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Talking about University tuition fees in England and Wales Vince Cable saying you can't fund free University, only in an ideal world you could. Not one mention of a country north of them that has free University. Not that it's perfect but to not mention Scotland....?! Eh.


Absolutely crazy paying £30,000 plus for 3 years of University if no guarantee of a job at the end of it.



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The little fella from Fantasy Island demanding a personal apology from Vince Cable has been the highlight of this shitshow

Auld Vince was probably double-taking like the rest of us and trying to work out if Fantasy Island (Hervé Villechaize) was for real. Possible disabled/stunted/crazy person so he can't lash out, but he must have been dying to ask him if he got out the sea okay after Bond threw him overboard.

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Talking about University tuition fees in England and Wales Vince Cable saying you can't fund free University, only in an ideal world you could. Not one mention of a country north of them that has free University. Not that it's perfect but to not mention Scotland....?! Eh.


Absolutely crazy paying £30,000 plus for 3 years of University if no guarantee of a job at the end of it.




Also didn't want to recognise that the UK did fund free university places until recently. Obviously thinks that it was okay for the rest of society to pay for the cream of the crop to attend university, for the likes of him, but once Tony Blair got involved and the oiks started going it was time to pay.


In summary: Any mention of Tuition Fees still a disaster for the moribund Lib Dems.

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Is he actually a real person? I assumed the BBC had somehow animated a character from Viz Magazine.

He's absolutely a real person, and shows that you can keep your principles and beliefs no matter how far removed you are from the pit where you used to work. No matter how far he has risen in the movement, he can still, like many in the party leadership, cut through the bullshit and speak plainly.
Politics really isn't difficult, and people like Ian are opening the doors for people who thought they weren't equipped to make a difference. He'll never mistake mushy peas for guacamole, that's for damn sure.
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