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You say hatchet job, are the scenarios not based on actual kipper policies?

I'm no lover of UKIP, but it does look like a bit of a hatchet job. I only happened across the programme when it was halfway through. I can't see me searching it out to watch it from the start on 4OD, but the impression I got was 'hatchet job'. Saw that some UKIP bod had used the exact same expression. Good to know that's the level I'm on. Grubbing it with the common man.

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Old people vote UKIP? "What is the mark of an intelligent mind in our day and age? When we think of intelligent people, we may have been conditioned to envision them in a library somewhere studying. We associate intelligence with social reservation and good behaviour."

Indeed. We assume intelligent people are more likely to think before they act. But even a decadent culture can promote negative social behaviors.

"But what if the opposite were true? What if the ones who are most intelligent are engaging in behaviours grandma and grandpa wouldnt approve of? Times have changed, and people who have a higher intelligence arent always interested in studying and following the rules."

Notice the language? Notice the ageism? We aren't a fan of 'ism's here but ageism is prominent throughout our culture. Generational tension is a unique modern phenomenon, by design, of course. The arrogance of youth has been the standard of all ages but the wisdom of the elders has also remained consistent in reminding its youth that they are still naive and have more to learn. While cultures have changed over time, these changes took place over many many centuries, during which the elders were always respected. Now we are told here explicitly that ignoring the advice of our elders is 'intelligent'. "Who cares about rules or Order? Lets do what we want no matter the consequences!" Modern youth lives in a bubble told they are the generation of progress that can do no wrong, fed on a diet of special snowflake cereal.

"This may sound a bit shocking, but a series of studies have come out showing that intelligent people stay up later, do more drugs, and have more sex. The people in our society who have the highest IQs are noctural and enjoy indulging in drugs and sex more often than people with a lower IQ."

The author makes this sound like a good thing.

"In a study published in Personality and Individual Differences, researchers proposed the hypothesis that people who are of high intelligence will be drawn to evolutionarily novel behaviours. Novel behaviours (new behaviours) are thought to be evolutionary advantageous because they expand our problem solving ability and provide us with new knowledge we can use to improve our lives. Its kind of like natures way of pushing itself to evolve and create something new."

How is less sleep, drug addiction & wanton sexual promiscuity an evolutionary advantage? These progressives always talk about 'evolution' like it's a living breathing organism. In its simplicity, evolution is a genetic mutation which give one an advantage in a specific environment which allows them a greater access to resources which allow them to have more children. Their children who have this advantage also breed more and so on. It's not complicated, it's not nature mildly nudging the species with a wink and a nod. It's simply a genetic mutation with an advantage over those without.

Society and culture has played its part in molding these advantages. But modern Western society has deemed these advantages a privilege. They will deny these advantages of higher intelligence even exist and further claim we are all equally capable.

How do any of these 'novel' behaviors promote better problem solving? Stress harms us, drugs debilitate our brain functions and promiscuous sex leads to more disease. It doesn't even lead to more children because anti-promiscuous societies far out breed the openly sexual ones. Do 'intelligent' progressives even breed? Not compared to the supposedly 'stupid' masses who aren't intelligent. So who has the real evolutionary advantage? If real evolution is simply an advantage which allows someone to have more children, then this 'novel' behavior is dysfunctional. It's similar to the 'intellectual' atheist who smear Christians and religious people but who breeds more? Not the atheists.

"They found that intelligent people are not only more likely to be liberal and free thinkers,"

Loaded terms. Open mindedness is term related to Enlightenment propaganda which was used to claim Religion was anti-science and anti-free thought. Many times we will be called close minded or even brainwashed. But who brainwashed us? What institutions support our ideals? Many state prohibit our thoughts and outright ban them. Education teaches the youth that Fascist or reactionary ideals are inherently evil. Education promotes Liberal ideals so it's obvious while our more intelligent youth will sympathize with them when they only hear one side. Its safe to assume that anyone who commits to Fascist ideals has to have a curious enough mind to search for alternative information which led to embracing them. The Fascist is the ultimate dissident.

This is another part of our motto.

