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Scotland v Republic of Ireland

Lyle Lanley

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FWIW, the ones I can't be doing with are people born in Scotland that have such an *Irishness intensifies* upbringing that they actually hate Scotland, and even get cranky at the country of their birth becoming more progressive as second generation foreigners identify as Scottish rather than trying to keep a divide going from generation to generation (hiya George Galloway, hiya pal). I have no idea if McGeady is like that though, so I can't really judge.

Even booing him when he plays Scotland I get. It's like booing someone who moves from your club to a rival, it's totally irrational but ultimately it's harmless. Anyone who cares beyond that level needs to have a look at themselves.

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History has shown us time and time again you can't force an identity on people.

If he sees himself as Irish, who cares. He said from the outset he wanted to play for the Republic. It's not as if he came through the Scottish set up then changes his mind at the last moment.

Pointing out that the poster who talked about his wife being Irish and bringing them up as Irish and scots was not relevant to McGeady's situation.

Also McGeady could not be brought through the Scottish Schools set up.

Celtic would not let him play for his school team.

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Just read a friend of mine on FB describe himself as African in a post on racism, even though he was born and raised in Essex.

BRB, away to tell him he isn't African with a few African stereotypes thrown in to increase the banter.

How is Fash these days?

In fairness to him, you'd claim affinity to literally anywhere else rather than by labelled an Essex man.

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Would it be racist to suggest wesley snipes does not look chinese? considering it is possible for

I bet you would moan if someone said groundskeeper Willie looks scottish. You would hit out with all sorts.




To think it is an outrageous statement to say the scots and irish look the same is absurd

Oh my.What the f**k is this pile of turds?

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A few noting points though, am

I the only one that finds it absolutely cringeworthy that we booed nearly every song they sang? It's one thing to boo FoA etc because your warped mind instantly associates it with Celtic (who Scotland weren't playing btw) but I heard chorus of boos towards towards Galway Girl of all things. I doubt Loch Lomand will be met by many boos when every pub in Dublin is playing it in June. Perhaps a petty annoyance, but one nonetheless. The other was the couple of anti-Irish comments my mrs did endure weren't from people from Glasgow or the West. It was all stuff like "typical weegie supporting that filth". Why would you automatically assume someone with an Irish flag was a "plastic" instead of actually being Irish. I think these people just hate the Old Firm more than they hate "plastics" or "wannabe Brits"

Is it not obvious that songs that are sung by Celtic fans are obviously going to get booed in a game involving Scotland though? I'd fully expect the same thing to happen if for example we played Northern Ireland and their fans started singing songs Rangers fans sing. Regarding the latter, I have no idea if they do this or not but my point is that the attempt by some on here to interpret the booing of certain songs sung on friday as being 'anti-irish' is completely ridiculous.

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Soooooooooooooooooooooo getting back to fitba, 11 changes for Ireland tonight & a more creative line-up & we pish all over USA 4-1. MON just got the selection all wrong on Friday, picked a team to win a battle no a euro qualifier. We'll have learned from this for June. COYBIG!

Ireland are definitely not out of that group and their 4 games at home. It annoys me the way that some of the thickos on here are slagging them off when they could quite easily hammer us at the Aviva. The fact that they can beat a decent team by that kind of margin shows they have players that can do serious damage

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Ireland are definitely not out of that group and their 4 games at home. It annoys me the way that some of the thickos on here are slagging them off when they could quite easily hammer us at the Aviva. The fact that they can beat a decent team by that kind of margin shows they have players that can do serious damage

Ireland are fucking shite.

Hammer us at the aviva :lol:

Kk m8

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In my experience most people who actually live in ROI do not have a hint of sectarian in their actions. This seems to be prevalent in small pockets of North Dublin, north ireland and particularly the plastic paddys in West of Scotland.

100% my experience also. The type to whinge on about oppression are not only tiny in numbers but the subject of slaggings by everyone else. The likes of George Galloway can barely be found in RoI, which makes it all the more pathetic that a c**t from Dundee carries on with that shite.

