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Most Hilarious Rangers/Sevco Moment So Far

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This. Even if you take the "local team" and "ma da' took me frae bein' a bairn" excuses as being reasonable, anyone who grows up and looks at either of these two cannot ignore what they represent and what their support in general are like. If you're willing to ignore all that in order to validate your existence by association with a club that wins trophies, then you're an arsehole. No amount of success can cover the sectarian stench.

Does\did your father have a sectarian stench about him?

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It's been mentioned already, but the fans are by far my favourite part of the whole fiasco.

STILL they keep biting, because deep down they still can't quite fathom, can't quite comprehend how this has happened.

The sense of entitlement simply doesn't allow for the universe to be operating as normal and this to have happened to their club. The two cannot concurrently exist.

Somehow the likes of Gordon Smith and Co. were not able to collude well enough to make this go away. Somehow Mike McCurry wasn't on hand to award a dodgy penalty in the nick of time. Somehow "Airdrie fan" Jim Traynor's hilariously bombastic articles didn't result in the world giving them a free pass.

It simply makes to sense to them.

A long way from this, for sure:


A close second is selling the Arsenal shares. What a shameful way to behave. Fits for a "community club" that left local cleaners and newsagents out of pocket though.

You think it's worth quoting me 3 times? Get a fucking life.

Still, your apology of a team has done the square root of hee haw for at least a generation and a half so I guess you have time to waste.

Wee question for you. Are you suggesting that if his team had won a few more things, say a trophy once every decade or so, then he wouldn't then have the time to spare to rip the pish out of you? That seems an odd perspective.

That team you once supported, albeit a dead team, it won lots of shiny trophies, yet you have time to be on here making a fud of yourself.

Weird that.

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milton75, on 11 Feb 2015 - 16:01, said:

Wee question for you. Are you suggesting that if his team had won a few more things, say a trophy once every decade or so, then he wouldn't then have the time to spare to rip the pish out of you? That seems an odd perspective.

Are you surprised by this attitude? Kincardine is clearly one of the more glory hunting types. Hence why he's gone off the rails recently. He just can't take that he now supports a diddy team. He's in utter denial at this point.

So he consoles himself having digs at other teams, while harking back to the glory days, trying to forget that his team isn't even good enough to win the first division anymore.

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Remember when they were going nuts over a Time magazine article who got it spot on-

“Their vile and violent fans are everything that’s wrong with football."
“If Rangers were to fold, some of the religious hatred could be drained and perhaps new rivalries might develop in the SPL.”


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Are you surprised by this attitude? Kincardine is clearly one of the more glory hunting types. Hence why he's gone off the rails recently. He just can't take that he now supports a diddy team. He's in utter denial at this point.

So he consoles himself having digs at other teams, while harking back to the glory days, trying to forget that his team isn't even good enough to win the first division anymore.

True. Not good enough by a LONG way.

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This. Even if you take the "local team" and "ma da' took me frae bein' a bairn" excuses as being reasonable, anyone who grows up and looks at either of these two cannot ignore what they represent and what their support in general are like. If you're willing to ignore all that in order to validate your existence by association with a club that wins trophies, then you're an arsehole. No amount of success can cover the sectarian stench.

My best mate is a Celtic fan and he's a top bloke. Are you saying there are absolutely no decent Rangers fans and that every OF fan is a glory hunting bigot? All I'm saying is that the entire Rangers fiasco isn't that funny as its been dragging on so long. There are some Rangers fans who are completely harmless and just want to support their football team, but have to deal with endless nonsense. If I'm an 'Old Firm sympathiser' for having empathy for decent Rangers fans then fair enough, but anyone arriving at that conclusion is very narrow-minded, and probably a bit of a scumbag.

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^^^ Deeds gone.

Also the powerpoint presentation to the SPL that looked like it was done by a ten year old in a hurry. Shite grammar. Shite spelling. Badly formatted. And a big GIRFUY! 'We Are Rangers!' or something of that ilk on the front.

Plus 'When are we signing Nacho Novo?'.

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Also the powerpoint presentation to the SPL that looked like it was done by a ten year old in a hurry. Shite grammar. Shite spelling. Badly formatted. And a big GIRFUY! 'We Are Rangers!' or something of that ilk on the front.

Must have missed this! Link please? :lol:

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Remember when they were going nuts over a Time magazine article who got it spot on-

“Their vile and violent fans are everything that’s wrong with football."
“If Rangers were to fold, some of the religious hatred could be drained and perhaps new rivalries might develop in the SPL.”


Magnificent. Missed that at the time.

Cheers. :thumsup2

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There are too many to mention, all very enjoyable though. But there was one post on the BRALT which genuinely made me laugh for days thinking about it. A Rangers fan ( probably) had a fit in a reply to a post by saying " Dear god, you are such a fucking idiot" and had a meltdown, someone made it into a hymn or a xmas card. It was sheer humour at it's very best.

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