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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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The Libertarian Party says that it expects its candidate to be on the ballot in all 50 states - http://www.lp.org/news/press-releases/bad-news-good-news-for-cruz-kasich-supporters. If the LP nominates Gary Johnson again, he could take a lot of votes from Trump, possibly millions. 


If the LP can overcome the ballot access barrier, a well-organised and fully funded independent could also get on the states' ballots. 

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Have any polls been done yet that asks Bernie supporters how they think they'd vote in a Clinton/Trump showdown?


Obviously a long way to go yet where a lot of things can sway opinion, but would be interesting to see the percentages over time of those that would go the Democrat-or-nothing route, those that would stick with the supposed non-establishment route, those who would abstain, and those who would vote for a random local independent.

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Have any polls been done yet that asks Bernie supporters how they think they'd vote in a Clinton/Trump showdown?


Obviously a long way to go yet where a lot of things can sway opinion, but would be interesting to see the percentages over time of those that would go the Democrat-or-nothing route, those that would stick with the supposed non-establishment route, those who would abstain, and those who would vote for a random local independent.


They'd vote Clinton, surely?  Or abstain.  Which is a fine and noble choice in that particular election.  The Bernie to Trump demographic surely only really exists in the minds of the insane conspiracy wing who want to send Clinton to jail and keep their handguns in case the government chooses to attack them.  Alex Jones and his ilk, who neatly float between the savage right and the reasonable left.

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It's far too eloquent for him, surely?

Swampy is a good shout. The real test will be if Northern Aggressor Michael suddenly starts abusing people for no reason, even if they are agreeing with him.

The Yank thing is a bit of a give away though.




The Libertarian Party says that it expects its candidate to be on the ballot in all 50 states - http://www.lp.org/news/press-releases/bad-news-good-news-for-cruz-kasich-supporters. If the LP nominates Gary Johnson again, he could take a lot of votes from Trump, possibly millions. 


If the LP can overcome the ballot access barrier, a well-organised and fully funded independent could also get on the states' ballots. 

I could be wrong, but I think ballot access laws are much harder for a new candidate or party because many states have reserved slots if your 3rd party earns some small % (1% or something like that) in the last election or if your party has a certain number of registered members. Certainly a fully funded candidate could make a run at the election, but he'd have to be willing to waste several hundred million dollars on a long shot. To mount a serious independent candidacy would cost several hundred million dollars, and it's going to be hard to raise that money to take a chance on something that's never been done in US history.

Also, Gary Johnson is such a terrible politician. He seems like a nice guy and I probably agree with him on most issues, but I remember him from the 2012 Republican Primary and he's so boring and uninteresting. He's not going to capture the imagination of people running on the Libertarian ticket.



Have any polls been done yet that asks Bernie supporters how they think they'd vote in a Clinton/Trump showdown?


Obviously a long way to go yet where a lot of things can sway opinion, but would be interesting to see the percentages over time of those that would go the Democrat-or-nothing route, those that would stick with the supposed non-establishment route, those who would abstain, and those who would vote for a random local independent.

I'd like to see those polls as well. Bernie's obviously been killing it with the white progressive left and Hillary's dominating with the minority groups. I have read that in many states Bernie is beating Hillary amongst the blue collar whites who still vote Democrat. Obviously the progressive lefties aren't going to go for Trump. The best he can do is try to make them stay home. The blue collar whites have become such an unimportant part of the Democratic electorate that they often get ignored, but it would be interesting to see if Trump could grab some of the white people who still despise the Republicans as "the party of the rich fucks" by presenting himself as a different kind of Republican who's hated by the traditional "rich fucks." Elections are won at the margins and if he can peel off 10% of the Bernie folks that would be a big coup. Honestly though, I think Trump could peel off a higher % of Hillary voters in a matchup with Bernie than he could Bernie voters in a matchup with Hillary. There are plenty of white collar moderate Democrat general election voters who are not going to vote for a socialist under any circumstances.

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Oh my! I just looked up who's running for the Libertarian nomination. JOHN MCAFEE!!!!! Haha. So the CIA never got around to assassinating him in Central America? This is a Libertarian I can get behind.



