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General Election 2015


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Switzerland's unemployment rate is 3%. I'm generally in favour of centre-left politics but it would be foolish to refuse to admit that small state economies can be hugely successful.

It's not conservative politics as such that I can't stand, it's specifically Britain's brand of conservatism which seems steeped in a kind of punitive blame culture and populism-based disdain for the poor.

I mean the size of the public sector and govt to be clear, not big countries over small ones. Not sure if Switzerland is like that so not sure what you mean.

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Quick question, all these disposed Scottish MPs who for many years have been claiming expenses on London flats (in a lot of cases including the furniture inside them), If they sell them, does the money go back into the public coffers or are they able to trouser the profit from the sale?

Into their pocket I'm pretty sure.

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Quick question, all these disposed Scottish MPs who for many years have been claiming expenses on London flats (in a lot of cases including the furniture inside them), If they sell them, does the money go back into the public coffers or are they able to trouser the profit from the sale?

I could be wrong, but I think they trouser the profit.

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Quick question, all these disposed Scottish MPs who for many years have been claiming expenses on London flats (in a lot of cases including the furniture inside them), If they sell them, does the money go back into the public coffers or are they able to trouser the profit from the sale?

You already know the answer to this RIco.

Westmonster politicians putting money into public coffers indeed :lol:

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I mean the size of the public sector and govt to be clear, not big countries over small ones. Not sure if Switzerland is like that so not sure what you mean.

Yep, I mean small state as in small public sector - nothing to do with the actual size of the country. The Swiss have one of the lowest public expenditure to GDP ratios in the developed world I believe.

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Sorry to be the one that puts a dampener on this discussion but one of the major reasons that it would be difficult to implement a living wage is the ease with which multinational businesses move to avoid paying out higher wages.

Not saying it's right but it is something you would need to consider.

That being said - it does make sense to implement where you do have control, for example, in public services.

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Don't agree with the "companies will leave" excuse when it comes to justifying low wages. Really high personal taxation yes, people can and do run away from that. I've yet to see any proof that a decent minimum wage causes commercial flight.

I'd wager at there being a shit load more international investment in the high-skill, high-wage North/West European countries than elsewhere on the continent. Manufacturing seems to have been a bit of a race to the bottom since the advent of globalisation but does anyone honestly believe that if a wealthy marketplace like the UK regulated itself in terms of fair wages/working conditions etc - there would suddenly be nobody willing to operate cinemas, fast food restaurants, shops or any business that predominately hires folk on NMW? Not buying it myself.

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"Secede from the UK and join Scotland" is a misnomer as Scotland is in the UK. The correct term is secede from England.

Much like Cornish Nationalists want to secede out of England and make Cornwall a UK nation in its own right

You all know I would love Scotland to extend to somewhere south of Blackpool :lol:

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I never wanted salmond elected, but the more i read his comments the more i think he will contradict everything the snp have been saying about a vote for the snp is not a mandate for another indy vote,go on eck lets hear your roar.

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Quick question, all these disposed Scottish MPs who for many years have been claiming expenses on London flats (in a lot of cases including the furniture inside them), If they sell them, does the money go back into the public coffers or are they able to trouser the profit from the sale?

It would be fantastic propaganda for the SNP to rent a fairly scummy tower block with easy tube links to Westminster for all their MPs to stay in when in London, instead of posh Knightsbridge apartments and the like.

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I never wanted salmond elected, but the more i read his comments the more i think he will contradict everything the snp have been saying about a vote for the snp is not a mandate for another indy vote,go on eck lets hear your roar.

Salmond is head and shoulders above anything he will face down there, he'll troll the fcuk out of Westminster and the broadcasters without breaking sweat, his interview with Paxman was a thing of beauty that Cameron and Co can't come near to.

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Going through some of the Scottish Labour who lost the other night, delighted to see Jimmy Hood getting put out on his arse. That is the man who said he would still be against Scottish independence even if it meant Scotland would be a better place.

Also backed a Team GB


Forgot about that, what a c**t!

Delighted he was booted.

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In reality though, much of the North is a sea of blue, while London, as usual, returned a Labour majority. The divide is between the big urban areas and the countryside/provincial towns rather than north/south.

You are going to have to define "much of the North". Looking at a results map, the NE is red, the NW is red and Yorkshire is Red.


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