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People who choose not to have children are selfish

Flippin Eck

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Times like this I'm reminded of the words of Vice-Pope Eric

PYTHON: But are you not worried that the population explosion may lead to greater poverty, disease and eventually war?

VICE-POPE: Well you must remember, our concern is for the next world. So the quicker we can get people there the better.

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I was undecided but you guys have made up my mind.

PS, my other half wants a word.

Give me her phone number. I'll give her a ring every time my youngest wakes in the night saying "A poo! A poooooooo!" so she can hear every last detail.

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Dunno, I think the genuinely selfish ones are the punters who want to have their cake and eat it, i.e. the ones who have kids then expect the extended family to more or less raise them while they live the life they lived before - guy in my work and his missus for instance end up with their grandkids four and five nights most weeks.

If you're gonna be a parent, actually be one. Personally, I've never been ready to stop being the centre of my own universe and make my kids the centre of it, which is the way it should be. As a result I've never wanted any and I seriously doubt that'll ever change.

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