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Yet another US shooting

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29 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

Are there justified shootings though? Plenty of other nations, including those which have a high presence of gun use, manage to go at least a week without shooting somebody. There seems to be a massive kill first and ask questions later policy which isn't right at all.

Why do they never look at other options? even things like using tasers - which aren't without risks, would surely help in reducing the rates of police shootings.

If a nutcase is running about with a gun shooting people and refuses to stop. Do the police have much else of a choice but to shoot him? Pretty much every country has some form of armed response unit for situations where a taser and some mace(in yo face) arent a viable solution. The US has a insane number of guns and the police are well armed to counter that, but the public argue they arm themselves for protection against intruders and the police(something to do with the second amendment) so its a constantly spiraling situation that wont ever end because the people who sell the guns make far too much money and buy influence in the US Government to ensure that it wont ever end. 

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There were six people shot dead in separate incidents across the US on the same day, Keith Scott and five white men.

Still waiting on the mass media to report and handwring over the these five white people, and their white communities to engage in days of rioting.

Edited by banana
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11 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

This latest Texas massacre boy was a disgruntled lawyer dressed as a Nazi. 


Better call Saul? 

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14 hours ago, banana said:

September 26, police kill watch

Three people shot and killed by police. All white. All men. MSM silent. No rioting. #WLM #MLM

Leeland White


Nathan DeSai


Anthony Ray Bauer


A quick google tells me they were all armed and in two cases shooting at people when they were shot and killed. Bit different from most of the riot inducing cases.

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1 hour ago, The OP said:

A quick google tells me they were all armed and in two cases shooting at people when they were shot and killed. Bit different from most of the riot inducing cases.

The feminazis made them do it though. White men are particularly susceptible to their evil wiles.

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2 hours ago, The OP said:

A quick google tells me they were all armed and in two cases shooting at people when they were shot and killed. Bit different from most of the riot inducing cases.

Yeah, totally agree with this. The problem is that BLM activists consider any black person shot to be 100% innocent, any BLM activist/rioter to be 100% innocent, they want the police departments either completely shut down or with such heavy degree's of oversight that no black person will be ever arrested again. America is in a really messed up situation at the moment, they are about to elect one of 2 awful candidates for president. The trust levels of their law enforcement are at a all time low, there are monthly violent riots and protests, monthly, sometimes weekly mass shootings. You have mass violence against people for no justifiable reason, pretty much at every BLM riot this year alone there has been at least 1 incident of violence against a innocent white person purely because of the colour of their skin. You have Universities with garbage useless degree's filling students heads with activist logic to the degree that free speech is pretty much dead, and infact students are demanding a end to the right of free speech. BLM and student activists demanding the reintroduction of segregation If i lived in the US at the moment(which if i had stayed with my ex would have likely happened by now) i'd be packing my bags and getting the f**k out. 

Edited by EdgarusQPFC
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7 hours ago, The OP said:

A quick google tells me they were all armed and in two cases shooting at people when they were shot and killed. Bit different from most of the riot inducing cases.

Yes, exactly! These chaps were threatening just like the vast majority of all police shootings, including those of thugs and hood-rats.

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5 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Yeah, totally agree with this. The problem is that BLM activists consider any black person shot to be 100% innocent, any BLM activist/rioter to be 100% innocent, they want the police departments either completely shut down or with such heavy degree's of oversight that no black person will be ever arrested again. America is in a really messed up situation at the moment, they are about to elect one of 2 awful candidates for president. The trust levels of their law enforcement are at a all time low, there are monthly violent riots and protests, monthly, sometimes weekly mass shootings. You have mass violence against people for no justifiable reason, pretty much at every BLM riot this year alone there has been at least 1 incident of violence against a innocent white person purely because of the colour of their skin. You have Universities with garbage useless degree's filling students heads with activist logic to the degree that free speech is pretty much dead, and infact students are demanding a end to the right of free speech. BLM and student activists demanding the reintroduction of segregation If i lived in the US at the moment(which if i had stayed with my ex would have likely happened by now) i'd be packing my bags and getting the f**k out. 

At least your ex will be having some sane alone time.

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9 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

You have Universities with garbage useless degree's filling students heads with activist logic to the degree that free speech is pretty much dead, and infact students are demanding a end to the right of free speech.

Latest insanity from the 'Progressive' bigots at Safe Space University...


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3 hours ago, banana said:

Latest insanity from the 'Progressive' bigots at Safe Space University...


Was wondering how long Before someone was gonna play the slavery card. Oh and that little bitch moaning about "Feeling Safe" Mate, if you dont feel safe in a everyday environment where people have the right to have an opinion, thats your problem. People shouldnt be forced to give up their rights to make you feel "safe"

"Don't call us guys, that is a Gender Term, that's a micro aggression" I suppose when someone finally snaps and bounces your head off a table thats a major aggression?

Im calling it guys, society is fucked.

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1 hour ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Was wondering how long Before someone was gonna play the slavery card. Oh and that little bitch moaning about "Feeling Safe" Mate, if you dont feel safe in a everyday environment where people have the right to have an opinion, thats your problem. People shouldnt be forced to give up their rights to make you feel "safe"

"Don't call us guys, that is a Gender Term, that's a micro aggression" I suppose when someone finally snaps and bounces your head off a table thats a major aggression?

Im calling it guys, society is fucked.

You've got yourself in to some state about this.

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1 hour ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Was wondering how long Before someone was gonna play the slavery card. Oh and that little bitch moaning about "Feeling Safe" Mate, if you dont feel safe in a everyday environment where people have the right to have an opinion, thats your problem. People shouldnt be forced to give up their rights to make you feel "safe"

"Don't call us guys, that is a Gender Term, that's a micro aggression" I suppose when someone finally snaps and bounces your head off a table thats a major aggression?

Im calling it guys, society is fucked.

Do these things actually impinge upon your life or do you go out of your way to be annoyed by them?

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18 minutes ago, The OP said:

Do these things actually impinge upon your life or do you go out of your way to be annoyed by them?

They don't directly affect my life at the moment. But look how quickly this has developed and became the norm, how long before it affects day to day life. 

How long before you aren't allowed to have a different opinion? 

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