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Your evidence for Coburn hating Scotland is UKIP's policy to ditch the Barnett formula and treat Scotland on par with Wales? I.E fairly. Most of what Coburn says is what most Scots agree with but are afraid or conditioned to vote against - cutting migration and eu vote especially.

You are deluded

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Most want immigration reduced and an eu vote, idiot.

And the only threat to the Barnett formula is Sturgeon, not Coburn. She is the anti Scottish candidate, a liar to boot as she won't admit what it will cost ordinary Scots by grabbing fiscal powers and losing the 32 billion from Westminster, her and her party are leading us to ruin.

Edited by Pete's Frontier
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Your evidence for Coburn hating Scotland is UKIP's policy to ditch the Barnett formula and treat Scotland on par with Wales? I.E fairly. Most of what Coburn says is what most Scots agree with but are afraid or conditioned to vote against - cutting migration and eu vote especially.

I think you may just be Coburn. Your ignorance of politics in the UK is very similar.

As an example - get rid of Barnett and get funded the same way as Wales. What is the name of the method used to fund Wales? (As a clue, the name starts with B and ends in T.) :rolleyes:

Edited by strichener
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I think you may just be Coburn. Your ignorance of politics in the UK is very similar.

As an example - get rid of Barnett and get funded the same way as Wales. What is the name of the method used to fund Wales? (As a clue, the name starts with B and ends in T.) :rolleyes:

Wales gets £9709 per head and Scotland £10,152. Those are the figures. Scotland gets more..

Your own ignorance is telling, you're another sheep.

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Most want immigration reduced and an eu vote, idiot.

And the only threat to the Barnett formula is Sturgeon, not Coburn. She is the anti Scottish candidate, a liar to boot as she won't admit what it will cost ordinary Scots by grabbing fiscal powers and losing the 32 billion from Westminster, her and her party are leading us to ruin.

That article doesn't mention an EU vote.
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And what tax do they each contribute?

Scotland. 7.2bn less than the Barnett formula and with oil 50% down... do the effin math.

And England gets £8,529 per head, almost £2k less. Just think about that and let the cogs turn in your head for a second: they have to pay for higher education fees, prescriptions, their NHS is a far worse state, housing in many areas unobtainable. This is what Sturgeon is going to lead us to. We are getting a good deal from England ffs, better than their people get and they bear the brunt of the migration.

Edited by Pete's Frontier
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7.2bn less than the Barnett formula and with oil 50% down... do the effin math.

And England gets £8,529 per head, almost £2k less. Just think about that and let the cogs turn in your head for a second: they have to pay for higher education fees, prescriptions, their NHS is a far worse state, housing in many areas unobtainable. This is what Sturgeon is going to lead us to. We are getting a good deal from England ffs, better than their people get and they bear the brunt of the migration.

Nice try, but I'll ask again in Simpler terms. How much tax has Scotland paid per head each year lets say for the past 10 years. How much has Wales paid per head each year for the last 10 years. Or even 5 years just to get a flavour of the contribution of each country for a fair comparison.

Just to add - any chance of answering without effing etc or are you incapable of a grown up debate

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Scotland. 7.2bn less than the Barnett formula and with oil 50% down... do the effin math.

And England gets £8,529 per head, almost £2k less. Just think about that and let the cogs turn in your head for a second: they have to pay for higher education fees, prescriptions, their NHS is a far worse state, housing in many areas unobtainable. This is what Sturgeon is going to lead us to. We are getting a good deal from England ffs, better than their people get and they bear the brunt of the migration.


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Scotland. 7.2bn less than the Barnett formula and with oil 50% down... do the effin math.

And England gets £8,529 per head, almost £2k less. Just think about that and let the cogs turn in your head for a second: they have to pay for higher education fees, prescriptions, their NHS is a far worse state, housing in many areas unobtainable. This is what Sturgeon is going to lead us to. We are getting a good deal from England ffs, better than their people get and they bear the brunt of the migration.

You're ignoring the fact that Scotland pays more in tax per head in England. We have far more rural communities where services are more expensive to provide. So we should get more funding per head.

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Your evidence for Coburn hating Scotland is UKIP's policy to ditch the Barnett formula and treat Scotland on par with Wales? I.E fairly. Most of what Coburn says is what most Scots agree with but are afraid or conditioned to vote against - cutting migration and eu vote especially.

Except Scotland contributes far more to the exchequer than Wales does. Indeed, it contributes more than the UK average per head of population. Add these facts to the geographical make-up of Scotland and that is the reason why there is higher public spending - not because of "English subsidies". England cannot afford to subsidise a fucking thing, you utter clownshoe.

Thanks for playing anyway.

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The gap is 125

Except Scotland contributes far more to the exchequer than Wales does. Indeed, it contributes more than the UK average per head of population. Add these facts to the geographical make-up of Scotland and that is the reason why there is higher public spending - not because of "English subsidies". England cannot afford to subsidise a fucking thing, you utter clownshoe.

Thanks for playing anyway

You are full of it , just like your new outfit per day heroine. 25bn raised, given 32bn by Westminster. Oil price down 50%. 7bn to be raised by tax rises and loans by Sturgeon.

Thanks for being a sheep.

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Your evidence for Coburn hating Scotland is UKIP's policy to ditch the Barnett formula and treat Scotland on par with Wales? I.E fairly. Most of what Coburn says is what most Scots agree with but are afraid or conditioned to vote against - cutting migration and eu vote especially.

No, it isn't. It was the tone he used and the look on his face when he talked about what "Scotland" has to do. Contrasting that to the way Harvie spoke the night before, talking about we in Scotland or here in Scotland. It came across as Coburn having a dislike/disdain for us.

I am quite sure most Scots don't agree with what he has to say, no 1 being their appalling use of immigration. Coburn kept saying there were a large no of sham marriages to get passports but had no idea (until told by Ponsonby) how many marriages were between Brits and other nationals nor how many were considered to be sham. How can you claim there is too much of something if you can't even tell them what the figures are? Elementary mistake, Coburn's interview was cringeworthy stuff.

Edited by Jambomo
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Wales gets £9709 per head and Scotland £10,152. Those are the figures. Scotland gets more..

Your own ignorance is telling, you're another sheep.

You are a simpleton. You call for the scrapping of Barnett so that Scotland is funded the same as Wales. Wales are also funded through the Barnett.

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