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Ah so you are turning do good for the Middle East, to good of Kuwait. Got ye.


Kuwait is part of the Middle East. The Western Intervention in Iraq and Kuwait in the First Gulf War did not cause a single massacre committed by Saddam Hussein's government. The non-liberation of parts of the Middle East we did not attempt to liberate does not mean that the liberation of Kuwait fails to qualify as a successful intervention with respect to the Middle East. It was a victory. A success. It wasn't a league title. It wasn't an 8-0 victory. But we won the game and 3 points were in the bag. That the Kurds lost to Saddam the following week is not evidence of failure unless you think the problem was we didn't injure his players enough. I don't think you seriously believe that.

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Kuwait is part of the Middle East. The Western Intervention in Iraq and Kuwait in the First Gulf War did not cause a single massacre committed by Saddam Hussein's government. The non-liberation of parts of the Middle East we did not attempt to liberate does not mean that the liberation of Kuwait fails to qualify as a successful intervention with respect to the Middle East. It was a victory. A success. It wasn't a league title. It wasn't an 8-0 victory. But we won the game and 3 points were in the bag. That the Kurds lost to Saddam the following week is not evidence of failure unless you think the problem was we didn't injure his players enough. I don't think you seriously believe that.

We (the west) backed Saddam. Everything subsequent to this, we must accept falls from that ill advised intervention.

The US even supplied materials for his biological and chemical weapons.

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We (the west) backed Saddam. Everything subsequent to this, we must accept falls from that ill advised intervention.

The US even supplied materials for his biological and chemical weapons.

This argument is tantamount to saying:

"Chamberlain appeased Hitler over Czechoslovakia so it was a bad decision to fight World War Two."

Don't be self evidently stupid. You're better than that.

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This argument is tantamount to saying:

"Chamberlain appeased Hitler over Czechoslovakia so it was a bad decision to fight World War Two."

Don't be self evidently stupid. You're better than that.

The evidently stupid thing here is you comparing appeasement and support. I would say that you are better than this but your recent postings suggest otherwise. The appeasement of Saddam was the Jeddah agreement, much like Hitler Saddam wasn't happy.

I also don't recall the UK providing the gas for the concentration camps. Perhaps you could enlighten me on this or are you just going to ignore that part of the post?

Edited by strichener
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The evidently stupid thing here is you comparing appeasement and support. I would say that you are better than this but your recent postings suggest otherwise. The appeasement of Saddam was the Jeddah agreement, much like Hitler Saddam wasn't happy.

I also don't recall the UK providing the gas for the concentration camps. Perhaps you could enlighten me on this or are you just going to ignore that part of the post?

Are you suggesting that if we had supplied deadly gases to Hitler in, say 1935, we would have therefore been wrong to declare war on him in 1939? Have a word with yourself.

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Also only a child would conclude I was giving moral equivalence to appeasement and active support. The analogy was about whether the mere fact that your actions in the past enabled someone to become a brutal dictator has zero effect on the justification for going to war to remove them or to prevent aspects of their brutality at a later date.

That we enabled Saddam doesn't mean he has some sort of legitimate expectation not to be removed by us. If anything the opposite is true.

It is not inconsistent to say that our arming of Saddam and the Second Gulf war were bad, while also saying that repelling him from Kuwait was good.

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Are you suggesting that if we had supplied deadly gases to Hitler in, say 1935, we would have therefore been wrong to declare war on him in 1939? Have a word with yourself.

Aye, that is exactly what I am saying. :1eye I was actually pointing out once again how frail your comparisons are.

Also only a child would conclude I was giving moral equivalence to appeasement and active support. The analogy was about whether the mere fact that your actions in the past enabled someone to become a brutal dictator has zero effect on the justification for going to war to remove them or to prevent aspects of their brutality at a later date.

That we enabled Saddam doesn't mean he has some sort of legitimate expectation not to be removed by us. If anything the opposite is true.

It is not inconsistent to say that our arming of Saddam and the Second Gulf war were bad, while also saying that repelling him from Kuwait was good.

No one mentioned moral equivalence. You used the two as a direct comparison.

Edited by strichener
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I read it all for pages. He was beaten long ago and he keeps digging a hole.

Perhaps you could describe what this hole is. Are you denying that we supported Saddam, that the US provided ingredients for chemical or Biological weapons? Which part have I got wrong, or are you another that is happy to take the "West knows best" position even when history shows this is hardly ever the case.

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I don't.

Well this post will be rather embarrassing for you.

Seriously considering voting SNP in Berwick in May after being let down again by the ConDems in terms of duelling the A1. The way both parties are trying to pass today off as a success is sickening. The Labour candidate is a bigger joker than those two and f**k voting UKIP.

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Well this post will be rather embarrassing for you.

Deciding who to vote for in an individual election does not define my politics. I take a number of things into account before making my decision. In the end I voted Labour.

I find it rather embarrassing that people like you need to be told what to think by a political party tbh.

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I'm not denying that at all. It's clear however that the first Gulf War was a success. It achieved its aim of removing Saddam from Kuwait. That's it.

If you're sticking to those narrow parameters then yes, it was a success.

If you want to widen the issue a little then things get more complex, and a lot less positive for the West.

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