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Most want immigration reduced and an eu vote, idiot.

And the only threat to the Barnett formula is Sturgeon, not Coburn. She is the anti Scottish candidate, a liar to boot as she won't admit what it will cost ordinary Scots by grabbing fiscal powers and losing the 32 billion from Westminster, her and her party are leading us to ruin.

The UKIP closet racist are harping on about the Australian system of immigration as the greatest thing in the world and how we should take our lead from them...I wonder if they know Australia is the 3rd biggest resettler of refugees in the world too?

They dont mention that bit.

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The UKIP closet racist are harping on about the Australian system of immigration as the greatest thing in the world and how we should take our lead from them...I wonder if they know Australia is the 3rd biggest resettler of refugees in the world too?They dont mention that bit.

I expect they don't know. If there is one thing UKIP appear to be, it's completely Ill-informed.

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BBC poll last week, 6.1 out of 10 want eu vote, over 1000 polled. Only 4.0 give a shit about trident that Sturgeon is pathological about.

Like immigration, the EU, is another bogeyman created by the right-wing media and their millionaire owners and eagerly propagated by desperate right-wing parties from Labour to Ukip.

Facts are:

- many or most of us are either the children or grand-children of immigrants or are married/ going out with one. That's aside from the fact that we need immigrants to do a whole range of jobs from menial tattie howking to brain surgery. Many of us may work for foreign companies too. And then there's the clubs we support. When was the last time Hibs played a team consisting of 'pure' Scottish players? Or are there different rules for fitba teams? Hypocrisy, again.

- the EU is great. Most Brits love the ease of travel. Farage wants to stop migration but seeks more freedom for his banker pals and their filthy money. Hypocrite.

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Like immigration, the EU, is another bogeyman created by the right-wing media and their millionaire owners and eagerly propagated by desperate right-wing parties from Labour to Ukip.

Facts are:

- many or most of us are either the children or grand-children of immigrants or are married/ going out with one. That's aside from the fact that we need immigrants to do a whole range of jobs from menial tattie howking to brain surgery. Many of us may work for foreign companies too. And then there's the clubs we support. When was the last time Hibs played a team consisting of 'pure' Scottish players? Or are there different rules for fitba teams? Hypocrisy, again.

- the EU is great. Most Brits love the ease of travel. Farage wants to stop migration but seeks more freedom for his banker pals and their filthy money. Hypocrite.

I was nodding along until this bit.

Its a horribly costly and undemocratic bureaucracy. Its a neo-liberal bastion and is therefore loved by those bankers in the city. But leaving would be pretty stupid at this point.

I'm not sure how we fix it but Farage and his band of right-wing morons are definitely not the answer.

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The gap is 125

You are full of it , just like your new outfit per day heroine. 25bn raised, given 32bn by Westminster. Oil price down 50%. 7bn to be raised by tax rises and loans by Sturgeon.

Thanks for being a sheep.

So, care to answer the question I asked earlier. Or does the answer not suit your narrative? Edited by oddly optomistic
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Your evidence for Coburn hating Scotland is UKIP's policy to ditch the Barnett formula and treat Scotland on par with Wales? I.E fairly. Most of what Coburn says is what most Scots agree with but are afraid or conditioned to vote against - cutting migration and eu vote especially.

Well that and when he told us Scotland would be "nothing" without the rest of Britain and said Edinburgh is the Athens of the North.

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Maybe I'm missing something here but I really can't understand the amount of publicity that UKIP seem to be receiving.

The most seats I've seen them predicted to take is 3. They are irrelevant.

Yet they seem to be considered as a mainstream party now? Farage is never off the TV.

I don't get it..

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Maybe I'm missing something here but I really can't understand the amount of publicity that UKIP seem to be receiving.

The most seats I've seen them predicted to take is 3. They are irrelevant.

Yet they seem to be considered as a mainstream party now? Farage is never off the TV.

I don't get it..

Partly due to BBC fears of being labelled right wing. The rest of the media follow.

Add to this Farage is pretty box office as far as they're concerned.

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"I'm voting UKIP to support Pakistani Christians" sounds like something from Brass Eye.

Much like the things Pete's Frontier is saying sounds like it comes straight out of his brown eye?

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This is a great article from James Meek about the election battle in Grimsby.

It details why some solid socialists and ex-Labour longtermers have turned to UKIP in seats like this; and that UKIP is pretty much a flag of convenience for local discontent of any flavour.

Interestingly the local party, according to Meek, is split right down the middle between right wing populists and ex Labour folk who can't stomach the fact that they suspect their candidate of being a closet racist.

very, very good analysis. a very long article but worth sticking with as it reveals the internal contradictions of UKIP, their opportunism, and their very diverse groups of supporters.

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Maybe I'm missing something here but I really can't understand the amount of publicity that UKIP seem to be receiving.

The most seats I've seen them predicted to take is 3. They are irrelevant.

Yet they seem to be considered as a mainstream party now? Farage is never off the TV.

I don't get it..

To be fair they did win the last national test of public opinion.

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But Scotland pays far more tax per head of population than Wales. Are you forgetting that Scottish people also pay tax... you little englander

I'm not keen on this line of the argument. Fair enough using it in an independence debate, but there isn't really any reason why when the UK government pools all of it's tax revenue, every country should get out what it put in. In fact there is almost no precedent for that (Again, fair enough if you're arguing it as a reason why the union doesn't benefit Scotland, but it's not a defence of the Barnett formula)

The correct argument for retention of the Barnett formula is that public spending should be based on need. To put it plainly, Scottish people need more money spent on them just to be "equal" in terms of services. Scotland is about 1/3 of the United Kingdom in terms of area, but is less than 10% of the UK in terms of population. We are far more spread out than England, thus we need more money to be spent on us per head. Otherwise we'd all be driving 100 miles to get to our nearest school or hospital.

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Maybe I'm missing something here but I really can't understand the amount of publicity that UKIP seem to be receiving.

The most seats I've seen them predicted to take is 3. They are irrelevant.

Yet they seem to be considered as a mainstream party now? Farage is never off the TV.

I don't get it..

It is absolutely mental. The "anti-establishment" man was active in the Tory party until 1992, and his campaign against the EU is, imho, somewhat discredited by the fact he's been a member of the European Parliament for the last 16 years - I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that he's not there for free. An absolute cúnt of a self-serving racist tw@t.

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