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Stenhousemuir FC - The League 2 Champions - The 2024/25 Thread

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9 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Not frothing at all.  I have no idea what was said by whom as I wasn’t there.

Whats wrong with issuing a statement saying an alleged incident is being investigated/referred and leave it at that.

Stenhousemuir as a club are now making allegations of their own which they’ve put into the public domain.  As I said, classy.

They have put what they have done as a club in the public domain and hidden nothing.

I'm not sure what more you want. 

I prefer the transparency of exactly what they have done so far but each to their own and you are entitled to your opinion.

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3 minutes ago, Neilly said:

They have put what they have done as a club in the public domain and hidden nothing.

I'm not sure what more you want. 

I prefer the transparency of exactly what they have done so far but each to their own and you are entitled to your opinion.

I agree 


Issue confirmed,intent to invetigate therefore we await update not much more can be added at this stage. Outcome may be a point of debate but until we have it impossible to judge.

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As has been said. The club will investigate and if wrong doing found we will deal with it swiftly (no pun intended)

No point frothing at the mouth at this stage like some are.
By "frothing at the mouth" I assume you mean in regards to folk wanting the club to act quickly? Or do you mean in regards to how they're responding to what's been said? I hope it's the former.
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By "frothing at the mouth" I assume you mean in regards to folk wanting the club to act quickly? Or do you mean in regards to how they're responding to what's been said? I hope it's the former.
I refer to everyone losing their sh*t and demanding sacking etc before anything has even been investigated.

Hope that clears if up for you my friend.
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Guest bernardblack
7 hours ago, Neilly said:

Club have released a statement for those frothing at the mouth.

That statement reads terribly 

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Things like that should never be said, full stop. At the end of the day, Football is a 'Game' where players are generally meant to enjoy playing and fans to Enjoy spectating. Yes, there will always be bragging rights and slating amongst fans, though it should always be left at just banter. 

It shouldn't matter what race, skin colour, previous health problems, religion and so on, that an individual may have. Football is a 'GAME' and should be able to be enjoyed by everyone. 

I honestly hope David Cox is doing okay. I know at some point, everyone in their life will feel down, depressed and feel like the world is against them. Though Id hope that if anyone feels that way, they can talk about it, as they have friends, family, people in the support industry, who are there for them and want what's best for them and their best interests. I hope David Cox gets the support he needs after that. 

Jonathan Tiffoney has hit a new low, which is something I didn't think was possible. Whatever was said was certainly more than the usual tit-for-tat at a football game, I hope there is some sort of fitting punishment, Pending a thorough investigation by both the clubs and the governing body. 

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Just watched the video and really feel for the man.  Would like to hope that someone on the AR bench has also heard the comments.  From the video, and I don't think anyone else has mentioned it,  Cox says as he approached the stand to report the matter to SFC officials another Stenhousemuir player was standing and has made some kind of comment to him. I really hope that is not the case.

Tiffoney's alleged comment is totally disgusting behaviour and has no place in the game. There has obviously been some niggle going on between the two of them but this is totally unacceptable. As Cox says if it had happened on the park he would have stiffened him and probably be made out to be in the wrong.

I know everyone deserves a second chance but we are supposed to be a Community Club yet in the past few years have signed someone just out of jail and also signed 2 sex offenders - hardly the image to project to youngsters. Perhaps we need to think long and hard about who we are signing and the image we are projecting.

Hopefully this matter is dealt with quickly and if proven then Tiffoney should be thrown out of the club and possibly the game.


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13 minutes ago, Moonglum25 said:

Just watched the video and really feel for the man.  Would like to hope that someone on the AR bench has also heard the comments.  From the video, and I don't think anyone else has mentioned it,  Cox says as he approached the stand to report the matter to SFC officials another Stenhousemuir player was standing and has made some kind of comment to him. I really hope that is not the case.

Tiffoney's alleged comment is totally disgusting behaviour and has no place in the game. There has obviously been some niggle going on between the two of them but this is totally unacceptable. As Cox says if it had happened on the park he would have stiffened him and probably be made out to be in the wrong.

I know everyone deserves a second chance but we are supposed to be a Community Club yet in the past few years have signed someone just out of jail and also signed 2 sex offenders - hardly the image to project to youngsters. Perhaps we need to think long and hard about who we are signing and the image we are projecting.

Hopefully this matter is dealt with quickly and if proven then Tiffoney should be thrown out of the club and possibly the game.


Who's the player you're referring to who was "just out of jail"? The only person I can think of who fits that description is Joe McAlpine, and that was in 2005.

