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Police Scotland


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You really don't have a clue?

Tell me how you would do the job better?

Apparently, everyone is clueless in your eyes. Well done.

Anyways, it's got nothing to do with me doing the job any better. That is deflection, although I did state earlier that priorities are mixed up. I stand by that. If I failed 70% in my job, I'd be fired.

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Apparently, everyone is clueless in your eyes. Well done.

Anyways, it's got nothing to do with me doing the job any better. That is deflection, although I did state earlier that priorities are mixed up. I stand by that. If I failed 70% in my job, I'd be fired.

It is not failure a large part of searches that are negative they include known junkies who happened to have nothing at that time or they have it hidden in a place I aint putting my hand!

Do you want junkies wandering the strrets where you love mugging your parents and breaking into your house?

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I really wanted to come on and have a decent chat with Enrico about this, but I'm sorry this thread is a car crash, Cabe, do all of us in the job a favour and switch the computer off for someone with 14 years service you aren't coming across well here.

Yeah....That should boost his confidence and help snap him out of this depression thing.

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I deal with the police through work weekly, the guys is work with are first class and I understand to a degree the pressure they are under..... But

The stories with the armed police and stop and search stats do nothing but erode public trust in the police, and if the police loose the trust of the public they're fucked.

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Ok tell me what should the policy be?

Just let everybody do whatever they want?

Drugs is the scourge of housing schemes everywhere and everything should be done to rid Scotland of drugs whether personal use or not.

I've had people die in front of me due to be stabbed over a drugs debt.

Their faces still haunt me to this day as I tried my best to save them.

I am human and in noway an automan or robot.

Well unless a crime has been reported or is witnessed by a patrolling police officer, then quite obviously yes.

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I deal with the police through work weekly, the guys is work with are first class and I understand to a degree the pressure they are under..... But

The stories with the armed police and stop and search stats do nothing but erode public trust in the police, and if the police loose the trust of the public they're fucked.

We did have the spectacle a few months back of armed police officers patrolling in and around Inverness High St - just about the last place in the world you would expect to see armed PC's.

It looks like common sense has prevailed now, thank God.

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So we shouldn't be prepared for spontaneous armed robberies? It's not just guns they respond to it's knifes etc too, which are sadly all to common in Scotland.

If the police are going about in arv's why do they need to wear a firearm? Can they not be kept in the vehicle without compromising their ability to provide an armed response when needed?

I would think that the time taken to respond would be much greater than that required to open a locked box and arm themselves.

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I wouldn't trust most of the coppers I know with my shopping trolley never mind a taser or firearm.

I watched 4 female coppers trying to arrest a drunk outside the door of Ayr police station the other week, what a joke, if 4 adults can't put cuffs on 1 normal drunk guy they shouldn't be police officers as far as I'm concerned.

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They should've just shot him an saved all the hassle.

The guy wasn't even struggling, he just wouldn't allow them to put his hands together, it's like the Keystone Cops down this way, I regularly witnessed 6 to 8 officers attending to a pisher next to the 24 hour Spar when I was a taxi driver.

I'd hazard a guess that 20% of officers can handle themselves and the rest need to be part of a big gang.

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Annoni, when the media portrays it as 1/5 people etc it's misleading, I don't go out and search every 5th person I see in the streets, also that's not always for drugs. If you imagine it's frequently the same person who gets searched there's a number of reasons success rates aren't 90/100% that's for example, people may hide drugs internally, Ie we know someone has drugs on them, that may be intelligence led or their behaviour indicates it, but it's maybe banked, it's not always possible to retrieve the drugs. Maybe we've just missed the person buying the drugs, maybe he takes them in his mates house and it doesn't go outside? Also jimmy the heroin addict isn't always searched for drugs, maybe we get a call because he's at someone's door with a hammer etc, that's a weapons search, or if he's walking down the road with a bottle, then that would be recorded for alcohol, do we get a call about a shoplifter detained in asda? Thats another search. If you imagine someone living a chaotic lifestyle, then it's possible to see how they may be searched frequently. Personally I'm not about searching everyone and their granny, if I do search someone I'm happy to tell them exactly what basis I'm doing it, what power I'm using, if they want my collar number they get it, I record it in my notebook and I can honestly say hand on heart I've never searched anyone without having reasonable suspicion. The fact that police record alcohol as a stop search inflates the numbers, given on a Saturday night I might have to take drink off 20 kids, that's unfortunately a lot of paperwork, but if I didn't it's a neglect of duty. This is why figures are higher etc. Anyway yeh the sensationalist media headlines don't help, neither does people calling the public the great unwashed, but the reality is stop search isn't actually a bad thing IMHO, I genuinely don't think it's misused. People have their own encounters with cops and that impacts on how they view us all in the future, I'll always thank someone for their time etc. Anyway I've said my bit about it, my views are my own.

I assume your just a normal police officer? I have respect for most of the police but sadly it seems for every decent police officer theres a total powertrip fanny like pcmccabe. You seem a decent enough guy though but I myself think the stop and search is being done in the wrong way. I get searched nearly every weekend but have never been found with anything on me, surely that's a flaw in the system there...

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well I'd rather not reveal exactly what I do but I'm 'bog standard' waiting on a move to a more specialised (not armed) job. I don't think McCabe is a fanny I think he got a bit too into the argument, there are loads of people I'm happy to have a debate with on here, I think he got a bit too wound up by a few I wouldn't. Can I not be cheeky but just ask is there a reason you get searched? I'm not gonna ask about specific circumstances but like do you use drugs? Do you hang about with people who do?

Don't worry I don't see it as cheeky, don't do drugs are that but I think I just have one of those faces :lol: .

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