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Thats a large amount considering i have heard no scottish interest at all in the party

Their party hasn't much interest in Scotland either. Their leader here still lives in London, don't think he's lived in Scotland since he was a school boy.

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When it comes to the election though will a UKIP MP even be an option for all constituencies here?

Total waste of a deposit in my humble opinion. Scotland does have a centre right vote, Tories blew it but UKIP are not the answer .Maybe better off voting for Murphy

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Look on the brightside. The Treasury will appreciate the extra £20k.

I assume they reckon that because they got the MEP slot that they are somehow a big thing and that somehow can mount a challenge. The only good thing about them standing is they will dilute the Tory vote a wee bit

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They will get 3 or 4 MPs at most, all in Middle England, where bizarrely people are more concerned about immigration despite the fact many of them will never see anyone who isn't white and middle-class.

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He's a Londoner who represents Scotland in Europe.

Aye, he's a London antiques dealer. Obviously the right man to represent us. Obviously scared that some Slavs are gonna 'steal' his job an aw.

Wonder how many of Ukips candidates here are Scottish. Or are they 'immigrants' in a Scottish sense?

And, they've got yon lassie with the Spanish name. How did she get past Ukip's immigrant controls?

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Think UKIP could do better in Scottland than some of you seem to think. The niche they could go after is people who think Holyrood is a complete waste of time and should be scrapped, because many Conservative voters still see things that way and aren't really being catered to by Davidson and co. No chance FPTP with that posture but the regional list in Holyrood elections might just about be doable.

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The BNP got over a 1,000 votes there last time. That vote will probably go straight to UKIP.

Weird how anti immigrant parties sometimes do well in places where there are hardly any. Fear of the unknown I suppose. A Norwich pub used to be headquarters of the National Front when I went to University there. A few international students and the workforce of the Indian and Chinese restaurants comprised the immigrant population at the time. When I lived in Hackney in London the ratio was close to 50%. Extreme right wing parties barely got a vote.

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Slightly off-topic but Pegida are coming here. Hallelujah! We don't like Islamics cause they cover their faces... says this guardian of indigenous Brittishh culture...


Edited by AnCrùbag
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The New British Union's the party for you, smart uniform and they've already got an active cell in Elgin who have managed to infiltrate the local Motorcycle Club.

Here's a (lengthy) video showing how they established Elgin as Citadel 1 as the first British Fascist enclave:


National Action ftw I'm afraid.

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PEGIDA are just like the EDL, run by the Jew. Shame really.

The New British Union's the party for you, smart uniform and they've already got an active cell in Elgin who have managed to infiltrate the local Motorcycle Club and sneaked in a flag alongside the bypass protesters.

Here's a (lengthy) video showing how they established Elgin as Citadel 1 as the first British Fascist enclave:


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