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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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The Reagan Democrats have stayed voting Republican and are already backing Trump. I doubt Trump will pull many voters who backed Obama last time around. The Republicans are fucked.


The Republican party is dead as a presidential entity.  Between Rubio, Cruz and Trump, there's not a legitimate runner.  Trump is utterly screwed.  Nine points behind Clinton?  This is going to be a landslide, for good or for ill.

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The Republican party is dead as a presidential entity.  Between Rubio, Cruz and Trump, there's not a legitimate runner.  Trump is utterly screwed.  Nine points behind Clinton?  This is going to be a landslide, for good or for ill.


Apparently the party big wigs are concentrating all their campaigning funds on holding onto their Senate majority, they've already given up on the Presidency.

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Apparently the party big wigs are concentrating all their campaigning funds on holding onto their Senate majority, they've already given up on the Presidency.


Yup,  Very sensible strategy.   Trump's backers are merely proof that a fool and his money are easily parted.


And it's not even Trump, even though he's insane.  Not one of those candidates is remotely electable in a country which twice (or once) voted for George W. Bush.  There's such a paucity of talent - and a complete lack of awareness that we live in modern times - there that the Democrats are basically guaranteed victory irrespective of turnout, economy, war, famine or any other mitigating factor.  


You would at least thought that among the senate there was at least one political talent.  Quite obviously not.


I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing, to be quite frank.

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Women be voting for who makes their vag wet? :lol:

Of course not! But having someone like Ryan might soften the image of the Trump ticket for a proportion of female voters. Kasich has already had a foot-in-mouth moment in the campaign with his, albeit inadvertent, "women leaving their kitchens" comment. I think a Trump-Kasich ticket would be a huge turn-off (pardon the expression) for female voters. It must be a factor.

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Ryan would certainly do better on the vag moistening scale than Rubio who was appointed as the Republican Kennedy for that reason, and that he'd do what he was told. Might have worked if hadn't frozen in the headlights of Christie's goading and bitten head line and sinker for Trump's trolling.

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I read somewhere that Trump would need something like 80% of the "whites who have not gone to college" vote this time around. Alienating nearly all the non-white vote and many women hasn't helped. After saturation coverage in the media for 2 months he's still 9 points behind Clinton in the polls. I don't see that improving.

I'm not sure where you read that, but a bunch of left leaning outlets are reporting numbers like this based on the demographics from the 2012 elections. Minorities, especially blacks, came out in record percentages to vote, and voted for Obama in record percentages. Obama insiders in the media now have talked about how their campaign strategy was to get working class whites to stay home because they'd decided those folks would not be convinced to support Obama. The Republicans handed them the perfect candidate in Romney who was a silver spoon child and spent his private sector career as a vulture capitalist. They ran a campaign about Romney's business history and included lies about his tax history. (As a side note, Romney gave so much more of his income to charity when compared to Obama, and this comparison approached laughable when you compare the years before the two people knew they'd be running for President.) I voted for Romney, but white people, and especially working class whites, showed up in historically low percentages. If the next election goes back to normal voting rates and percentages, except the white working class is especially excited for Trump, many states will switch to the Republicans.


Trump's argument is that he starts out with huge negatives, and then goes way up amongst the people paying attention wherever he campaigns. This has been shown true in the polls throughout the Republican primary. His other argument is that every time he attacks a candidate they collapse in the polls. He goes through the exact dates and numbers in interviews. He has a strategy of playing nice with each candidate until the point they attack him. Then he goes full on crazy and they drop in the polls. The only candidate who has semi-avoided this is Cruz, but he hasn't gone up since Trump and Cruz ended their lovefest from the early parts of the campaign. Also, Clinton is notorious for starting high in the polls and then dropping like a rock when people start paying attention. Add in that Presidential polls are notoriously unreliable this far out from a general election because a large % of the population does not pay close attention until they research when the vote nears, and Trump has a persuasive argument..



Also, Dr. Carson is endorsing the racist Donald Trump tomorrow.

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Of course not! But having someone like Ryan might soften the image of the Trump ticket for a proportion of female voters. Kasich has already had a foot-in-mouth moment in the campaign with his, albeit inadvertent, "women leaving their kitchens" comment. I think a Trump-Kasich ticket would be a huge turn-off (pardon the expression) for female voters. It must be a factor.

Trump obviously raised a strong daughter who's an excellent businesswoman, and the equal of his sons in the Trump company. He has an entire business history of hiring strong women for leadership positions in his companies. The type of women who hang out in the PC mob and find it impossible to see the facts past a chauvinist comment or two that 98% of men make are not the type of women who will ever vote for a Republican.

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Jesus fuckin Christ. I'm watching the replay of the Republican debate now. Rubio is responding to Trump's comments about a large number or Muslims hating us. Rubio talks about a Christian missionary couple he recently met from Bangladesh who rely on protection from friendly local Muslims. WTF? In which non-Muslim countries do US Christian missionaries need physical protection? That's the difference between the Muslim world and the rest of the world. In one of the few majority Muslim countries which accepts Christian missionaries these missionaries need protection. Think about the 90% of the Muslim world that is even more conservative. Jesus!

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Jesus fuckin Christ. I'm watching the replay of the Republican debate now. Rubio is responding to Trump's comments about a large number or Muslims hating us. Rubio talks about a Christian missionary couple he recently met from Bangladesh who rely on protection from friendly local Muslims. WTF? In which non-Muslim countries do US Christian missionaries need physical protection? That's the difference between the Muslim world and the rest of the world. In one of the few majority Muslim countries which accepts Christian missionaries these missionaries need protection. Think about the 90% of the Muslim world that is even more conservative. Jesus!

To be fair you have spent the last few decades bombing the shit out of the Muslim world

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To be fair you have spent the last few decades bombing the shit out of the Muslim world

To be fair we've given them a hand.

Whit's that phrase again?

Defender of the faith....

Thanks tae Mrs Windsor and her minions I can sleep at night knowing that she is watching over me.

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To be fair we've given them a hand.

Whit's that phrase again?

Defender of the faith....

Thanks tae Mrs Windsor and her minions I can sleep at night knowing that she is watching over me.

Yeah it's the crusades all over again, that's how many Muslims see it anyway and tbf when you have both bush and Blairssaying good told them to (illegally) invade Iraq(killing over a million Iiraqi) who can blame them

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