"What they call an Open Mind is a closed one."

"A National Child Development study reported on in Psychology Today, people who have high IQs both in childhood and adulthood are much more likely to experiment with psychoactive drugs than people with low IQs. Why? Because psychoactive drugs are evolutionarily novel and different from the general behaviour of our ancestors."

That's right. Do drugs. 'Evolution' tells us to. Never mind the long lasting effects or lowering of brain functions. Rather than copying our ancestors success which built the world we now live in, we should apparently do the opposite and spend our time baked or wasted because it will help us solve problems. Drugs have never solved problems. All they have ever done is hide them. "If life is awful, if it doesn't fulfill, just do drugs. Live in illusion." That is the modern western solution to struggle.

I think that the ability to engage in an open sex life comes with the abilities of introspection and logical thought, and those require some level of intelligence. If were talking about an open sex life that comes from an emotionally healthy place, sexual morals are mostly made up anyway and intelligent people can rationalize past themHigh-achievers aim for excellence in all areas of their life, so it makes sense that achieving sexual happiness is one of their goals.

Sexual morals are mostly made up? How open minded! Sexual morality has differed but its core view has remained the same in almost all cultures throughout history. Promiscuity isn't healthy. Stable relationships are. Homosexuality among the masses is unhealthy.

These morals were not simply made up. They were enforced because it creates a healthier civilization. Patriarchal marriage promotes more children, better decision making for those children which creates better workers and soldiers. It also helps build stable communities which value their culture, territory and tribe.

"This is quite the significant sociological finding. Students studying at the worlds most elite universities also spend the most money on sex toys. It also appears that the more prestigious the university, the more students have sex."

It's become quite clear where this behavior begins and why. Higher education and wealth equals less motivation and less struggle. It promotes decadence.

"What does this all mean? Correlation does not imply causation. This does not mean that staying up late, doing drugs, and experimenting with sex toys makes you more intelligent. But it seems to be the case that people who naturally have a higher degree of intelligence partake in these activities naturally because they are drawn to them. Maybe it is because of their openmindedness, their desire to expand their mind and their experience, or a biological urge to experiment with something novel."

This is not down to open mindedness. The answer to why all of this is occurring is quite simple. People with a higher intelligence have a higher likelihood of being in higher education. Higher education has become an incentivized hotbed of debauchery and decadence. Rather than being the gender divided establishments of learning that they once were. It's become a hollywood driven rite of passage where drug use, partying and sex are the cultural norm. Anyone who doesn't partake is socially ostracized and the educational establishment promotes this behavior.

This isn't a sexually deprived misogynistic outburst. Sex has never been an issue. In actual fact, sex is more widely available than ever before. If you are physically fit and confident, the world of women can be at your fingertips. You can have a revolving door of women if you would like. But the passing pleasantry of a good woman will not fulfill the primal desire for a long term companion and children.

The modern woman does not seek family. The large number of sexual partners will make it near impossible to have a long term relationship. Even if married, Divorce is almost inevitable and in most cases, it is pursued by the woman giving her total dominance over the mans genetic and material investments.

In conclusion. The article is typical progressive pseudo science which fails to point out the progressive educational establishment is turning our intelligent youth into mindless, drug addicted adults who will never have fulfilling lasting relationships that create productive new citizens.

Idiocracy is the establishment goal. Incentivized irresponsibility is the method.

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Old people vote UKIP? "What is the mark of an intelligent mind in our day and age? When we think of intelligent people, we may have been conditioned to envision them in a library somewhere studying. We associate intelligence with social reservation and good behaviour."

Indeed. We assume intelligent people are more likely to think before they act. But even a decadent culture can promote negative social behaviors.

"But what if the opposite were true? What if the ones who are most intelligent are engaging in behaviours grandma and grandpa wouldnt approve of? Times have changed, and people who have a higher intelligence arent always interested in studying and following the rules."

