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General Election 2015


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My old politics lecturer at Strathclyde, malcom mcdonald, used to quote the Dela Metri lyrics 'nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all... the needle returns to the start of the song and we all sing a long like before' to describe the drones voting labour in Scotland...

Well Malky boy.... Im quoting ol' bob.... 'times are a changing'

You did a politics degree too?

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You've just answered a very important question!

Why are people in Scotland (and many others in the rUK) so disillusioned with the Labour Party that they won't win an election against a very unpopular Tory-Liberal coalition?

Because they're not opposing this politically-motivated austerity.

The point he's making is that the Tories are giving us bad austerity, whilst Labour are going to give us good austerity.

Good austerity beats bad austerity. No brainer!

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A feeble retort:

Vote Tory for continued austerity.

Vote Labour for a wee bit less austerity.

Why is that feeble? You've oversimplified it but that's basically right. Austerity is necessary, Labour are willing to continue it in a way that is less harsh than the form the Tories are using.

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The point he's making is that the Tories are giving us bad austerity, whilst Labour are going to give us good austerity.

Good austerity beats bad austerity. No brainer!


To be fair, at least they're not the Lib Dems, who are going down the Goldilocks route.

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Why is that feeble? You've oversimplified it but that's basically right. Austerity is necessary, Labour are willing to continue it in a way that is less harsh than the form the Tories are using.

And why is that?

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No it isn't.

Try telling that to the diabetic who died because he couldn't afford the electricity to keep his insulin chilled.

Just waiting for him to come up with some nonsense that includes the phrase "tough choices to be made".
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Why is that feeble? You've oversimplified it but that's basically right. Austerity is necessary, Labour are willing to continue it in a way that is less harsh than the form the Tories are using.

For who?

The poor who didn't cause the problems?

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Replace the word 'English' with the word 'black' and you see where the problem lies.

The fact that you're mentioning his nationality means that what you are doing is making an anti-English remark. I don't think its what you fully intended and I don't necessarily think you're anti-English but calling someone an 'English c**t' is definitely anti-English (in the same way calling someone a black b*****d is a racist comment).

Apologise, learn from it, and move on.

If I didn't mention his nationality how would anyone know who's money I meant when I said 'their money'???

I apologise for any offence I may have caused.

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If I didn't mention his nationality how would anyone know who's money I meant when I said 'their money'???

I apologise for any offence I may have caused.

Its difficult.

If you're using his nationality to distinguish him from the rest then its absolutely fine (some people don't get this with race but its absolutely fine to say that the best player on the pitch was the black guy in midfield for Arsenal).

I guess that means its not anti-English to say: 'that English guy that was on about _______ was a right c**t'

but specifically saying 'that English c**t' brings his nationality into the slur. Its about keeping his nationality separate from the fact that he's a c**t.

That's certainly the way I see it anyway, but could easily be wrong as I'm no expert.

In this instance I think its fair to say that Red Rob wasn't offended - he just wanted a stick to beat you with.

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Interesting quote from Alistair Darling on the Office of Budget Responsibility, from which the Institute of Fiscal Studies extracted the data to make their judgement on Scotland's deficit under fiscal autonomy if it were introduced next year, and exaggerated by Murphy:

"Right from the start the Tories used the OBR not just as part of the government but as part of the Conservative Party," Mr Darling said.

"They have succeeded in strangling what could have been a good idea at its birth."
Lesson: bad data in, bad data out.
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It's actually going to be glorious seeing all of the seethe from the folks in the stockbroker belt when the realise that a great big oil well is going to be struck in their back gardens.

Most striking thing about this story is how pretty much overnight oil has went from being a curse to being the best thing ever.

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