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The fall of Labour in Scotland - in their own words


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So you won't or can't tell me the difference.

Enjoy the rest of your day

I will me mention during that programme it was said Labour can't compete with the SNP on spending power.

Yet it was reported Labour had actually outspent the SNP at the GE

Have you got the report handy?

Also is this programme worth a watch?

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It could have been good. But it is quite simply 60 minutes of labourites saying 'it wisnae me' at the camera. Either that or 'I saw it coming all along'. There is absolutely no acknowledgement that they completely lost the confidence of the Scottish people or an offering of explanation.

Lamont was the only one to stand up at the time and say it how it was, labour don't give a toss about north of the border and see it see it as an easy 50 seats or so.

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Mags Curran, still not getting it. And now penning tosh for the Daily Mail of all papers. Has she forgotten the DM's attack on Ed Miliband's father?

No wonder Labour are dying.


For the record, my abuse of Curran was never sexist. It was more of the 'Hahaha, you're going to lose and I'll pish myself laughing when it happens' variety.

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For the record, my abuse of Curran was never sexist. It was more of the 'Hahaha, you're going to lose and I'll pish myself laughing when it happens' variety.

Surely if it was sexist, then all of her detractors wouldn't have voted for Natalie McGarry?

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If it's only SNP supporters on this list. Then it's obviously a smear campaign they're looking for

It also may end up being a can of worms that they really didn't want to open. Ian Smart is obviously fresh in the mind. Is he still a member? Suspended but not yet expelled

Margaret Curran will of course be first to be outed, then Ian Davidson, and of course Jim Murphy. All three have been guilty of abuse in recent times. I'm sure there are many more examples of their elected officials abusing SNP officials/members either verbally or online. A quick twitter search of #Nazi should reel in quite a few.

It's going to get silly and will be something akin to a school playground spat.

What is quite clear is that Labour have learned no lessons after their humiliating shafting at the general election

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Seemingly they have given the "list" to the press,the seethe in the mail/express etc etc will be glorious and not 1 f**k will be given

A nuclear bomb could explode tomorrow and the Mail will still run with a nasty cybernat front page the following day

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