great British Railway Journeys. There's just no appetite for it, even among independence supporters. The Scots Independent has been publishing for years, but even as a Nat I'd never buy it.

It would be good to see Isabel Fraser doing political interviews again though. I doubt BBC Scotland will ever let her back on telly - she was too good at her job.

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The Yes campaign was undoubtedly disadvantaged by the fact that Scotland doesn't have it's own media, unlike Quebec and Catalonia/Basque region. The Catalan public would no doubt be a lot less in favour of independence if their TV stations and press all still owed their ultimate allegiance to Madrid.

Still, I'm not sure a pro-independence (or even neutral) TV station/paper would be able to garner the audience to sustain itself in Scotland. Not unless it bought in the X Factor and Great British Railway Journeys. There's just no appetite for it, even among independence supporters. The Scots Independent has been publishing for years, but even as a Nat I'd never buy it.

It would be good to see Isabel Fraser doing political interviews again though. I doubt BBC Scotland will ever let her back on telly - she was too good at her job.

You're right that a pro-independence station won't work in the sense of it appealing to mainstream voters. But I'd hope what it might show that there is an audience there, and that might in turn convince the MSM to be less virulently opposed to it.

In the same way, I'm pleased to see the Sunday Herald doing so well out of its pro-Indy stance, but as it's preaching to the converted, I don't think it has a big influence on the wider population. The real benefit should hopefully be that other papers see their circulations plummet and resolve to be a little more balanced in their views on independence.

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At least BBC have allowed Frankie Boyle to absolutely rip into them on iPlayer. 'Frankie Boyle's Referendum Autopsy' is worth a watch, especially for the (rather obvious BT supporting) media expert guest seething at the thought the media were biased.

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At least BBC have allowed Frankie Boyle to absolutely rip into them on iPlayer. 'Frankie Boyle's Referendum Autopsy' is worth a watch, especially for the (rather obvious BT supporting) media expert guest seething at the thought the media were biased.

It was funny until Frankie met an objective opinion. Then he became a chldish, spittle spraying, greeting loser ranting and raving. To suggest that the entire media, including papers like The Independent and The Guardian are "biased" is like saying that all retail businesses falsify information about the possibility of rising prices.

You see that's probably why a lot of people voted against an Independent Scotland. Voting for paranoid nutjobs? Nah thanks. Time to go Alex..... :)

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You're right that a pro-independence station won't work in the sense of it appealing to mainstream voters. But I'd hope what it might show that there is an audience there, and that might in turn convince the MSM to be less virulently opposed to it.

In the same way, I'm pleased to see the Sunday Herald doing so well out of its pro-Indy stance, but as it's preaching to the converted, I don't think it has a big influence on the wider population. The real benefit should hopefully be that other papers see their circulations plummet and resolve to be a little more balanced in their views on independence.

That will be down to the fact newspapers are no longer cutting edge when it comes to news delivery and nothing else. Circulations for most of them have been heading down the way for a number of years. In spite of the rage aimed at them by the losing side of the referendum, even they acknowledged that there were other more potent ways of delivering their message. They lost because they didn't make a convincing argument, not because of the editorial stance of certain newspapers.

It might be more beneficial to look inwardly at where the yes campaign failed instead of lashing out at everything elese. The prospectus was deeply flawed and it lost because of this. If there's another chance to go through this process again I'm sure things will be done differently. The politicians on both sides will be well aware of where they got it wrong and will be well aware of where they need to improve.

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Facebook is entertainment and in some ways that's comedic but in the case of Yes it's tragedy mixed in. It is really sad that deluded people believe that social media has a serious place anywhere other than discussing sport, music and cooking

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Egypt = Scotland?

You really aren't too bright are you?

"deluded people believe that social media has a serious place anywhere other than discussing sport, music and cooking"


No-one said that Egypt=Scotland, they implied that facebook was a force in recent events in Egypt, something you claimed impossible in the above statement.

Do you see?

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"deluded people believe that social media has a serious place anywhere other than discussing sport, music and cooking"


No-one said that Egypt=Scotland, they implied that facebook was a force in recent events in Egypt, something you claimed impossible in the above statement.

Do you see?

I can see that Egypt is a completely different culture and political system and the internet is one way of expressing viewpoints from fear of any repressive forces unless of course that media conspiracy got to you here? Tell all.....

I can easily patronize you too.

You see?

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