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The Greenock Morton Thread - It's Better Than Yours

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Let's get one thing straight "cornbeef" the ruination of the Morton forum began the morning after the Stars of 79 night. It has f**k all to do with sock puppet accounts and everything to do with an embittered old man and his twisted sidekick carrying out their personal vendettas over the past few years involving families and their children. If you choose to find this acceptable then you're no better than the pair of them. The "clique" never existed before this and I've happily posted on Morton forums since 2001 with no enemies until recently. Oh, and you're a hypocrite too as Toby rightly called you out on. Back in your box.

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3 minutes ago, LargsTON said:

Let's get one thing straight "cornbeef" the ruination of the Morton forum began the morning after the Stars of 79 night. It has f**k all to do with sock puppet accounts and everything to do with an embittered old man and his twisted sidekick carrying out their personal vendettas over the past few years involving families and their children. If you choose to find this acceptable then you're no better than the pair of them. The "clique" never existed before this and I've happily posted on Morton forums since 2001 with no enemies until recently. Oh, and you're a hypocrite too as Toby rightly called you out on. Back in your box.

and you're allowing your beef to spill over onto this forum now. Get it to f**k... nobody on here is interested. Or are you too thick to realise that.

Ripped apart by Toby btw... savaged by a dead sheep indeed...

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and you're allowing your beef to spill over onto this forum now. Get it to f**k... nobody on here is interested. Or are you too thick to realise that.
Ripped apart by Toby btw... savaged by a dead sheep indeed...

I don't expect anyone on here to be interested. Why would they be? You apparently don't care but continually pester the mods with reports and feel the need to reply constantly both on here and .org. You're Tobys bitch, deal with it.
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21 minutes ago, LargsTON said:



I don't expect anyone on here to be interested. Why would they be? You apparently don't care but continually pester the mods with reports and feel the need to reply constantly both on here and .org. You're Tobys bitch, deal with it.


Continually ... I've contacted them once to alert them to your racist mates post - and twice after that to query their lack of action. 3 posts in about 15 years !

and how would you know this ? ...  unless they came running to you ( a total breach of confidence on their part)

and you in turn have busted the .org mods for what they are. Excellent Bob.


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Continually ... I've contacted them once to alert them to your racist mates post - and twice after that to query their lack of action. 3 posts in about 15 years !
and how would you know this ? ...  unless they came running to you ( a total breach of confidence on their part)
and you in turn have busted the .org mods for what they are. Excellent Bob.

I guessed and you've fallen right into the trap. I don't even know who the mods are but I now know what you are. 3edc2052f5e5c81162c5ae89ec9c6645.jpg
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1 hour ago, LargsTON said:


Rattled. Good.

You're a hypocrite plain and simple. Not a nice characteristic to go alongside your cowardice.

You moan about being stalked by the 2 weirdos on the Morton board, rightly so as they're a couple of oddities yet you've been pressed numerous times to show a backbone when confronted yet always backed down on 2 issues in particular while hiding behind your anonymity.

Refusal to answer the sectarian bigots question, refusal to post the infamous email relating to the Stars of 79 court case and above all refusal to reveal your identity for fear of being found out as a snake. I've been told who you are but I want to hear it from the horses mouth as if your identity is that of whom I've been told then you're a two-faced, cowardly bellend of the highest order.

I won't ignore you but I'll continue to highlight the fact you're a snivelling reptile. As for grinding my gears? Nah, takes more of a man than the likes of yourself or that gammy bloke to get under my skin I'm afraid.

Carry on.


Ok, so blocking you from my phone hasn't worked but I'm kinda glad because this was too good to miss.

To look at your, err, "points" one by one:

1.  "Rattled"? Moi? Nope. Bored crapless with you and your rubbish? Absolutely.

2.  I've never "moaned" about being stalked by those two numpties because I never have been. I'm not one of their blog targets. I get red-dotted by the old jakes, sure, but who in their right mind would give a feck about that?

3. Read this very slowly - I'M NOT SPOT TON. If someone has told you that I am then either they are pulling your plonker or they too are as thick as pigshit.

4. Since you think I'm someone else your opinion of me as a "snivelling reptile" is neither valid nor worthy of further comment. 

I'm on a different device now so with a final fart in your general direction I'm off.

And ye'r blocked.


