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The Storms & Severe Weather Thread


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My father was at one time Chief Emergency Planning Officer for D&G.

There is an old photo of him in 70's or 80's in a rowing boat halfway up the Vennel, almost at the junction with Irish Street

Jesus, it didn't get quite that high today although it was a fair bit up the Vennel!

I remember one of the previous floods, possibly the one in 2009, someone decided to take a canoe or a kayak out in the evening after the Nith had burst its banks. The polis were less than impressed.

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Jesus, it didn't get quite that high today although it was a fair bit up the Vennel!

I remember one of the previous floods, possibly the one in 2009, someone decided to take a canoe or a kayak out in the evening after the Nith had burst its banks. The polis were less than impressed.

If I can get a copy of photo from my Mother I'll scan it for you.

I've certainly never seen the Nith so high.

Not sure if the Courier or Standard had a copy

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If I can get a copy of photo from my Mother I'll scan it for you.

I've certainly never seen the Nith so high.

Not sure if the Courier or Standard had a copy

I work at the Standard and there probably is a copy kicking around somewhere, but god knows where - the old copies are in the Ewart Library so it'll be buried in there.

Great fun trying to get tomorrow/Saturday's paper out as they cut the power last night and hadn't turned it back on. We ended up in the library while the subs etc had to go to Glasgow to lay out the pages. One of them was not very happy to put it mildly!

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On BBC that missing Kayaker from the river Findhorn yesterday, a body of 50 year old has been found. Rescue services were out risking there life for someone that went kayaking yesterday...

There was a fucking caravan getting carried down the Dee.

This is a person for the Darwin Awards

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On BBC that missing Kayaker from the river Findhorn yesterday, a body of 50 year old has been found. Rescue services were out risking there life for someone that went kayaking yesterday...

There was a fucking caravan getting carried down the Dee.

This is a person for the Darwin Awards

If they had found him on dry land would he still be a kayaker?

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A fair chunk of the A93 has gone missing...


To think that folk were going over what was probably a hanging bit of road. :wacko:


Here's what it looked like before, so that's a fair bit of bank that's been ripped away. :o

Streetview (not for Name That Toon for once)

Eta: for Facebookers on the Dumfries thing:


Edited by Hedgecutter
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Don't think Threave will be playing a home game any time soon.

Even the server's been washed away:

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