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Ireland are definitely not out of that group and their 4 games at home. It annoys me the way that some of the thickos on here are slagging them off when they could quite easily hammer us at the Aviva. The fact that they can beat a decent team by that kind of margin shows they have players that can do serious damage

4-1 a good score but I believe that USA line up was piss weak.

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I think Ireland appear to have another fan on here :o He'll be along to discuss the "irony" of this tear stained post referendum post. I would point out it was in the "will you support Scotland thread"

I'm supporting Ireland. Ireland faced genuine resistance in the way of them being able to "be a nation again", but they went and did it because they knew they could do it. All we faced was the least convincing political campaign ever which basically said "careful now" and we shat our wee pants.

I hate how we think we're this proud wee quirky nation because we dress up in skirts and play the bagpipes, but when it comes to demanding the right to have our own powers and make politicians accountable to us (what being a nation should be about) we don't want it. I hope Scotland get pumped and Euro 2016 is for countries only.

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All the foaming Brit morons going on about him being a bigot, terrorist etc etc for not going along with the wanky poppy charade. Then he publishes a pretty reasonable, respectful and eloquent letter (almost certainly written by an agent or someone, but still) explaining his actions. Ouch. Lot of people didn't come out of that one looking too smart.

Exactly, wouldn't go in for that myself but really who cares.

I don't think anyone on here would have much complaints about James Morrison or Steven Fletcher calling themselves Scots, nor should they.

He's a bigot, terrorist sympathiser for the reasons i mentioned in the post to EGB. The poppy business was well in line with his previous "misdemeanours" and just confirmed he's an unreasonable, disrespectul attention seeker.

You're right with your "lot of people didn't come out of that one looking too smart line" though.

You are aware Mcclean existed prior to this year yeah?

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Maybe he (like me) objects to the circus around the poppy appeal for the exact opposite reason. I have no objection to the principle of supporting a charity that looks after soldiers who've been abandoned by the country they fought for (although I think the government should do that themselves), nor is the idea of remembering the lives of people who died in wars something I'm against. The reason I hate the poppy appeal song and dance is because most of the people who go for it seem to have no care at all for non-Brits who've died over the years in often pointless wars.

I hear all the time about how we should all respect the lives of our brave soldiers, but where is the British remembrance day for the deaths at the hands of the British empire which was responsible for more deaths than the Nazi's? What about the people who died in Ireland because Britain colonised it and violently tried to hold on to it? Even the potato famine was largely Britain's fault, where is our remembrance day for that? If we're asking each other to be extremely specific, please tell me exactly what you do to show remembrance for all those deaths? I'd bet it's f**k all, and yet you complain that McLean cares more about his countrymen's lives than the Brits? A big trend I've noticed with British nationalists is that they only care about their own, what better example is there than the poppy appeal and the nothing else appeal?

I never even gave an opinion on McLean as far as I'm aware? I just don't subscribe to the theory that anyone who doesn't wear the poppy is a big, bad evil b*****d. I'd never ever wear one, and whilst I'm giving an opinion on McLean I thought his open letter was a classy way of explaining his side of the story (not that it ever should've needed an explanation).

I have to agree with this.

Someone with Italian or Indian family supporting Italy or India wouldn't be sniffed at. I support Scotland over Ireland but I couldn't give less of a shit about others like me supporting Ireland. Folk need to get a fucking grip.

That's why I used the phrase "hardline". By hardline, I mean cunty.

Maybe he should have wrote a better letter if that's what he truly feels, it's quite apparant that he doesn't though.

You hate the poppy appeal song and dance?

"If we're asking each other to be extremely specific, please tell me exactly what you do to show remembrance for all those deaths? I'd bet it's f**k all, and yet you complain that McLean cares more about his countrymen's lives than the Brits? A big trend I've noticed with British nationalists is that they only care about their own, what better example is there than the poppy appeal and the nothing else appeal?"

Oh dear. You started the "extremely specific" patter btw..

You'd bet wrong, your audacity is astounding though and quite disrespectful.

You do know what it means to be a nationalist don't you? I think it's absolutely mental that you think you can state that "British nationalists" only care about their own, i'd suggest you look up the word nationalist and stop peddaling such nonsensical drivel. I think you're confusing patriotism with nationalism here but don't let that get in the way of your seeth.