Notice the language? Notice the ageism? We aren't a fan of 'ism's here but ageism is prominent throughout our culture. Generational tension is a unique modern phenomenon, by design, of course. The arrogance of youth has been the standard of all ages but the wisdom of the elders has also remained consistent in reminding its youth that they are still naive and have more to learn. While cultures have changed over time, these changes took place over many many centuries, during which the elders were always respected. Now we are told here explicitly that ignoring the advice of our elders is 'intelligent'. "Who cares about rules or Order? Lets do what we want no matter the consequences!" Modern youth lives in a bubble told they are the generation of progress that can do no wrong, fed on a diet of special snowflake cereal.

"This may sound a bit shocking, but a series of studies have come out showing that intelligent people stay up later, do more drugs, and have more sex. The people in our society who have the highest IQs are noctural and enjoy indulging in drugs and sex more often than people with a lower IQ."

The author makes this sound like a good thing.

"In a study published in Personality and Individual Differences, researchers proposed the hypothesis that people who are of high intelligence will be drawn to evolutionarily novel behaviours. Novel behaviours (new behaviours) are thought to be evolutionary advantageous because they expand our problem solving ability and provide us with new knowledge we can use to improve our lives. Its kind of like natures way of pushing itself to evolve and create something new."

How is less sleep, drug addiction & wanton sexual promiscuity an evolutionary advantage? These progressives always talk about 'evolution' like it's a living breathing organism. In its simplicity, evolution is a genetic mutation which give one an advantage in a specific environment which allows them a greater access to resources which allow them to have more children. Their children who have this advantage also breed more and so on. It's not complicated, it's not nature mildly nudging the species with a wink and a nod. It's simply a genetic mutation with an advantage over those without.

Society and culture has played its part in molding these advantages. But modern Western society has deemed these advantages a privilege. They will deny these advantages of higher intelligence even exist and further claim we are all equally capable.

How do any of these 'novel' behaviors promote better problem solving? Stress harms us, drugs debilitate our brain functions and promiscuous sex leads to more disease. It doesn't even lead to more children because anti-promiscuous societies far out breed the openly sexual ones. Do 'intelligent' progressives even breed? Not compared to the supposedly 'stupid' masses who aren't intelligent. So who has the real evolutionary advantage? If real evolution is simply an advantage which allows someone to have more children, then this 'novel' behavior is dysfunctional. It's similar to the 'intellectual' atheist who smear Christians and religious people but who breeds more? Not the atheists.

"They found that intelligent people are not only more likely to be liberal and free thinkers,"

Loaded terms. Open mindedness is term related to Enlightenment propaganda which was used to claim Religion was anti-science and anti-free thought. Many times we will be called close minded or even brainwashed. But who brainwashed us? What institutions support our ideals? Many state prohibit our thoughts and outright ban them. Education teaches the youth that Fascist or reactionary ideals are inherently evil. Education promotes Liberal ideals so it's obvious while our more intelligent youth will sympathize with them when they only hear one side. Its safe to assume that anyone who commits to Fascist ideals has to have a curious enough mind to search for alternative information which led to embracing them. The Fascist is the ultimate dissident.

This is another part of our motto.

"What they call an Open Mind is a closed one."

"A National Child Development study reported on in Psychology Today, people who have high IQs both in childhood and adulthood are much more likely to experiment with psychoactive drugs than people with low IQs. Why? Because psychoactive drugs are evolutionarily novel and different from the general behaviour of our ancestors."

That's right. Do drugs. 'Evolution' tells us to. Never mind the long lasting effects or lowering of brain functions. Rather than copying our ancestors success which built the world we now live in, we should apparently do the opposite and spend our time baked or wasted because it will help us solve problems. Drugs have never solved problems. All they have ever done is hide them. "If life is awful, if it doesn't fulfill, just do drugs. Live in illusion." That is the modern western solution to struggle.

I think that the ability to engage in an open sex life comes with the abilities of introspection and logical thought, and those require some level of intelligence. If were talking about an open sex life that comes from an emotionally healthy place, sexual morals are mostly made up anyway and intelligent people can rationalize past themHigh-achievers aim for excellence in all areas of their life, so it makes sense that achieving sexual happiness is one of their goals.