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Ok, so blocking you from my phone hasn't worked but I'm kinda glad because this was too good to miss.
To look at your, err, "points" one by one:
1.  "Rattled"? Moi? Nope. Bored crapless with you and your rubbish? Absolutely.
2.  I've never "moaned" about being stalked by those two numpties because I never have been. I'm not one of their blog targets. I get red-dotted by the old jakes, sure, but who in their right mind would give a feck about that?
3. Read this very slowly - I'M NOT SPOT TON. If someone has told you that I am then either they are pulling your plonker or they too are as thick as pigshit.
4. Since you think I'm someone else your opinion of me as a "snivelling reptile" is neither valid nor worthy of further comment. 
I'm on a different device now so with a final fart in your general direction I'm off.
And ye'r blocked.

*waves to Spot Ton as he slithers into the distance*
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49 minutes ago, Young gun said:



18 minutes ago, salmonbuddie said:

Was just about to do that!



Enjoy whatever's left of his seething meltdown lads, but show's over as far as I'm concerned; can see he's  posted above but not about to waste any of my time reading it. Lifes too short to bother with any more thickets in it than you need to.

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1 hour ago, cornbeef said:

and you're allowing your beef to spill over onto this forum now. Get it to f**k... nobody on here is interested.

The only chump who brought over their flailing meltdown from that form to here is yourself.  What an absolute fanny. 

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Enjoy whatever's left of his seething meltdown lads, but show's over as far as I'm concerned; can see he's  posted above but not about to waste any of my time reading it. Lifes too short to bother with any more thickets in it than you need to.

You'll read it and you know you'll read it. I'll continue to "seethe" and you'll continue to have a peek at it. You know it and i know it. Sad!
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31 minutes ago, virginton said:

The only chump who brought over their flailing meltdown from that form to here is yourself.  What an absolute fanny. 

Coming from you... priceless. Seeing your racist mate this weekend ? See how that association works out for you. Chump

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Coming from you... priceless. Seeing your racist mate this weekend ? See how that association works out for you. Chump

I've some info for you "cornbeef" and this may tickle you. VT and the guy you happily tag a racist barely know each other. Ditto most of the "clique." Just a group of decent people unintentionally assembled to root out arseholes on the Morton forum and further afield. These are facts.
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First the Morton forum pretty much ruined with every thread, no matter the actual starting point, ending up as a boring cliche-ridden squabble about things that are pretty much lost in the mists of time; now this thread going the same way.  Can you all not just impose some self-censorship on the tediously boring in-fighting and take your arguments to a specific dedicated "boring stuff" thread that everyone else can ignore?  Or meet up behind the bike sheds and have a duel with pistols at dawn.  It has become beyond boring.

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First the Morton forum pretty much ruined with every thread, no matter the actual starting point, ending up as a boring cliche-ridden squabble about things that are pretty much lost in the mists of time; now this thread going the same way.  Can you all not just impose some self-censorship on the tediously boring in-fighting and take your arguments to a specific dedicated "boring stuff" thread that everyone else can ignore?  Or meet up behind the bike sheds and have a duel with pistols at dawn.  It has become beyond boring.

I don't particularly want to read how much diesel it costs you to get to Greenock or if "Alexton" has a match on. I find that as boring and as irrelevant as you probably find this. Each to their own.
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14 minutes ago, LargsTON said:



I've some info for you "cornbeef" and this may tickle you. VT and the guy you happily tag a racist barely know each other. Ditto most of the "clique." Just a group of decent people unintentionally assembled to root out arseholes on the Morton forum and further afield. These are facts.


You outed yourself as a liar above with your comment about 'guessing' my brief interaction with the .org mods. And here again with the 'don't know each other' pish. There's plenty of evidence to the contrary.

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You outed yourself as a liar above with your comment about 'guessing' my brief interaction with the .org mods. And here again with the 'don't know each other' pish. There's plenty of evidence to the contrary.

I lied about nothing. You hint regularly about what the mods are doing about things you don't like on the Morton board so even someone as "thick as pigshit" can join the dots. You'll just have to take my word for it regarding VT not knowing Capitanus very well. Nodding and brief conversation terms at best.
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6 minutes ago, Alibi said:

First the Morton forum pretty much ruined with every thread, no matter the actual starting point, ending up as a boring cliche-ridden squabble about things that are pretty much lost in the mists of time; now this thread going the same way.  Can you all not just impose some self-censorship on the tediously boring in-fighting and take your arguments to a specific dedicated "boring stuff" thread that everyone else can ignore?  Or meet up behind the bike sheds and have a duel with pistols at dawn.  It has become beyond boring.

 100% correct Alibi - and we all know who the biggest offenders are with their blatant 'hounding' of posters.

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 100% correct Alibi - and we all know who the biggest offenders are with their blatant 'hounding' of posters.


Issuing a few red dots through a valid forum function v malicious stalking of family and friends.

We all know indeed and you align yourself with the latter of the two.

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