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Jim Murphy


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Murph yon Kaye Adams this morning complaining that the economy in Britain was so bad his family were forced to emigrate to find work.

So where did his doting father take his precious family? Apartheid South Africa. Must give Jum a warm fuzzy feeling to know that his papa would help support the apartheid regime to ensure his family were fed.

I wondered about that. The original 'white settlers' (according to Africans). His family made a living from Apartheid apparently.

I'd like to see this probed more.

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Has any Labour leader ever run a worse campaign than Jim Murphy?

By contrast to this purely negative message, Nicola Sturgeon's argument that a vote for the SNP is a vote for Scotland's voice to be heard in Westminster, is both positive and difficult to argue against. Whatever the result next week Scotland is set to play a far bigger role in UK politics than it ever has done before. The sheer scale of bile poured on both Sturgeon and her party over recent weeks, is all the evidence you need of the influence they are set to have.

Says it all....


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I wondered about that. The original 'white settlers' (according to Africans). His family made a living from Apartheid apparently.

I'd like to see this probed more.

I don't think it matters why his dad moved the family to South Africa. Thing that bothers me is his tales of glue sniffing on Glasgow schemes when he was in South Africa between the ages of 12 and 18. I sniff shite.

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Interestingly, he claims to have left South Africa at 18 so he didn't need to serve in the Defence Force though it has been suggested that the conscription age at the time was 16.


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I would probably agree with that, I wasn't aware Salmond was doing the two roles tbh. Cannot see how anyone can manage both jobs at the same time. This, of course would apply to Murphy as well and seeing as he is terrible at his current job I would suggest 2 is a stretch too far for him. He will be fortunate just to save his seat in just over a weeks time.

If you are on the front bench your going to be limited in the work you can do in your constituency anyway. Or if your MP is the speaker or Sinn Fein your MP does nothing for you. Plenty of people are without active representation in parliament and it hasn't been a problem.

I wonder if Jim will fight a constituency in the Holyrood elections or just stick his name at the top of the Glasgow list.

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I see the knives are out for Jim already with former MPs and NEC members saying he has to go after next week.

What is the shortest ever leadership tenure?

Was he even wanted to begin with?

Remember he done his Irn Bru crate tour on his own as the branch office didn't want to be associated with him

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Read a bit on Wikipedia about Murphy's predecessor in East Renfrewshire.

Stewart was forced to resign his ministerial post after an incident in February 1995 when he brandished a pickaxe at demonstrators. Stewart was hospitalised, in Dykebar Hospital, Paisley, after suffering a nervous breakdown in March 1997.

Stay strong, Jim.

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Muttering campaign against Jim... knives are out for him. Just like his auld scheme...



Knives out for Jim Murphy as poll suggests wipeout for Scottish Labour Scottish Labour MP calls on Mr Murphy to resign as muttering campaign against leader begins as poll indicates SNP on course to win every seat in Scotland
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You can normally tell from the reaction of opposition goons how they feel about someone. So from that point of view, the NCC are a bit worried about Murphy. It will be the first time that Labour have had a leader with any ability whatsoever since Dewars days and they have an untried leader themselves as well as losing the one politician they had who was actually fairly able.

The late Reynard from page one of this thread.

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