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Jim Murphy


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Have you ever been to Scarborough? Jesus.

Hey, at least you can go to the beach in Scarborough and pick up troglodytes.

That's what those crustacean fossils are called, right? You ken the ones I mean.

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That does remind me though - the history prize in our A level history class went to a girl who got fewer overall marks on the exam than another lassie in our class, although they both got A grades. The department took the decision because, while the lassie denied the award clearly worked very, very hard at all of her subjects and got a very good grade, she never once turned up to any history lessons for about 8 or so weeks prior to the exams starting, stopped doing practice questions she was asked to do etc. etc.

There may well be more to consider that fuzzy either lacked the self awareness at the time to realise, or isn't telling us - a student could well get great grades but be permanently late handing in homework/turning up to class, rude/condescending to other classmates or staff, constantly talking in class etc. that the faculty will take into consideration.

Nah, school prize givings since time immemorial have long been subject to all manner of skulduggery. I'm amazed Fuzzy is therefore upset about a matter so patently obvious to any schoolchild (yet strangely never the parents) - of course they're not "fair", they're not meant to be.

The private sector - especially minor private schools - will have a ridiculous long list of silverware to ensure that virtually everyone wins something for much the same reason even the most mammon orientated companies have idiotic prizegivings with plastic trophies or engraved glass blocks to appease the plebs into thinking the bosses cared a flying f**k about them. It's a way of keeping parents paying the fees by fooling them even the dumbest specimen can come out on top at something.

The state sector - especially after the abolition of the grammar schools - were a little later in being equally as overboard, but once sucking up to the great & good became part & parcel of ensuring the budget wasn't slashed by the local council or well-heeled parents/local companies would make generous donations to school funds (or pay for much needed equipment), they went down the same route, until now your average school prize giving takes longer to complete than a Royal Wedding.

Having companies or individuals sponsor trophies (usually with a discreat "donation" to school funds on top) meant an effective free photo opportunity (& therefore advert) for them in the local press - in which case, they'd hardly give the Cthulu Chartered Accountants Prize for Chemistry to the resident Vyvian Basterd lookalike no matter how outstanding his work, would they?

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A nice wee Laurel & Hardy museum in Ulverston though :)

Aye, I live about a 2 minute walk from it. Someone's painted a massive Stan Laurel on the side of the building that stares into your soul like some kind of beast from the depths of hell though.

Ulverston's a nice enough wee town.

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I know her, her family are complete and utter scumbags. Absolute vermin, no principles, careerist twats who give the SNP and independence a very bad name. Not overstating the mark to describe them as scum. They really would suit Labour much better.

Her Mum had some strings pulled to have an award at school given to her daughter, an award which by rights should have gone to me. No shit, not a word of a lie. I got much better marks than her daughter, best in the year, but she got the prize for that subject because her Mum intervened.

And she has been abusing her current position for years, no principles at all, totally self-interested disgrace of a careerist and no doubt expense fiddler. Talks down to people she considers beneath her and generally just swans around like we are all her subjects. The SNP should be getting people like that chased big time.

These are the sort of people who probably have only attached themselves to the SNP out of self-interest and advancement, they have no principles. Notice Kirsten only joined the SNP last year, and now is going to be an SNP MP, outrageous but very typical of them.

u ok ***? x x x

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I have also been to Barrow and can confirm it is an utter shitehole.

Fun fact - In my late teens I had a "fling" with a married milf from Barrow. She is probably it's best export.

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Biology for me. I was far and away the best pupil in the class - ffs I now have a degree and a doctorate in biochemistry! The teacher, Mr Beasley was the one who inspired me. Excellent guy.

Weeks before the end of term he left, replaced by Mr Haddow. Mr Haddow decided who was put forward for the award and chose a guy nicknamed Curriewanka (nickname by me, after this award). Why? No idea. Think he just chose someone at random.

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