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No Man's Sky


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I struck gold last night (not literally)
I found this planet which had these "Pearl Albumen" things, 25k a pop you're getting for them. You get a lot of heat for taking them, but not one to be deterred I cleared 9 of my Exo inventory slots and started harvesting. I managed to make 1.6 million units in about an hour and bought a belter of a new ship. I'll be going back later for some more farming. Jammin'.

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Got my hands on a PS4 copy to try, I’ve played about 3-4 hours so far and in terms of progression have just got wrap drive engines sorted out and fuelled and have jumped into another star system.  I’ll be perfectly honest here, I’m still not sure if I’m enjoying this or not yet I want to play more.  I can also see why this is such a hard game to review, I’ve found myself agreeing with the bad reviews as much as the good ones.  The game has its flaws.



  • I’m loving the idea of trying to learn the language and although progression on that is slow (painfully slow) I have managed to gain enough words to realise when an alien was trying to force me into paying for nothing, I had an option which included threating to report to authorities which resulted in the alien scum bribing me to keep quiet.

  • There’s no getting away with it, the worlds are stunning.  I spend the first 30 mins of the game wandering around, in and out of cave systems just mesmerised with the character of the world.  It’s not as realistic as some games with their browns and greys (I’m looking at you Battlefield/COD/Mass Effect) yet and I love this for the colour and brightness. 



  • Flying the ship just doesn’t feel great.  I hate the fact that I can’t crash into planets (god knows, I’ve tried) and even when cruising in the planet’s atmosphere I can’t make contact with the terrain.  The game automatically makes sure you are an ‘x’ amount away from the ground, which is disappointing when I encountered a planet which had numerous arches which I wanted to fly through (for shits and giggles really) but couldn’t.  This may be a technical issue due to the way the worlds are created but I had hoped we would have more control.

  • Combat is basic both on land and in space.  I decided to attack a random ship just to see what it was like and it’s pretty basic.  I did not feel any sense of urgency or panic and it was much the same battle on foot. 


There is something to be said about the technical achievement here, it’s nothing short of magical.  There are issues with framerates when you are going into new areas while flying inside the plants atmosphere which is to be expected.  The amount of calculation’s being done by the PS4’s CPU is pushing it to its max.  However when you turn back to an area already discovered the framerate holds a very steady 30.  On foot regardless of how much foliage is on screen it stays a solid 30.  The FOV is narrow as f**k and some may have problems with that, thankfully it didn’t bother me as much as other games have done.  This may be the starting point for other games to launch off in other genres with the aim to flesh out on parts in NMS which are very basic (alien interaction for instance)


Will be getting this on the PC once I get it back up and running, till now I’ll make do with the brothers PS4 copy.  He’s not back from Holland for a few weeks yet and he did ask for myself to go over and check it arrived……I’m just testing its all good…..honest.

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56 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:

My last day in my current job and my work colleagues have only gone out an bought me this.

Someone must have heard me going on about it. :D

That's some quals colleagues right there.

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1 hour ago, Antiochas III said:

So, going by the Steam reviews, this makes Arkham Knight look like the greatest ever day one PC release in the history of PC Gaming.  :lol:



Why do companies do this to themselves...

I know that it's hard to ensure that games work on every single system, but surely they'd have an inkling of these performance issues and be able to put the brakes on?  

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There was a small update that downloaded after launch - about 18mb or so.  Since that was applied the fps seems to stable.  When I first installed I noticed the fps drop to under 20. 

Main grip for me at the moment is the fact you can't alt-tab out of the game properly.  I do this a lot when playing games normally on the PC.  In a game like this I can imagine I would want to do that quite a bit to share something cool I'd seen or done.  If you do alt-tab you do get onto the desktop but it impossible to restore the game and you need to kill it and launch again.  Hopefully they fix that sooner rather then later. 

So far I've just finished repairing my ship.  Looking forward to getting off the planet, which I have named Kinker after the village I grew up in.

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Disappointed in you, Mr Cat,if you're basing your reservations off of one or two reviews.

It's a game you have to play and decide for yourself.

Whilst it's not without it's issues, I'm fucking loving it.

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