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11 minutes ago, Moonglum25 said:

Just watched the video and really feel for the man.  Would like to hope that someone on the AR bench has also heard the comments.  From the video, and I don't think anyone else has mentioned it,  Cox says as he approached the stand to report the matter to SFC officials another Stenhousemuir player was standing and has made some kind of comment to him. I really hope that is not the case.

Tiffoney's alleged comment is totally disgusting behaviour and has no place in the game. There has obviously been some niggle going on between the two of them but this is totally unacceptable. As Cox says if it had happened on the park he would have stiffened him and probably be made out to be in the wrong.

I know everyone deserves a second chance but we are supposed to be a Community Club yet in the past few years have signed someone just out of jail and also signed 2 sex offenders - hardly the image to project to youngsters. Perhaps we need to think long and hard about who we are signing and the image we are projecting.

Hopefully this matter is dealt with quickly and if proven then Tiffoney should be thrown out of the club and possibly the game.


Both players are making claims of serious and wholly inappropriate comments being made during the game that have implications for player wellbeing and mental health. As you say you have taken someone on who was a sex offender. Which is likely what tiffoney will be claiming was said to him. Which is just as discriminatary. Regardless of what you think of punishments for crimes they have been dealt with the way the law allows for it.

Some people think they should be strung up, and maybe so, but thats not going to happen so what do you do with them. You rehabilitate them. So if Tiffoney is thrown out the game what happens to him. Could turn to crime could do a lot of things. Surely  a ban, a fine and rehabilitation in working with a mental health charity would be more beneficial than the vigilante mentality of tossing him in a corner.

A lot of the youngsters on programmes can come from troubled backgrounds including being on the wrong side of the law. WHen I was 16/17 the SPL ran midnight leagues as did Falkirk fc as they were called at Graeme High, Boness and I think Stenhousemuir might have been one and it kept kids out of trouble and if people who were offenders are given a chance it might show that they too can get out of trouble and do something.


Again If TIffoney has said that then he should be punished

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6 minutes ago, Francesc Fabregas said:

Who's the player you're referring to who was "just out of jail"? The only person I can think of who fits that description is Joe McAlpine, and that was in 2005.

Yes it was but did not realise that it was as far back as that - how time flies.

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Just read about this whole situation. I don’t see any reason for Cox to make up stories and I really hope that if any Stenhousemuir player heard what has been alleged then they do the right thing and speak out and Stenny take the right action.

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3 minutes ago, Mon_The_Fife said:

Just read about this whole situation. I don’t see any reason for Cox to make up stories and I really hope that if any Stenhousemuir player heard what has been alleged then they do the right thing and speak out and Stenny take the right action.

It is unlikely that he has made it up and it has no place in the game. What bothers me is" Both players are making claims of serious and wholly inappropriate comments being made during the game that have implications for player wellbeing and mental health." from the Stenhousemuir statement.

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1 minute ago, Mon_The_Fife said:

Just read about this whole situation. I don’t see any reason for Cox to make up stories and I really hope that if any Stenhousemuir player heard what has been alleged then they do the right thing and speak out and Stenny take the right action.

A great point really that hasn't been mentioned. I would be disgusted if any of our players heard the comments and never said that to the club but they are human beings first and foremost and that will come before any loyalty to a team mate in this instance you would like to bloody think.

Surely with so few people in the ground it must have been heard by other people? I can't understand how they would be alone at any point during the game/half time and only the two of them were witnesses to what has taken place.

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There needs to be due process and it needs to be investigated.

Those clambering for Stenny to sack him this morning clearly have never worked in the real world. You cannot just sack someone without investigating. To do so would actually leave the club exposed to legal action and he's a vindictive wee man so would sue Stenny in a heartbeat.

For the record, I have no doubt he said it. 

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It is unlikely that he has made it up and it has no place in the game. What bothers me is" Both players are making claims of serious and wholly inappropriate comments being made during the game that have implications for player wellbeing and mental health." from the Stenhousemuir statement.
This is pretty much where I sit. There won't be smoke without fire. All feels very one sided though and my instinct tells me it's not the case.

Again as was mentioned David Cox stopped himself saying something in that video whilst giggling about it & can only assume it was something to do with that.

You are spot on regarding tiffoneys past, I have seen paedo & beast comments on twitter directed at him. He done something very stupid as a 20 year old guy 9 years ago, was rightfully punished & just for the record is no longer on the sex offenders register, he was placed on it for 18 months.

My gut tells me this is what's happened and must be what tiffoney is implying. Hopefully all comes out in the wash and any guilty party is dealt with severely.
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