On April 30, 2012, McAfee's property in Orange Walk Town, Belize, was raided by the Gang Suppression Unit of the Belizean Police Department. McAfee was in bed with his girlfriend at that time, who McAfee said was scared by the incident. A GSU press release stated that McAfee was arrested for unlicensed drug manufacturing and possession of an unlicensed weapon.[16][37][38][39]


On November 12, 2012, Belize police started a search for McAfee as a "person of interest" in connection to the murder of American expatriate Gregory Viant Faull. Faull was found dead of a gunshot wound on November 11, 2012, at his home on the island of Ambergris Caye, the largest island in Belize.[42][43] Faull was a neighbor of McAfee.[44] In a November 2012 interview with Wired,[45] McAfee said that he has always been afraid police would kill him and thus refused their routine questions; he has since been evading the Belizean authorities.[44] Belize's prime minister Dean Barrow called McAfee "extremely paranoid, even bonkers".[46] McAfee fled Belize when he was sought for questioning concerning the murder.[47][48][49]


McAfee later stated that he faked the heart attack while being held in Guatemala to buy time for his attorney to file a series of appeals that ultimately prevented his deportation to Belize, hastening the government's decision to send him back to the United States.[58]


On August 2, 2015, McAfee was arrested in Henderson County, Tennessee, on charges of one count of driving under the influence and one count of possession of a firearm while intoxicated.[61]


Stephen Rodrick reported in Men's Journal (October 2015): McAfee's "stay in Belize is so notorious that there is a libidinous, perhaps insane, gun-wielding character living in Belize in novelist Jonathan Franzen's Purity that bears a resemblance to McAfee."[62]

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I see that Marco Rubio has again ruled himself out from wanting to be Trump's running mate.


Rubio is not seeking re-election in his senate seat in Florida, so looks set to quit 'mainstream' politics at the end of his term. I can see Rubio becoming a lobbyist, once he finishes his term.

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I see that Marco Rubio has again ruled himself out from wanting to be Trump's running mate.


Rubio is not seeking re-election in his senate seat in Florida, so looks set to quit 'mainstream' politics at the end of his term. I can see Rubio becoming a lobbyist, once he finishes his term.


Running for Governor of Florida is more likely.

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Trump said today that tax raises on the rich will be on the table in negotiations with the Congress and he'd support these raises in exchange for corporate and middle income tax cuts.

He also came out in favor of a higher minimum wage.


Along with his recent viscous attacks on Hillary and saying nice things about Bernie you can see his general election strategy taking shape. He's going to heavily target the 30-35% of blue collar whites who vote Democrat along with turning out those who generally stay home, try to slice off as much working black support as possible, and depress turnout amongst the college educated young activist/feminist left by linking Hillary's past actions as opposed to their modern "college campus" sexual ethics (always believe the accuser, no such thing as consensual sex if it involves alcohol or power differences, lower standards of proof for rape/sexual harassment rather than hiding behind legal technicalities, rich white males are the no.1 sexual predators in our society).  .


I think it's a great strategy. I hope someone lets him know that an increase in the earned income tax credit is a far more useful tool to help the working poor than a minimum wage rise. It has all the good effects of a minimum wage rise (decreased inequality, a fair paycheck for those willing to work) with none of the downsides (help to the 50% of minimum wage workers who live in above average households, labor market distortions, increased unemployment for the young and unskilled, hurts lower middle income people working for companies with lots of low wage workers who will see their benefits and compensation slashed as a result, unfair burdens on industries which employ low skilled employees).

Has he been gunging her like a contestant in a kid's game show from the 90s?
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If Trump wins Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania there's a 99% chance that he will be President.


New polls.


Florida: Clinton - 43%, Trump 42$

Ohio: Trump 43%, Clinton 39%

Pennsylvania: Clinton - 43%, Trump 42%

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For reference, Pennsylvania hasn't gone Republican since 1988 and Obama won it by 10%. In the same poll at this point in 2012 Obama was winning Pennsylvania by 9%. Trumps claim that he can turn a few blue states red by targeting blue collar whites seems to have some merit.

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Cruz says he could get back in the race if he wins Nebraska tonight.

Couldn't find any polling done on Nebraska from before Cruz suspended his campaign, but that state probably would have gone to Cruz if he had stayed in the race.

Last West Virginia poll was Trump 61%, Cruz 22%, Kasich 14% so I assume he's not hanging onto hopes from us.

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Cruz says he could get back in the race if he wins Nebraska tonight.

Couldn't find any polling done on Nebraska from before Cruz suspended his campaign, but that state probably would have gone to Cruz if he had stayed in the race.

Last West Virginia poll was Trump 61%, Cruz 22%, Kasich 14% so I assume he's not hanging onto hopes from us.

I've asked you several times now what Obama did in power that was so Un-American and different from his predecessors and you've failed to answer. I can only assume it was being black in the White House.
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