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Yet another US shooting

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Never got asked. Anyway, this has been labelled Islamic it's nothing of the kind, the guy has obviously hitched his homophones wagon to the ISIS cause and this suits everyone. ISIS get to claim responsibility and give the impression they are more powerful abroad than they are. The Americans can continue to bomb f**k out of Islamic countries and ignore the obvious problems closer to home.

Maybe he got his tubes in a twist over transgender folk using the gents loo, Adam marrying Adam and Eve marrying Eve - all the other stuff that's 'nothing to do with politics'. ;)

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It's both. Acceptance of homosexuality is a major part of western civilisation which ISIS sympathisers would be against.

It's quite possible that I'd missed something at that point last night, but aside from the line from his dad about having seen two guys kissing and being disgusted by it there was little information about the shooter's motivations. No notes, no news of information or literature in his home. Just that he had phoned the police and pledged allegiance to ISIS. Nothing about the specific location he was going to target or why. I've no doubt it being a gay club was a reason for it being targeted, but Jones' hysterical YOU HAVE TO CALL IT HOMOPHOBIC performance is on the same level as Trump's slavering about Obama not calling it radical Islam hours after it happening for creating a divided sense of panic among a society which will universally condemn it regardless.


You have to watch the context of the interview. The two arseholes were dismissing the homophobic element and were pushing this more into the bataclan category of 'random Islamic terrorist atrocity'.

Jones was trying to make a simple point about this being homophobic terrorism - a clear attack on gay people.

He was clearly emotional and was sitting there stewing. Like others have said he left at a strange time, but it's understandable when you see the tension of the whole interview.

Comparing his reaction to this atrocity with that of Donald trump is fairly disgusting. Have a word.

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An attack on gay men indeed. Yet still, utter desperation from some corners to deflect from the shooter being Muslim and doing it under the flag of ISIS and instead point fingers at Donald Trump :lol:

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Never got asked. Anyway, this has been labelled Islamic it's nothing of the kind, the guy has obviously hitched his homophones wagon to the ISIS cause and this suits everyone. ISIS get to claim responsibility and give the impression they are more powerful abroad than they are. The Americans can continue to bomb f**k out of Islamic countries and ignore the obvious problems closer to home.




But otherwise good post. If they can externalise this and blame somewhere foreign and bomb-able they will.  Far more attractive an option than addressing prejudice and access to military grade firearms.

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Jihad in support of the world wide caliphate is at the heart of this. For various reasons many people don't want to use this language.

He was investigated twice and found to have no links to any terrorist group. He was a looney wire a grudge and a gun, who managed to find a group on the internet that shared some of his nuttiness.

Eta, Fucksake I've agreed with TSAC!

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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The actual Islamic State is being booted up and down its so-called home turf like an empty tracksuit right now.


Unfortunately, lone wolf looney tunes will "pledge allegiance" to them - didn't realise you could join ISIS on the phone - and commit atrocities like this, making them look more far-reaching than they actually are.


This particular one is completely symptomatic of a home grown problem in the States - he wasn't trained in some camp in Afghanistan, he just happened to live in a country where it's just as easy to buy an assault weapon over the counter as it is to buy a packet of Marlboros.

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The actual Islamic State is being booted up and down its so-called home turf like an empty tracksuit right now.


Unfortunately, lone wolf looney tunes will "pledge allegiance" to them - didn't realise you could join ISIS on the phone - and commit atrocities like this, making them look more far-reaching than they actually are.


This particular one is completely symptomatic of a home grown problem in the States - he wasn't trained in some camp in Afghanistan, he just happened to live in a country where it's just as easy to buy an assault weapon over the counter as it is to buy a packet of Marlboros.


Metric or imperial Marlboros?

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Nah. Just because people are looking at other reasons and not lumping it all on one thing you're getting upset as it's taking it away from your ridiculous binary narrative


I'm not the binary narrative chap in this one, I've made that abundantly clear. It's not hard to follow.

But keep on deflecting.

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He was investigated twice and found to have no links to any terrorist group. He was a looney wire a grudge and a gun, who managed to find a group on the internet that shared some of his nuttiness.

Eta, Fucksake I've agreed with TSAC!

The 'loony' and 'lone wolfe' type descriptions are often preferred and still finds

relevance with a lot of people despite the pattern of attacks. Global jihad is not about joining up and being part of what we In the west would term a 'cell' . That people who are perhaps mentally vulnerable are part of those involved is no surprise.

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The actual Islamic State is being booted up and down its so-called home turf like an empty tracksuit right now.

Unfortunately, lone wolf looney tunes will "pledge allegiance" to them - didn't realise you could join ISIS on the phone - and commit atrocities like this, making them look more far-reaching than they actually are.

This particular one is completely symptomatic of a home grown problem in the States - he wasn't trained in some camp in Afghanistan, he just happened to live in a country where it's just as easy to buy an assault weapon over the counter as it is to buy a packet of Marlboros.

To be fair, IS is now a largely middle class US and - particularly - European phenomenon. It exists as an abstract concept rather than a fighting force, with small exceptions in Mosul and elsewhere. You are right - it's not as if they have sleeper cells all over the place just waiting to explode things, but they do exist.

That said, this guy is a mentally sick young man with no access to health care and easy access to guns. He has no actual links to Islamic State, despite what the savage right would have us believe.

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