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Little things in games


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Inspired by this post in the top five games topic, relating to a WCW game:

Wow. . .What a game that I'd forgotten about! It was great when you pulled off a headbutt and KO'd your opponent.

What are the cool little things you remember about certain games?

Oddworld you obviously had the fart button.

This Is Football 2002 had a dive button, which I've always wanted to see in FIFA's since. You had to time it bang on, but when it worked it was sensational. I remember doing it against my Dad and getting his Edgar Davids sent off for a second yellow. He was always shite at these games but he was FUMING that day.

Your turn.

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Always loved the "Toasty!" pop in on Mortal Kombat II, although it did lead to everyone doing loads of uppercuts to try and get the effect.

NBA Jam's "Boomshakalaka" slam dunk whith the crowd's cameras going off is also amazing and resulted in disappointment any time your player pulled up for a shot rather than trying to dunk. Shattering the backboard was also a great feature of that game.

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This Is Football 2002 had a dive button, which I've always wanted to see in FIFA's since. You had to time it bang on, but when it worked it was sensational. I remember doing it against my Dad and getting his Edgar Davids sent off for a second yellow. He was always shite at these games but he was FUMING that day.

Your turn.

FIFA 99 had a button combination that let you dive. Won a few penalties and freekicks with it over the years ha.

Always found it funny that the N64 south park game had a snowball as your main weapon which you "upgrade" to a yellow snowball by pissing on it ha

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In the co-op in LEGO Marvel Superheroes if you played as Captain America and the other person played as the Human Torch (or vice versa) then you'd get an achievement called "Do I know you?" cos they were both played by Chris Evans

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Playing Skyrim and I'm fighting a giant along side my companion Lydia, I'm a low level so Giants are still a challenge, the giant sprints at me going to do his running smash attack which I know will kill me or seriously mess me up, I back off to dodge the attack and Lydia runs between both of us and takes the hit. Due to a bug in the game at the time this launches Lydia into the air like a missile, naturally distraught I've lost my backup I'm able to kill the giant over the next 30 seconds to a minute and I'm searching for her body with no avail. I look toward whiterun and suddenly about 20 meters in front of me she finally comes crashing down, then immediately gets back up and runs over like nothing happened

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I love references to other things in video games. The amount of references in Fallout 3 & New Vegas was ridiculous, my favourite being in New Vegas when they had the drink called Strategic Nuclear Moose, which is a reference to Brewdog's Tactical Nuclear Penguin.

How many people who played Skyrim made a Darth Sidious/The Emperor character and maxed out the lightning/shock magic just for shits and grins?

Trying to rack my brain for all the little things in games I played in the past. I remember mostly the WWF/WWE games; in one of the Smackdown games (think it was Here Comes the Pain) you were able to climb up the Smackdown set (the one with the giant fist punching through glass) and get on top of the fist to dive down.

Also on WWF Warzone & Attitude, I could've sworn that if a character had bleed enough you could begin to see their skull.

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In Batman: Arkham City you could actually find the location where Bruce Wayne's parents were killed which I thought was a pretty cool feature. Also in Arkham Asylum there was a hidden room where you could only get to after completing the game 100% (I think) which foreshadows Arkham City with blueprints of the titular city and various pictures of it. Also, in Batman: Arkham City if you grappled onto a random barge and found a very concealed trapdoor and used your Cryptographic Sequencer you would go into the barge where you'd find a load of stuff belonging to Scarecrow (who's missing from the game) and one of the Joker's henchmen who's really only there to make you shit yourself by momentarily waking up. This is foreshadowing Arkham Knight where Scarecrow's the main bad guy.

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The random chemistry sets hidden in the Facility level of Goldeneye were quite fun, likewise the wedges of cheese that you'd occasionally find?

And it's not really an Easter egg or anything, but the rebels trying to shoot down eagles pretty much constantly in Far Cry 4 is far funnier than it actually is...

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I'll never get over that bit in Goldeneye N64 when you get to jump down onto the guy taking a dump just like in the film. Blew my mind when I was a kid.

I also think all the celebrations in FIFA are a pretty cool idea. Whenever I score with McGinn against my flatmate (a Dee) I give it the cupped hands to the ears to his end of fans haha!

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Talking of Goldeneye, there were certain levels where you could attract all the enemies in a certain area to one door by making a lot of noise and then continually closing the door when they tried to get in. It was often helpful in clearing areas, but in the facility you could drop a remote mine at a certain door, wait for the enemies all to arrive and detonate as they entered. Watching them all fly in different directions, bouncing off the floor and ceiling, was something that my young self thought was really quite awesome (...because it was).

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In Skyrim if you jump off a waterfall you get an achievement called "nothing is true" or something similar, a reference to assassins creed.

GTAV in the desert you can randomly see a mobile home with a bald guy and a young guy standing next to it arguing as well.

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I remember in one of the Football Managers (2008 or 2009 I think) if you played the game on April 1st and you got to April 1st in your game, you would get a message from your Board, saying you were getting a £500M investment, before pulling the old "April Fool" line. The cunts.

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