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General Election 2015


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The points pish unless the people of Yorkshire don't see themselves as English. Do they ?

It's a bit off topic, but I'd assume there will be a few people who think like that. Probably more in Yorkshire than other regions. There are people round here who don't see themselves as either English or Scottish and take great delight in telling anyone who'll listen that they are 'Berwick'. Sure there's quite a bit of anti-English feeling in places like Liverpool too.
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I wouldnt mind Scottish Labour being something similar to the Northern Irish SDLP who sit with Labour in the parliament but are a completely separate party.

The problem is that for senior Scottish Labour professional politicians it could limit their personal prospects for getting the big jobs in the London Office.

If Scottish Labour do take a gubbing in Scotland next month then they may be forced into if not outright independence at least a few big steps in that direction.

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Little bit sweeping! :) Thats a bit like saying all Independence supporters are raging Scottish Nationalists and always have been since birth (also not true!).

FWIW I was a season ticket holder at Ibrox from the age of 4 to 30 as my old man followed the (real) Rangers all his life. Younger brother the same. I only really kept going into my 20's because it was one of the few things I did with my Dad, I found the whole "experience" didn't reflect my thinking once I had grown up. When they died and we had to decide on the renewals it turned out he had been just as fed up with the "quintesentially British" pish (among other things) as me for the last 10 years and was only going for the same reason, it was one of the few things we did together. My brother had long since given up.

We now watch Junior football (the team me and my brother played in), the whole family are Yes voting independence supporters and my wife (and her father) have been active in the SNP for decades.

So, while I agree (from experience) that the vast majority of the Rangers support are a lost cause who have their values so ingrained its not worth the effort to try and talk sense to them, I can also tell you for damn sure that it's not all of them, there are some sensible ones. They may be in the minority (or have taken the opportunity to walk away when they died like I did), but in whatever small numbers we do exist! :)

Good post, but it is the vast, vast majority of Rangers fans who think like that. I watched them at Hibs last week they were belting out Rule Britannia, utterly vile football club.

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XBL/FuzzyAfro - how angry do you get in real life when you come across a 'no voter' or an anti snp supporter? Genuinely curious as to how you engage them

I don't really, as they almost always refuse to discuss it at all as they are ignorant, intransigent, belliigerent arseholes.

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Exactly, thanks very much its about time someone said that. I get accused of harming the SNP's vote all the time, personally I don't think my posts on here are that influential.

I think his point was more "Give it a break". This has become so very tiresome.

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It's a bit off topic, but I'd assume there will be a few people who think like that. Probably more in Yorkshire than other regions. There are people round here who don't see themselves as either English or Scottish and take great delight in telling anyone who'll listen that they are 'Berwick'. Sure there's quite a bit of anti-English feeling in places like Liverpool too.

Bloody Berwick nationalists

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Apparently the daily rancid have been at it again. The guy in question is still a member of the SNP and only said he favoured a Labour/SNP coalition

It's all going a bit mental.

Daily Record "exclusive" saying he's rejoined Labout and the SNP have a "secret" of wanting the Tories in.

Common Space speak to the guy, who says he's stiil an SNP member but would support a Labour govt backed up by SNP.

Davie Clegg of the Record bursts into tears saying he has proof and everything!

Andy Nicoll of the Sun tweets SNP Chief Exec Peter Murrell to see if the guy is still a member of the SNP.

Murrell says no resignation received.

Clegg tweets Murrell to say he's going to look very silly.

A right Twitter shitstorm.

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Wonderful intervention from the great man today, talking about how Labour's values and commitment to social justice unites the party. Great to see him come out and speak out against an EU referendum. It's felt a little like people are too frightened to.

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