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28 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
38 minutes ago, bob the tank said:

Since when was telling it like it is and handing out the telts being petulant? His views are hardly ever seen on the MSM lately, usually the usually foaming brexiteers. That Tory woman... What a smarmy, mendacious cow.

Apologies probably didn't articulate properly. It's not that I was disagreeing with his views; I just think he could have structured it far better. Ie he came across as very petulant, shouty and rude. Why lower yourself to the standard of some of these foaming brexiteers

He did clamp the guy up who claimed "we can finally get a trade deal with China"

When in fact, we currently trade with China through the EU.

I suppose if all you read is The Mail and The Express, then your views are going to be inaccurate. 

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Apologies probably didn't articulate properly. It's not that I was disagreeing with his views; I just think he could have structured it far better. Ie he came across as very petulant, shouty and rude. Why lower yourself to the standard of some of these foaming brexiteers

I liked the fact that he did take them on in their own style instead of trying to reason with them when they don't want to listen to sense. Not enough calling out of the "robust" brexiteers on TV, they usually get a free pass from the msm to vilify "traitorous reminders" with no come backs
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5 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

David Lammy is a very shouty man. Doesn't say much sense but says it loud and angrily. 

Yep. I assume he's making his pitch for next leader or something. To say his response to the first Oxfam question was beyond nonsensical is an understatement. Possibly was briefed on an International Development question and didn't have the mental fortitude to realise it hadn't been asked.

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Anyhoo, c***s that say 'look' at the start of every fucking sentence should be put in front of a firing squad. Everyone does it so it must be trained, so the media coaches should also be drowned in a cage ISIS style for good measure.

Gutted that Villiers hasn't been grilled on the Irish border issue. Everytime she is on anything she should be getting the treatment on that subject. Preferably with highlights of her pre-referendum shite saying that it wasn't going to be a problem.

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3 minutes ago, Chapelhall chap said:

She also said the UK has "the best armed services in the world" and this might surprise the Donald or indeed Putin or China, so I would not treat anything she says as reliable. She also said that Corbyn wants to disarm the armed services and was allowed by Dumbledore to be unquestioned on that as well. 

I'd quite like a programme of people saying "and what's the fucking problem". A lot of pish gets thrown about without anyone asking why? Apparently an EU army would be a problem but apparently we don't have the money to fund our own. Personally I'd rather be a part of a well funded military pointing guns at Russia than having Russia and the EU pointing guns at us. But that's just me. A bit like people that are worried about an EU Superstate when the people in charge of the UK couldn't organise a piss up in my house. 

I'm not saying I think all these things are good or bad, but there is zero debate on whether they actually are, because we're British and we won the war.

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32 minutes ago, Chapelhall chap said:

She also said the UK has "the best armed services in the world" and this might surprise the Donald or indeed Putin or China, so I would not treat anything she says as reliable. She also said that Corbyn wants to disarm the armed services and was allowed by Dumbledore to be unquestioned on that as well. 

Did anyone ask her about the Battle of Basra? Or Helmand? I blame Blair for having one of the few successful British military interventions since WW2 in Sierra Leone, and giving the politicians the idea they can take on the world with fewer people and less equipment.

Edited by welshbairn
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10 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Did anyone ask her about the Battle of Basra?

Probably best not. I had to Google the Battle of Basra and I've no reason to know about it (I knew - just had to check). She's a former NI Secretary and she couldn't find Belfast on a fucking map.

As far as I know.

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7 minutes ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Probably best not. I had to Google the Battle of Basra and I've no reason to know about it (I knew - just had to check). She's a former NI Secretary and she couldn't find Belfast on a fucking map.

As far as I know.

Just googled Helmand to remind me, this quote is about our diplomatic skills, world masters of course.


Before the arrival of ISAF troops, Helmand province was ruled by governor Sher Mohammed Akhundzada. Due to his participation in opium-dealing and alleged links with the Taliban, the British demanded that he be replaced.[73] In January 2006, President Karzai agreed to remove him, but the two men maintained cordial relations, and Akhundzada was appointed as a member of the National Assembly of Afghanistan. His replacement, Mohammad Daoud, a British protégé, was obliged to accept Amir Muhammad Akhundzada, the brother of Sher Mohammed, as his deputy, in order to pacify the Akhundzada family and their important tribal following. Amir Muhammad did not collaborate with Daoud, and constantly undermined his rule, eventually driving him from power in December 2006. Daoud's removal was also attributed to the Americans and to the hawks in the Karzai government, due to their rejection of the Musa Qala accord, that was seen as a "strategic disaster".[74] In 2009, Sher Mohammed revealed that after his removal from power, he had encouraged some 3,000 of his fighters to join the Taliban, as he was no longer able to pay them.[75]

Daoud's successor was Assadullah Wafa, an elderly man with poor health, who had had little authority in Helmand. In November 2007, Sher Mohammed was said to be vying to return to power in Helmand, taking advantage of rumours of defections of an important tribe to the government, and it was known that he had raised a 500-strong tribal militia to further his political ambitions.[76] In March 2008 Assadullah Wafa was replaced by Gulab Mangal.

Fresh tensions became apparent, after Afghan officials revealed that a Taliban commander killed in 2007 by British SAS and SBS forces near Sangin had in fact proved to be a Pakistani military officer. The British refused to publicize this evidence of Pakistani support to the insurgents, which further angered the Afghan government.[77]

In September 2008, Hamid Karzai proposed to restore Sher Mohammed Akhundzada as the governor of Helmand province, believing that his tribal militia could help contain the Taliban. However, the British did not agree with this choice, in view of Akhundzada's alleged policy of encouraging Taliban attacks, and the risk that his return could spark new fighting between rival drug gangs. Prime minister Gordon Brown threatened to withdraw British troops if Akhundzada was reinstated. Karzai responded by blaming the increased Taliban activity and opium production on British "interference".[78]


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8 hours ago, Joey Jo Jo Junior Shabadoo said:

Makes you proud, doesn't it?

We love a bit of Opium. As long as we're not getting it. c***s. 

What they don't tell you on the BBC is opium production had decreased all over Afghanistan under the Taliban, in some places as much as 95%.  Then when we came in it rocketed right back up to 100% of previous levels.  It's almost as if we want it that way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No idea who the bimbo with glasses is but well done to the BBC for bringing her on. Watching on catch up.

P.S. The audience seem to want a Mussolini as PM.

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2 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Blackpool is the sort of shithole that a fracking tsunami should wipe of the map.

Cause/source irrelevant - as long as something wipes it. The clagging shite in the grooves of your shoe.

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