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They should've brought the IT crowd boot back, she seems more broken to me.

Society would be ruined tbh, women who let you pump them 24/7 and make the tea then go and recharge themselves and never complain.

Good luck with that.

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It's really good. Hoping for some Roboclunge in the upcoming episodes.

Hey, you're in luck this week.

Quite why ordinary robots that are going to live with and service families need to be anatomically correct is beyond me. Maybe it's like in the first Terminator film where humans were grown for their skin. I just hope the son in this family doesn't find a brothel, he'll be fuc.... scunnered.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Enjoyed the first one, though felt it revealed its secrets a little too quickly.

Hopefully there will be plenty of intrigue to keep the second series interesting.

It's also fairly bad timing for the series with the similar, and higher-budget, Westworld just getting started.

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  • 3 weeks later...
31 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I'll assume the answer to that question was no, but I'll post again anyway. The amount of shagging in it is annoying. And the "synthie" thing with the children is really bothering me.

I've put it on series link and I'll watch once I have them all

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11 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I'll assume the answer to that question was no, but I'll post again anyway. The amount of shagging in it is annoying. And the "synthie" thing with the children is really bothering me.

We've watched all but the last episode (last as in last one shown, not last in the series)

Its definitely different to the first season. Its still good but there almost too much going on.

I dont mind the stuff with the kids, if anything its a pretty clever idea was to what might happen. Its been annoying me why Mia doesnt just stick contacts in and pretend to be human, but hen I realised plenty of people have already seen her as a synth.

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11 hours ago, Mr X said:

We've watched all but the last episode (last as in last one shown, not last in the series)

Its definitely different to the first season. Its still good but there almost too much going on.

I dont mind the stuff with the kids, if anything its a pretty clever idea was to what might happen. Its been annoying me why Mia doesnt just stick contacts in and pretend to be human, but hen I realised plenty of people have already seen her as a synth.

(This thread could do with a little boost, here goes all or nothing)

The second series has been brilliant from the start - I was convinced it would fizzle out the way the Swedish version did, but it's become as unreal as Game Of Thrones for the interconnected plots and subplots, with the teasing dripfeeds of explanation stopping tantilisingly close to resolution every time for another change of characters' plotlines & views instead.

Mia's always been too kind hearted & too trusting of humans for her own good (although if it hadn't been for her letting the Hawkins snidy daughter Mattie interfere with her in season one suspecting something was wrong, they'd never have cracked the secret consciousness code of their late creator), & it was good to see her brilliantly get herself out of what appeared a hopeless situation, at the price of resetting (logic will dictate she will head back "home" to her "owners" the Hawkins - won't it?). Would not like to be doublecrossing Ed & his mate when word gets back to Max's mate Hester - Humans answer to The Waif.

That was a sore one with synth mimicing oddball Renie. From cosplay gone too far to heartbreaking in the opening of a door - that sterile too clean, too neat home right down to her bedroom of someone that's been effectively abandoned to fend for herself by a rich father who doesn't care about his own flesh and blood. You knew only too well why Toby flinched after doing all he can to get so close to her - he's seeing what his youngest sister Sophie is going to become, someone who wants to be a synth because like Renie experience has proven humans unlike synths let her down every time.

Which brings up the whole business with the part synth Leo, the appearence of the more sophisticated Seraphim synths in child form & the running tragic backstory of Athena Morrow abusing her career position and the dubious motives of her bosses ( Milo Khoury has c**t! written all over him...) in her tunnel visioned quest to put a copy of a digitised version of her daughter's brain and consciousness into a synth (which sounds vaguely familiar to a concept from that famous Dr Who episode in the Library). If Morrow succeeds, who is to say in the future a grown up Renie or Sophie may demand the same( "I am a synth trapped in a human body & corrective surgery is my human right!"), let alone the terminally ill seeking life after premature death (who needs cryonics?), blurring the distinction what is human & what is artificial intelligence/emotion even more.

Myska finally realising that the trial was a sham from the start just in the nick of time provided a much needed moment for cheers. After a bit of good old fashioned frenzied recreational lesbianism abroad, she'd put her hard cynicism for humans aside: volunteered to play their game by their rules in a court of law, was ready to sacrifice herself in the process for the good of all the other conscious Synths she'd effectively created nationwide from the mother of all computer virus attacks; & came to her enhanced senses a pube's length away from ending up in the crusher through lip reading that she like her "sister" Mia was about to be doublecrossed. Bad move doing that to Myska, you won't like her when she's angry.

With all this going on, Mattie Hawkins cracking the conscious synth code & making it better has been the final most delicious twist of last night's episode as she and her dad have switched roles entirely. She started Humans as a surly brat despising the synths taking away whatever promising future she ever before she'd even finished school, but has undergone a road to Damascus conversion along the way after violently stopping boys at a party from "raping" a female synth servant they'd switched off to have their way with, along with her unwitting reawakening of Dr Elster's synth "consciousness" in Mia & the gang.

Now she's perfected what the dying Elster & the best synth industry brains have failed to do, & is one upload away from unleashing complete chaos. Thankfully she's matured since her neo-Luddism season one & realised the old lesson it's not the technology that's the problem, it's the humans using them - or rather misusing them to the detriment of their own kind. But will it be a slowly turning wrong Max or the pissed off Myska who gets to the code first?

Dammit, I love this show! :thumsup2

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  • 4 weeks later...

Brilliant last two episodes, with all manner of twists, not least of all Myska of all synths demonstrating by the end how much the original synths were evolving emotionally & morally of their own accord - & the final complete turnaround of the Mattie Hawkins storyline tract sets up what is either the perfect ending to the show, or one hell of a cliffhanger for Series 3.

Even Katherine Parkinson, whose Laura Hawkins I thought showed all the acting abilities of Peter Crotch's goal celebrations, was excellent in the final episode.

Come on Channel 4, there's got to be another series after leaving all those loose ends.

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I enjoyed it. First series was probably better, when there was more of a mystery about what was going on, but it was still decent enough.

I'm not sure a third series could work though, unless they have someone just reverse the switch that awakened all the synths at once.

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