Sexual morals are mostly made up? How open minded! Sexual morality has differed but its core view has remained the same in almost all cultures throughout history. Promiscuity isn't healthy. Stable relationships are. Homosexuality among the masses is unhealthy.

These morals were not simply made up. They were enforced because it creates a healthier civilization. Patriarchal marriage promotes more children, better decision making for those children which creates better workers and soldiers. It also helps build stable communities which value their culture, territory and tribe.

"This is quite the significant sociological finding. Students studying at the worlds most elite universities also spend the most money on sex toys. It also appears that the more prestigious the university, the more students have sex."

It's become quite clear where this behavior begins and why. Higher education and wealth equals less motivation and less struggle. It promotes decadence.

"What does this all mean? Correlation does not imply causation. This does not mean that staying up late, doing drugs, and experimenting with sex toys makes you more intelligent. But it seems to be the case that people who naturally have a higher degree of intelligence partake in these activities naturally because they are drawn to them. Maybe it is because of their openmindedness, their desire to expand their mind and their experience, or a biological urge to experiment with something novel."

This is not down to open mindedness. The answer to why all of this is occurring is quite simple. People with a higher intelligence have a higher likelihood of being in higher education. Higher education has become an incentivized hotbed of debauchery and decadence. Rather than being the gender divided establishments of learning that they once were. It's become a hollywood driven rite of passage where drug use, partying and sex are the cultural norm. Anyone who doesn't partake is socially ostracized and the educational establishment promotes this behavior.

This isn't a sexually deprived misogynistic outburst. Sex has never been an issue. In actual fact, sex is more widely available than ever before. If you are physically fit and confident, the world of women can be at your fingertips. You can have a revolving door of women if you would like. But the passing pleasantry of a good woman will not fulfill the primal desire for a long term companion and children.

The modern woman does not seek family. The large number of sexual partners will make it near impossible to have a long term relationship. Even if married, Divorce is almost inevitable and in most cases, it is pursued by the woman giving her total dominance over the mans genetic and material investments.

In conclusion. The article is typical progressive pseudo science which fails to point out the progressive educational establishment is turning our intelligent youth into mindless, drug addicted adults who will never have fulfilling lasting relationships that create productive new citizens.

Idiocracy is the establishment goal. Incentivized irresponsibility is the method.

Tl; dr

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Old people vote UKIP? "What is the mark of an intelligent mind in our day and age? When we think of intelligent people, we may have been conditioned to envision them in a library somewhere studying. We associate intelligence with social reservation and good behaviour."

Indeed. We assume intelligent people are more likely to think before they act. But even a decadent culture can promote negative social behaviors.

"But what if the opposite were true? What if the ones who are most intelligent are engaging in behaviours grandma and grandpa wouldnt approve of? Times have changed, and people who have a higher intelligence arent always interested in studying and following the rules."

Notice the language? Notice the ageism? We aren't a fan of 'ism's here but ageism is prominent throughout our culture. Generational tension is a unique modern phenomenon, by design, of course. The arrogance of youth has been the standard of all ages but the wisdom of the elders has also remained consistent in reminding its youth that they are still naive and have more to learn. While cultures have changed over time, these changes took place over many many centuries, during which the elders were always respected. Now we are told here explicitly that ignoring the advice of our elders is 'intelligent'. "Who cares about rules or Order? Lets do what we want no matter the consequences!" Modern youth lives in a bubble told they are the generation of progress that can do no wrong, fed on a diet of special snowflake cereal.

"This may sound a bit shocking, but a series of studies have come out showing that intelligent people stay up later, do more drugs, and have more sex. The people in our society who have the highest IQs are noctural and enjoy indulging in drugs and sex more often than people with a lower IQ."

The author makes this sound like a good thing.

"In a study published in Personality and Individual Differences, researchers proposed the hypothesis that people who are of high intelligence will be drawn to evolutionarily novel behaviours. Novel behaviours (new behaviours) are thought to be evolutionary advantageous because they expand our problem solving ability and provide us with new knowledge we can use to improve our lives. Its kind of like natures way of pushing itself to evolve and create something new."

