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17 minutes ago, bob the tank said:

My god, the english are from a different planet than us. Julia Hartley- brewer needs a kick in the pie

She is a total and utter detached from reality thick c**t, just cope a listen to this infamous clip of her 'grilling' George Galloway , the last 3 minutes says it all or even the last minute


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I must say I'm shocked the BBC only got Farage on the return episode of this week as a special guest and didn't have him taking over Portillo's vacated seat as a regular. After all, Farage is looking for a regular job and the BBC have invested a shitload in him over the last couple of years - you'd think they'd want our money's worth. Maybe they'll have him on Eastenders as a long lost Mitchell.

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1 hour ago, DrewDon said:

Jacob Rees-Mogg is a stupid person's idea of what a smart person sounds like. 

No, that was Aldous Huxley (according to Elizabeth Bowen in the Spectator, 11th December, 1936). It was also used against Newt Gingrich & Stephen Fry (the latter hit the target more - no one ever thought Gingrich was smart!).

Jacob Rees-Mogg is the one Tory MP we should all be worried about. The Tories are likely to make him their next leaders after "Maggie" May, making a great play about him being the first Roman Catholic Prime Minister if/when he wins (Blair doesn't count since he kept it secret when in office) to get some extra swing votes. What will follow will be the most vicious right wing government this country has ever saw, as this shit has a Cersei Lannister level of utter contempt for the commoners. He'll probably have the homeless for starters all boiled down for glue.

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