"I just don't subscribe to the theory that anyone who doesn't wear the poppy is a big, bad evil b*****d. I'd never ever wear one, and whilst I'm giving an opinion on McLean I thought his open letter was a classy way of explaining his side of the story (not that it ever should've needed an explanation)."

Neither do i. I gave you a lot of reasons why i dislike James McLean after you asked me to elaborate. I'm not too interested in his attention seeking, "classy" (:lol:) letter. It appears that you didn't actually read my post or maybe you just saw the word "poppy" felt the hatred boil up and wanted a rant either way (why this was directed at me i'm struggling with) i can't often be bothered to discuss matters when people don't even read the post in which they're replying to for future reference.

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Even booing him when he plays Scotland I get. It's like booing someone who moves from your club to a rival, it's totally irrational but ultimately it's harmless. Anyone who cares beyond that level needs to have a look at themselves.

Effectively this. If you're booing him out of some actual rooted reason, you're probably a bit of a thicko. I booed him because I like booing. I'm really good at it. I booed our ref at Sunday league because he gave fouls against us. I booed my sister for buying pish trainers the other week.


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Effectively this. If you're booing him out of some actual rooted reason, you're probably a bit of a thicko. I booed him because I like booing. I'm really good at it. I booed our ref at Sunday league because he gave fouls against us. I booed my sister for buying pish trainers the other week.


How about people who claim to support Scotland but might not actually support them? in fact, they might not like the team very much?


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I think Ireland appear to have another fan on here :o He'll be along to discuss the "irony" of this tear stained post referendum post. I would point out it was in the "will you support Scotland thread"


I have to admit I forgot all about that.

Needless to say I changed my mind. It seemed unthinkable for me to be saying this right after the referendum, but I care more about the Scotland team now than I did before it. It makes no sense but hey, the heart wants what it wants. When Scotland v Ireland came round I was fully behind Scotland, as I said on here more than once. IIRC these sentiments weren't unique to me, but in the Scotland v Ireland match thread everyone was behind Scotland.

Did you really look through months and months of posts to find that btw? How on earth could that post have meant enough to you that you remembered it months later? :1eye

Maybe he should have wrote a better letter if that's what he truly feels, it's quite apparant that he doesn't though.

You hate the poppy appeal song and dance?

"If we're asking each other to be extremely specific, please tell me exactly what you do to show remembrance for all those deaths? I'd bet it's f**k all, and yet you complain that McLean cares more about his countrymen's lives than the Brits? A big trend I've noticed with British nationalists is that they only care about their own, what better example is there than the poppy appeal and the nothing else appeal?"

Oh dear. You started the "extremely specific" patter btw..

You'd bet wrong, your audacity is astounding though and quite disrespectful.

You do know what it means to be a nationalist don't you? I think it's absolutely mental that you think you can state that "British nationalists" only care about their own, i'd suggest you look up the word nationalist and stop peddaling such nonsensical drivel. I think you're confusing patriotism with nationalism here but don't let that get in the way of your seeth.

"I just don't subscribe to the theory that anyone who doesn't wear the poppy is a big, bad evil b*****d. I'd never ever wear one, and whilst I'm giving an opinion on McLean I thought his open letter was a classy way of explaining his side of the story (not that it ever should've needed an explanation)."

Neither do i. I gave you a lot of reasons why i dislike James McLean after you asked me to elaborate. I'm not too interested in his attention seeking, "classy" ( :lol:) letter. It appears that you didn't actually read my post or maybe you just saw the word "poppy" felt the hatred boil up and wanted a rant either way (why this was directed at me i'm struggling with) i can't often be bothered to discuss matters when people don't even read the post in which they're replying to for future reference.

What a load of pish.

I know what a nationalist is. If you want an example of the "there's no place for nationalism in 2014" piddle spouted by Better Together, getting all jingoistic about our brave boys but not giving a f**k about their own country killing more people than the Nazi's is a good start.

What is it you do then? How do you show respect for the people all over the world who died because of old Blighty?

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