How is less sleep, drug addiction & wanton sexual promiscuity an evolutionary advantage? These progressives always talk about 'evolution' like it's a living breathing organism. In its simplicity, evolution is a genetic mutation which give one an advantage in a specific environment which allows them a greater access to resources which allow them to have more children. Their children who have this advantage also breed more and so on. It's not complicated, it's not nature mildly nudging the species with a wink and a nod. It's simply a genetic mutation with an advantage over those without.

Society and culture has played its part in molding these advantages. But modern Western society has deemed these advantages a privilege. They will deny these advantages of higher intelligence even exist and further claim we are all equally capable.

How do any of these 'novel' behaviors promote better problem solving? Stress harms us, drugs debilitate our brain functions and promiscuous sex leads to more disease. It doesn't even lead to more children because anti-promiscuous societies far out breed the openly sexual ones. Do 'intelligent' progressives even breed? Not compared to the supposedly 'stupid' masses who aren't intelligent. So who has the real evolutionary advantage? If real evolution is simply an advantage which allows someone to have more children, then this 'novel' behavior is dysfunctional. It's similar to the 'intellectual' atheist who smear Christians and religious people but who breeds more? Not the atheists.

"They found that intelligent people are not only more likely to be liberal and free thinkers,"

Loaded terms. Open mindedness is term related to Enlightenment propaganda which was used to claim Religion was anti-science and anti-free thought. Many times we will be called close minded or even brainwashed. But who brainwashed us? What institutions support our ideals? Many state prohibit our thoughts and outright ban them. Education teaches the youth that Fascist or reactionary ideals are inherently evil. Education promotes Liberal ideals so it's obvious while our more intelligent youth will sympathize with them when they only hear one side. Its safe to assume that anyone who commits to Fascist ideals has to have a curious enough mind to search for alternative information which led to embracing them. The Fascist is the ultimate dissident.

This is another part of our motto.

"What they call an Open Mind is a closed one."

"A National Child Development study reported on in Psychology Today, people who have high IQs both in childhood and adulthood are much more likely to experiment with psychoactive drugs than people with low IQs. Why? Because psychoactive drugs are evolutionarily novel and different from the general behaviour of our ancestors."

That's right. Do drugs. 'Evolution' tells us to. Never mind the long lasting effects or lowering of brain functions. Rather than copying our ancestors success which built the world we now live in, we should apparently do the opposite and spend our time baked or wasted because it will help us solve problems. Drugs have never solved problems. All they have ever done is hide them. "If life is awful, if it doesn't fulfill, just do drugs. Live in illusion." That is the modern western solution to struggle.

I think that the ability to engage in an open sex life comes with the abilities of introspection and logical thought, and those require some level of intelligence. If were talking about an open sex life that comes from an emotionally healthy place, sexual morals are mostly made up anyway and intelligent people can rationalize past themHigh-achievers aim for excellence in all areas of their life, so it makes sense that achieving sexual happiness is one of their goals.

Sexual morals are mostly made up? How open minded! Sexual morality has differed but its core view has remained the same in almost all cultures throughout history. Promiscuity isn't healthy. Stable relationships are. Homosexuality among the masses is unhealthy.

These morals were not simply made up. They were enforced because it creates a healthier civilization. Patriarchal marriage promotes more children, better decision making for those children which creates better workers and soldiers. It also helps build stable communities which value their culture, territory and tribe.

"This is quite the significant sociological finding. Students studying at the worlds most elite universities also spend the most money on sex toys. It also appears that the more prestigious the university, the more students have sex."

It's become quite clear where this behavior begins and why. Higher education and wealth equals less motivation and less struggle. It promotes decadence.

"What does this all mean? Correlation does not imply causation. This does not mean that staying up late, doing drugs, and experimenting with sex toys makes you more intelligent. But it seems to be the case that people who naturally have a higher degree of intelligence partake in these activities naturally because they are drawn to them. Maybe it is because of their openmindedness, their desire to expand their mind and their experience, or a biological urge to experiment with something novel."

