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Miliband well and truly back in his comfort zone now that he's no longer carrying the burden of leadership. He should be head and shoulders above the rest of this panel, but he has been wholly mediocre. 

One of Labour's worst leaders ever. 

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Silly old bat suggesting that the EU is some kind of German conspiracy due to their successful economy. Could the the UKplc's comparitively poor financial situation not possibly be down to its historically abominable record?

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Do BritNats still live in a glorious world of empire, and believe the rest of the world thinks it rules the waves?

Exactly what I was thinking.

There is an arrogant assumption that Britain will call the shots.

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Do BritNats still live in a glorious world of empire, and believe the rest of the world thinks it rules the waves?

Millions and millions think like that.

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Watching this now.

There's a lot of wankers in Ipswich.

David Davis, literally, just said "Great Britain". This was enough to get the crowd cheering and hollering, like they were at a BNP Jerry Springer Show.

Edited by Bully Wee Villa (R)
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He's not even my second favourite Miliband. I despise him. 

Remarkable that a decent and principled real Labour type engenders hatred in you whereas a lying war criminal who destroyed the Labour party in Blair would make you jizz your pants. You people really are what's killed Labour, when its dead it will have been your fault and you just can't see it.

You and jmothecat are moderate Tories, that's what you are, there's not a Labour bone in your body.

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Remarkable that a decent and principled real Labour type engenders hatred in you whereas a lying war criminal who destroyed the Labour party in Blair would make you jizz your pants. You people really are what's killed Labour, when its dead it will have been your fault and you just can't see it.

You and jmothecat are moderate Tories, that's what you are, there's not a Labour bone in your body.

You are unbelievably thick. 

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You are unbelievably thick. 

I'm 100% correct and you're too blind to see it. You aren't Labour, you don't support or espouse Labour values and your type have been killing Labour for years. When they're dead your ilk will be to blame. You're a Tory who hasn't realised it yet.

And in typical deluded arrogant Blairite fashion all you can do is dismiss those who point out your folly, there's no hope for you or Labour. Put it out of its misery and you can go and form your own wee neoliberal we support social democracy but scream with horror at any social democratic policies party.

Edited by Peppino Impastato
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  I'm 100% correct and you're too blind to see it. You aren't Labour, you don't support or espouse Labour values and your type have been killing Labour for years. When they're dead your ilk will be to blame. You're a Tory who hasn't realised it yet.

And in typical deluded arrogant Blairite fashion all you can do is dismiss those who point out your folly, there's no hope for you or Labour. Put it out of its misery and you can go and form your own wee neoliberal we support social democracy but scream with horror at any social democratic policies party.

No, you're not correct, you're thick. 

I don't like Ed Miliband precisely because his ineptitude was such a massive factor in gifting the Tories their first overall majority in 23 years. The poorest and most vulnerable always suffer hardest under the Tories, and Miliband has to take responsibility for letting down our voters and failing to keep the Tories out. 

I gave up my time and money to try and get him elected as Prime Minister, so I have every right to complain about his bungling leadership and his eventual electoral disaster. 

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No, you're not correct, you're thick.

I don't like Ed Miliband precisely because his ineptitude was such a massive factor in gifting the Tories their first overall majority in 23 years. The poorest and most vulnerable always suffer hardest under the Tories, and Miliband has to take responsibility for letting down our voters and failing to keep the Tories out.

I gave up my time and money to try and get him elected as Prime Minister, so I have every right to complain about his bungling leadership and his eventual electoral disaster.

I can think of a way of keeping the Tories out of government in our country, but Ed and Labour opposed it.

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Truss has that way of talking that makes me want to kick the TV in and gives me extremely violent thoughts.

These were tempered slightly after her long speech and no applause (Dug style)

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