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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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Watched some of the DNC there and it was a terrifying penny dropping moment. I had already long accepted that Trump winning is a real prospect but now it seems very real.

It's scary how badly the Democrats are misreading the mood here. Trump's tapping directly into people's insecurities and telling them he's going to snap his fingers and solve them. Clinton and pal's GAP advert pish is not going to win in this election.

Meryl Streep and Alicia Keys - I won't even go into that "fight song" business, deary fucking me - getting all giddy about how wonderful the world is while the Republicans talk about terrorism actually makes the latter seem like the grown-ups in this election. Which is a scary thought. Seriously hope the democrats pull the finger out soon.

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Apologies to the resident lefty 'Progressive' simpletons for my low Trump score :rolleyes:

I did this a while back and Sanders was my runaway 'top candidate'. Seems I now need to read up more on Johnson.


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'Progressives' once again show they're they biggest racists in politics, this time by bullying white useful idiots and white mediafolk to the back of the line in a BLM-related protest march on the Democratic convention.

Dat racial segregation.


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4 hours ago, banana said:

'Progressives' once again show they're they biggest racists in politics, this time by bullying white useful idiots and white mediafolk to the back of the line in a BLM-related protest march on the Democratic convention.

Dat racial segregation.


Well of course that's outrageous, but posting it doesn't help your case at all.

It's not typical and it's not really significant.  It's like how the right wing press here have enjoyed highlighting the silliest, most extreme examples of a PC approach, as a means of attacking the entire notion.

It's unconvincing, because it's essentially dishonest.

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18 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Well of course that's outrageous, but posting it doesn't help your case at all.

It's not typical and it's not really significant.  It's like how the right wing press here have enjoyed highlighting the silliest, most extreme examples of a PC approach, as a means of attacking the entire notion.

It's unconvincing, because it's essentially dishonest.

You and the rest of the forum and the media and social media and the other usual suspects would be tripping over themselves with indigent rage had the races been flipped.

But keep insisting there's not a bigotry problem with 'Progressives', Trump will love you for it.

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1 minute ago, banana said:

You and the rest of the forum and the media and social media and the other usual suspects would be tripping over themselves with indigent rage had the races been flipped.

But keep insisting there's not a problem, Trump will love you for it.

All a bit silly now.

I did you the courtesy of looking back at your posts on this thread, in a bid to see what your antipathy towards 'the left' was all about.  I'm sure you've explained it all fully elsewhere, but I saw very little on here to help me.

Early posts were fixated with gender, before we got more sideswipes at anything seen as Politically Correct.

Resentment seems to be at the core. 

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Did anyone see the latest John Oliver episode?  A 'celebrity' Trump endorser basically saying that because he thinks Obama is a Muslim then that makes him a Muslim.

How do these folks manage to tie their shoelaces?

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80% Hillary which surprised me. I suppose you'd have to ask when the answers were complied as let's be honest, she'll have changed her stance on half of them by now...

I also got a pop-up ad asking me to join Hillary's campaign after the result. Would that happen for any candidate, does anyone know, or is it a Democrat website?

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80% Hillary which surprised me. I suppose you'd have to ask when the answers were complied as let's be honest, she'll have changed her stance on half of them by now...

I also got a pop-up ad asking me to join Hillary's campaign after the result. Would that happen for any candidate, does anyone know, or is it a Democrat website?

I got the same for Trump! Must just be all of them.
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FFS, I'm turning into some sort of sandal wearing fanny of a tree hugger.


I side with Hillary Clinton on most 2016 Presidential Election issues

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How voters rate the candidatesbeta


22,429 voters ranked “integrity” as one of the most important qualities they look for when voting for a candidate.

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  • very weak


10,250 voters ranked “honesty” as one of the most important qualities they look for when voting for a candidate.

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9,233 voters ranked “intelligence” as one of the most important qualities they look for when voting for a candidate.

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8,157 voters ranked “leadership” as one of the most important qualities they look for when voting for a candidate.

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7,304 voters ranked “vision” as a very important quality they look for when voting for a candidate.

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  • very weak

Note: This feature is in beta and we are currently working on a way to add these scores into our candidate matching algorithm.

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Tax Plan Calculator beta

We analyzed the economic policies of the 2016 presidential candidates to estimate how your after tax income will be affected by each candidate’s tax plan.

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Your political beliefs would be considered strongly Left-Wing on an ideological scale, meaning you tend to support policies that promote social and economic equality.

Your political themesbeta


You side moderately towards “Socialism”, meaning you support an economic system which advocates collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. This theme is most important to you.


You side slightly towards “Protectionism”, meaning you more often believe globalization is detrimental to the safety, compensation, environment, and standard of living of workers. This theme is more important to you.


You are a centrist on Environmentalism and Anthropocentrism issues. This theme is more important to you.


You side moderately towards “Keynesian”, meaning you believe the government should provide economic assistance to stabilize the economy. This theme is more important to you.

Small GovernmentvsBig Government

You side strongly towards “Big Government”, meaning you strongly believe the government should do more to address social inequality, corruption, and assistance for its citizens. This theme is more important to you.


You side slightly towards “Regulation”, meaning you more often believe the government should regulate business activity to ensure no one is taking advantage of the system. This theme is more important to you.


You side strongly towards “Pacifism”, meaning you strongly believe we should use non-violent diplomatic discussion to resolve conflicts. This theme is more important to you.

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9 hours ago, banana said:

Apologies to the resident lefty 'Progressive' simpletons for my low Trump score :rolleyes:

I did this a while back and Sanders was my runaway 'top candidate'. Seems I now need to read up more on Johnson.


No apologies needed, we already knew that your appreciation of Trump has nothing to do with policy. 

Until these political surveys start asking about the best way to describe burds, they're not going to line you up with the right candidates.

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