This is not down to open mindedness. The answer to why all of this is occurring is quite simple. People with a higher intelligence have a higher likelihood of being in higher education. Higher education has become an incentivized hotbed of debauchery and decadence. Rather than being the gender divided establishments of learning that they once were. It's become a hollywood driven rite of passage where drug use, partying and sex are the cultural norm. Anyone who doesn't partake is socially ostracized and the educational establishment promotes this behavior.

This isn't a sexually deprived misogynistic outburst. Sex has never been an issue. In actual fact, sex is more widely available than ever before. If you are physically fit and confident, the world of women can be at your fingertips. You can have a revolving door of women if you would like. But the passing pleasantry of a good woman will not fulfill the primal desire for a long term companion and children.

The modern woman does not seek family. The large number of sexual partners will make it near impossible to have a long term relationship. Even if married, Divorce is almost inevitable and in most cases, it is pursued by the woman giving her total dominance over the mans genetic and material investments.

In conclusion. The article is typical progressive pseudo science which fails to point out the progressive educational establishment is turning our intelligent youth into mindless, drug addicted adults who will never have fulfilling lasting relationships that create productive new citizens.

Idiocracy is the establishment goal. Incentivized irresponsibility is the method.


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Old people vote UKIP? "What is the mark of an intelligent mind in our day and age? When we think of intelligent people, we may have been conditioned to envision them in a library somewhere studying. We associate intelligence with social reservation and good behaviour."

Indeed. We assume intelligent people are more likely to think before they act. But even a decadent culture can promote negative social behaviors.

"But what if the opposite were true? What if the ones who are most intelligent are engaging in behaviours grandma and grandpa wouldnt approve of? Times have changed, and people who have a higher intelligence arent always interested in studying and following the rules."

Notice the language? Notice the ageism? We aren't a fan of 'ism's here but ageism is prominent throughout our culture. Generational tension is a unique modern phenomenon, by design, of course. The arrogance of youth has been the standard of all ages but the wisdom of the elders has also remained consistent in reminding its youth that they are still naive and have more to learn. While cultures have changed over time, these changes took place over many many centuries, during which the elders were always respected. Now we are told here explicitly that ignoring the advice of our elders is 'intelligent'. "Who cares about rules or Order? Lets do what we want no matter the consequences!" Modern youth lives in a bubble told they are the generation of progress that can do no wrong, fed on a diet of special snowflake cereal.

"This may sound a bit shocking, but a series of studies have come out showing that intelligent people stay up later, do more drugs, and have more sex. The people in our society who have the highest IQs are noctural and enjoy indulging in drugs and sex more often than people with a lower IQ."

The author makes this sound like a good thing.

"In a study published in Personality and Individual Differences, researchers proposed the hypothesis that people who are of high intelligence will be drawn to evolutionarily novel behaviours. Novel behaviours (new behaviours) are thought to be evolutionary advantageous because they expand our problem solving ability and provide us with new knowledge we can use to improve our lives. Its kind of like natures way of pushing itself to evolve and create something new."

How is less sleep, drug addiction & wanton sexual promiscuity an evolutionary advantage? These progressives always talk about 'evolution' like it's a living breathing organism. In its simplicity, evolution is a genetic mutation which give one an advantage in a specific environment which allows them a greater access to resources which allow them to have more children. Their children who have this advantage also breed more and so on. It's not complicated, it's not nature mildly nudging the species with a wink and a nod. It's simply a genetic mutation with an advantage over those without.

Society and culture has played its part in molding these advantages. But modern Western society has deemed these advantages a privilege. They will deny these advantages of higher intelligence even exist and further claim we are all equally capable.

How do any of these 'novel' behaviors promote better problem solving? Stress harms us, drugs debilitate our brain functions and promiscuous sex leads to more disease. It doesn't even lead to more children because anti-promiscuous societies far out breed the openly sexual ones. Do 'intelligent' progressives even breed? Not compared to the supposedly 'stupid' masses who aren't intelligent. So who has the real evolutionary advantage? If real evolution is simply an advantage which allows someone to have more children, then this 'novel' behavior is dysfunctional. It's similar to the 'intellectual' atheist who smear Christians and religious people but who breeds more? Not the atheists.

