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Yet another US shooting

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Regarding this attack, the continued focus on the availability of "assault weapons" in the media and this board is still weird. I'm not even sure it's the most effective weapon for carrying out this type of attack. It would probably be the best bet if you are more in the open where people are going to flee and you have room to operate. In a closed space I would want multiple handguns with high capacity magazines.


Anyone who's played GTA Vice City will know you're wrong. For those who know exactly what I'm talking about, you're all horrible, horrible people.

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Genuinely one of the most disgusting statements I've ever seen. I have no idea how anyone can come to this type of thinking.

It's lines like these which make it clear Mike is not being entirely serious in his trolling.

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There's a big mish-mash of causes/reasons/whatever for what happened.  It's difficult to unpick them all.


Several people have said that this guy used to be a patron of this place and was also a member of various gay dating apps.  His ex-wife said that he liked going out to clubs and nightlife but that she saw no evidence he was homosexual (she says "physical evidence" so presumably they had normal husband-wife relations, which doesn't prove or disprove whether he was gay of course).  He made angry statements to his co-workers about "blacks, Jews, gays and women" and was investigated by the FBI for claiming he knew terrorist suspects.  It turned out he didn't know them and was talking bullshit so the FBI closed their investigation.  Everyone on here will have met angry men who explode in hatred about people different to them and talk bollocks about how hard they are, what they've done etc.


He wasn't particularly religious, beyond going to the mosque for prayers.  No-one, so far, has said that he had radical views.  However, he did phone 911 and say that he was allied to the Islamic state, so he must've thought something of it.  There is research that shows that religiously observant people in the Middle East are LESS likely to support or become involved in the Islamic State.  I think that pledging allegiance to ISIS is kind of an overall "f**k you" angry man statement rather than a considered philosophical position.  A "f**k everything, I hate you mum and dad" tantrum, of the most deadly and vicious kind.  Of course, the hateful, violent ideology and practices of Islamism draw people like Marten to it, that's a major part of it's appeal.  You are kind of a failed, angry young man, possibly conflicted about yourself - f**k everyone!  Pledge allegiance to IS!  Take that world!  The fact that he variously claimed links with or allegiance to Hezbollah, al-Queda and ISIS (all of whom hate each other and are fighting in Syria) suggests he was confused.


That said you cannot deny the fact that Islamism is a problem and that violent Islamist ideology is a threat to people in the USA, in the UK and in Europe.  Marten may have been confused, contradictory and hateful but he did connect himself to extreme Islam.  He attacked gay people and we know that all variations of extreme Islam advocate brutal violence against gay people.  Even more mainstream Islam is strongly intolerant of homosexuality - every Islam-majority country in the Middle East has laws against homosexuality, including several with the death penalty.  To what extent that his homophobia and/or self-hatred fed off this or whether it was the other way around isn't known and probably never will be.


I don't really know what sort of point I'm making but this attack was a toxic mix of his own personal issues, his exposure to Islamic extremism and his ability to obtain weapons.

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Just another sexually repressed fruit loop with access to military grade weaponry and an inability to deal with the many unresolved conflicts batting around his clearly fucked up wee head. Not terrorism, perhaps not even a hate crime, just the result of a mental breakdown and the ability to do something so spectacularly selfish that the world will get to know and experience how angry you are. At something or other.


Orlando shooter Omar Mateen 'was a regular at Pulse nightclub'


This kind of thing happens to folk everyday, it gets too much or a specific incident tips them over the edge but, the difference in proper countries is that you have to work enormously hard to do more than kill yourself and maybe take one or two people with you. In the US you can literally go out with almost as big a bang as you want. 

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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You admitted to calling football players "poofs" at games. You're a bigot. Not really a debate to be had here.

No I never. What I said was when playing a game I'd use anything in that 90 mins to put my counterpart off. I'd even do it with a smile on my face. I am guilty of being a c**t, yes.

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No I never. What I said was when playing a game I'd use anything in that 90 mins to put my counterpart off. I'd even do it with a smile on my face. I am guilty of being a c**t, yes.

You weren't talking exclusively about playing in a game either, you were talking about shouting "poof" from the sidelines as a fan.

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I wouldn't let tam sidetrack the thread, the subject is too important and he's not important enough.

Maybe the day will come when most kids who feel conflicted about their sexuality will be able to turn to there parents. Sadly it will never happen for all of them as there will always be bigots but I'd like to think slowly but surely tolerance is growing, at least in the UK.

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