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Coburn :1eye


A Ukip candidate has been banned from editing Wikipedia after he made nearly 70 alteration to his own page in six days.

Is the Scottish UKIP leader really called

Arthur Misty Thackeray. .......????

Sounds like something a CAMRA person would order in an English pub, and get served some warm unpalatable headless crap

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They can't take a joke the 'Kippers. They inundated Private Eye with complaints when they ran a cartoon ripping them. Ram it you moany c***s.

Apparently Coburn has been banned from editing his Wikipedia page after updating it too often :lol:

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How anybody with any semblance of rationality voted for or intends to vote for Coburn and co is beyond me.

It seems (45 minutes in) that the imperialist British state has been bringing law and peace to the world for 300 years and the stasi SNP are going to have a spy in every home.


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If Farage loses in Thanet, it's all over for UKIP. I think he's a good leader of an abhorrent party, so I'll be hoping for the Tories to take that one.

The SNP have been killing them, prior to the collapse of Labour up here all the media attention for this election would have been on UKIP.

Remember for years you could barely turn on the TV without seeing Nigel or hearing about how UKIP are going to take over the world

Now, you barely hear a peep about them. It's all about the SNP

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Turns out the Perth and North Perthshire candidate is also standing in Peterborough, is that even possible?

Yes, Commander Bill Boaks stood on three seats - Streatham, City of London and Wimbledon - in February 1974 simply to prove you could do it, and Thomas Leslie Keen of the so-called Campaign For A More Prosperous Britain stood in ten in the October 1974 general election whilst another CMPB candidate Harold Smith stood in twelve I think in 1979 (before you ask, the CMPB was an anti-left wing tactical voting campaign using the free leaflet drop all political candidates are allowed at election times to tell people to vote for the candidate in their constituency best positioned to unseat the Labour MP).

The last multi-seat candidature was Screaming Lord Sutch in 1992, standing against all three of the main party leaders (Major, Kinnock and Ashdown) so he'd have stood in enough seats to overtake Boaks' long standing record for the most elections fought. This was also the election the Greens got themselves into trouble for a campaign encouraging students to vote for them twice using a postal ballot for their home address whilst posting in person at their term time one (a loophole still not closed surprisingly).

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Yes, Commander Bill Boaks stood on three seats - Streatham, City of London and Wimbledon - in February 1974 simply to prove you could do it, and Thomas Leslie Keen of the so-called Campaign For A More Prosperous Britain stood in ten in the October 1974 general election whilst another CMPB candidate Harold Smith stood in twelve I think in 1979 (before you ask, the CMPB was an anti-left wing tactical voting campaign using the free leaflet drop all political candidates are allowed at election times to tell people to vote for the candidate in their constituency best positioned to unseat the Labour MP).

The last multi-seat candidature was Screaming Lord Sutch in 1992, standing against all three of the main party leaders (Major, Kinnock and Ashdown) so he'd have stood in enough seats to overtake Boaks' long standing record for the most elections fought. This was also the election the Greens got themselves into trouble for a campaign encouraging students to vote for them twice using a postal ballot for their home address whilst posting in person at their term time one (a loophole still not closed surprisingly).

What happens if someone stands in multiple seats and wins more than one seat?

Are they allowed to be an MP for two separate constituencies?

Would they be entitled to two salaries?

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What happens if someone stands in multiple seats and wins more than one seat?

Are they allowed to be an MP for two separate constituencies?

Would they be entitled to two salaries?

In practice, all they would do is resign one seat & a by-election would be fought.

In theory however it is more difficult due to the antiquated system in place. An MP wishing to resign has to either die, be imprisoned for a financial crime or treason, or "take the Chiltern Hundreds" - that is apply to become Crown Steward & Bailiff of either the Chiltern Hundreds or of Northstead Manor (the latter a famous ruin in its day) - which automatically disqualifies them as being an MP when granted (since you cannot work directly for the Crown and be in the House of Commons).

So by being "appointed" to either, that should disqualify someone from being an MP of both seats.

But to illustrate how silly the current rules are, the Unionist MPs were jointly Stewards of Northstead Manor in 1985 when they resigned in protest at the Anglo-Irish agreement.

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UKIP "Scotland" manifesto launch today, but no manifesto due to the bank holiday post


It's like it's being launched in a pub cloakroom.

Fucking losers. :lol:

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Fucking losers. :lol:

That's utter nonsense. David Coburn said so. In his words "We'll be steaming in there"

Mr Coburn said: "We intend to get as many seats as we can, it's difficult to say how many.

"This is the most unpredictable election in 100 years. People are fed up, people want change, they're fed up of the same old, same old. So I think they're turning to Ukip in droves.

"They are in the south of England, they are now in the north of England and when you see me getting elected in the European election it looks like Scotland's time to go that way as well.

"We're going to push that, we expect to get some seats, we hope to get some seats, I'll certainly be disappointed if we don't. And then we will be fighting the Scottish parliamentary election next year and at the present levels we're expected to get eight seats or something like that, but we don't know, it could be more.

"We intend to take over the Scottish Parliament, we intend to have a Ukip government in Scotland and there's no reason we can't."

He said he hoped to take the seat currently held by independent MP Eric Joyce, who is standing down.

Mr Coburn said: "That's for the good people of Falkirk but I think from what they've had in the past, they've had an MP who spends much of his time fighting in pubs and bars and the House of Commons, and I think they deserve better than that.

"I don't see the SNP, or the Labour party, or indeed the Conservatives, putting up any sort of a fight there. We'll be steaming in there."

Aye steaming right enough

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If Farage loses in Thanet, it's all over for UKIP. I think he's a good leader of an abhorrent party, so I'll be hoping for the Tories to take that one.

Good but abhorrent? Why don't just admit the guy is right but you can't stomach voting for anything but left wing idiots that want to overrun and bankrupt us. That is what is going to happen.

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