"They found that intelligent people are not only more likely to be liberal and free thinkers,"

Loaded terms. Open mindedness is term related to Enlightenment propaganda which was used to claim Religion was anti-science and anti-free thought. Many times we will be called close minded or even brainwashed. But who brainwashed us? What institutions support our ideals? Many state prohibit our thoughts and outright ban them. Education teaches the youth that Fascist or reactionary ideals are inherently evil. Education promotes Liberal ideals so it's obvious while our more intelligent youth will sympathize with them when they only hear one side. Its safe to assume that anyone who commits to Fascist ideals has to have a curious enough mind to search for alternative information which led to embracing them. The Fascist is the ultimate dissident.

This is another part of our motto.

"What they call an Open Mind is a closed one."

"A National Child Development study reported on in Psychology Today, people who have high IQs both in childhood and adulthood are much more likely to experiment with psychoactive drugs than people with low IQs. Why? Because psychoactive drugs are evolutionarily novel and different from the general behaviour of our ancestors."

That's right. Do drugs. 'Evolution' tells us to. Never mind the long lasting effects or lowering of brain functions. Rather than copying our ancestors success which built the world we now live in, we should apparently do the opposite and spend our time baked or wasted because it will help us solve problems. Drugs have never solved problems. All they have ever done is hide them. "If life is awful, if it doesn't fulfill, just do drugs. Live in illusion." That is the modern western solution to struggle.

I think that the ability to engage in an open sex life comes with the abilities of introspection and logical thought, and those require some level of intelligence. If were talking about an open sex life that comes from an emotionally healthy place, sexual morals are mostly made up anyway and intelligent people can rationalize past themHigh-achievers aim for excellence in all areas of their life, so it makes sense that achieving sexual happiness is one of their goals.

Sexual morals are mostly made up? How open minded! Sexual morality has differed but its core view has remained the same in almost all cultures throughout history. Promiscuity isn't healthy. Stable relationships are. Homosexuality among the masses is unhealthy.

These morals were not simply made up. They were enforced because it creates a healthier civilization. Patriarchal marriage promotes more children, better decision making for those children which creates better workers and soldiers. It also helps build stable communities which value their culture, territory and tribe.

"This is quite the significant sociological finding. Students studying at the worlds most elite universities also spend the most money on sex toys. It also appears that the more prestigious the university, the more students have sex."

It's become quite clear where this behavior begins and why. Higher education and wealth equals less motivation and less struggle. It promotes decadence.

"What does this all mean? Correlation does not imply causation. This does not mean that staying up late, doing drugs, and experimenting with sex toys makes you more intelligent. But it seems to be the case that people who naturally have a higher degree of intelligence partake in these activities naturally because they are drawn to them. Maybe it is because of their openmindedness, their desire to expand their mind and their experience, or a biological urge to experiment with something novel."

This is not down to open mindedness. The answer to why all of this is occurring is quite simple. People with a higher intelligence have a higher likelihood of being in higher education. Higher education has become an incentivized hotbed of debauchery and decadence. Rather than being the gender divided establishments of learning that they once were. It's become a hollywood driven rite of passage where drug use, partying and sex are the cultural norm. Anyone who doesn't partake is socially ostracized and the educational establishment promotes this behavior.

This isn't a sexually deprived misogynistic outburst. Sex has never been an issue. In actual fact, sex is more widely available than ever before. If you are physically fit and confident, the world of women can be at your fingertips. You can have a revolving door of women if you would like. But the passing pleasantry of a good woman will not fulfill the primal desire for a long term companion and children.

The modern woman does not seek family. The large number of sexual partners will make it near impossible to have a long term relationship. Even if married, Divorce is almost inevitable and in most cases, it is pursued by the woman giving her total dominance over the mans genetic and material investments.

In conclusion. The article is typical progressive pseudo science which fails to point out the progressive educational establishment is turning our intelligent youth into mindless, drug addicted adults who will never have fulfilling lasting relationships that create productive new citizens.

Idiocracy is the establishment goal. Incentivized irresponsibility is the method.

You need to get out more

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