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Looks like Catalonia didnt Sh1te it.

John Lambies Doos

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They continue with that line.

Why would they do otherwise?

Depends on the strength of the Catalan Indy movement.if it is a movement with around 30% popular support they can carry on as they have been doing.

If it is stronger than that and Madrid ignore a majority of Catalans who want independence you don't have to go too far back in history to see where there is a lack of faith in democracy in Spain some people are happy to try other avenues.

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"You're nuffink wivout us.. nuffink".

What a clown.

Their balance of trade is certainly nuffink without us.

As for your last line.... It's expected from a totally cretinous individual such as yourself. Are you working late in the call centre tonight ?

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That's why it was a Yes vote.

They didn't judge the Scottish psyche well when they made these threats. It drove the people to go out there and say "no one tells us we can't tell you what to do arrogantly".

They showed em.

We Scots just don't want the day tripping b*****ds coming into our schemes and telling us what to do. Fucking English c***s.

And the Bank of England is fucking part Scottish so they cant stop us using OUR fucking pound, b*****ds!

Edited by Reynard
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Disagree. Plenty of people sh@t it, probably enough to get the 45% to 50.1%. Parcel of rouges and sh1te bags

Who specifically shat it? Just wondering how this can be levelled at anyone really.......I was accused of this despite having a degree from an English University & 22+ years of experience within my chosen profession. If things went tits up in an iS I'd have just moved back down South surely?

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I doubt many people were desperate to vote Yes and bottled it, or anything like that.

It's this chat about things going tits up that I think people are calling shitebag behaviour. I honestly believe if Scotland was populated by anyone apart from Scots, they would vote for Independence from Britain easily. We have to be the most defeatist, servile people on the planet.

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I doubt many people were desperate to vote Yes and bottled it, or anything like that.

It's this chat about things going tits up that I think people are calling shitebag behaviour. I honestly believe if Scotland was populated by anyone apart from Scots, they would vote for Independence from Britain easily. We have to be the most defeatist, servile people on the planet.

I'd have been more inclined to vote for independence had the currency proposals not been half baked at best.

I do agree with you that generally speaking us Scots are a negative bunch.

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I doubt many people were desperate to vote Yes and bottled it, or anything like that.

It's this chat about things going tits up that I think people are calling shitebag behaviour. I honestly believe if Scotland was populated by anyone apart from Scots, they would vote for Independence from Britain easily. We have to be the most defeatist, servile people on the planet.


verge of tears

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