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The Curios Case of Adnan Syed

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During the close season I have been struggling for stuff to listen to because of the lack of football.

I googled good podcasts to listen to and this one came up http://serialpodcast.org/.

Basically its a true story about a girl called Hae Lee who goes missing in Baltimore in 1999, her body is found and her ex boyfriend Adnan Syed is charged with murder and has been in prison for the last 15 years but still maintaining he is innocent. That isn't the whole story though. The podcast delves into the states case against Adnan and there isn't actually conclusive evidence against him, just the word of a guy called Jay who knew Adnan but Jay's story throughout the whole thing changes and he lied about a few things. You hear court tapes, police interviews, phone calls to pals connected

It's fascinating and frightening at the same time, I'd recommend it to anyone who is struggling for stuff to listen to or who likes a murder mystery. There is also a follow up Podcast http://undisclosed-podcast.comand that is 3 attorneys going through the case again, picking through it with a comb. I am only a couple of episodes in but it really is astonishing.

I have swayed a few times to whether the guy is guilty or not, there is much more to the story than Jay let on imo.

Has anyone else heard of this case?

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Yes - I really enjoyed Serial.

I was left in no doubt whatsoever about his guilt though. I think he quite clearly did it.

"What do you remember of what you did that day? You know, the one where your ex girfriend was brutally murdered and the police questioned you?"

"Not very much really.."


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Yes - I really enjoyed Serial.

I was left in no doubt whatsoever about his guilt though. I think he quite clearly did it.

"What do you remember of what you did that day? You know, the one where your ex girfriend was brutally murdered and the police questioned you?"

"Not very much really.."


I sway from innocent to guilty back and forth. I really don't know.

Have you listened to the follow up podcast? I am on episode 4 of the undisclosed one but they are picking out some major flaws in the States time line/theory.

Jay did it IMO.

There was a thread about it on here at the time.

I thought there might have been, can't find out though. Useless at using the search function ha.

I don't think so. I am starting to believe the detectives had Jay by the balls and threatened to blame him for the murder unless he testified that Adnan did it. It suits their story, he had the motive to kill the lass being the heart broken ex boyfriend, not having an alibi ( well there is 1 girl who swears she was with him at the time the State believed Hai was murdered) the mobile phone and car thing.

The detectives wrote out a script for Jay to read out when being interviewed and he kept screwing up. That is why his story kept changing. There was a bit in the podcast where Jay was recorded talking about how him and Adnan were talking to each other but at the same time both were driving in separate cars yet having a conversation as if they were sat next to each other. He would forget the story, there would be tapping on the table (by a detective pointing at a map ect) and all of a sudden he'd remember routes and streets he didn't have a clue about.

Their was a brandy bottle and some kind of rope device found inches from her corpse yet these things weren't even tested for DNA. Or they were tested but they didn't want the results leaked because it wouldn't have helped their case against Adnan. Seems like a set up to me.

Is this Adnan an antiques dealer?

If he is he won't be making much from his cell :P

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I'm about 10 episodes into this now and really enjoying it.

I hope by the end of the 12 episodes there is a clear outcome

Don't google the case ha.

I have now caught up with the Undisclosed podcast which is still running with the latest episode out last week.

I am pretty much convinced he didn't do it.

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I don't think he should have been convicted based on the evidence, especially given Jay's clear unreliability/inconsistency.

Fwiw I think they both did it.

The defence lawyer sounds like a total rocket from the clips. Can't help but feel a better lawyer would have scooshed that case

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6 months later ;)

Having thought about it rationally I'm pretty certain he did it. It's clear the podcast journalist was very much on his 'side' and it skewed my judgement a bit. But after a cold hard examination of the facts you can see why he's in prison.

It boils down to it was either him or Jay as Jay knew where her car was. And then it's motive, why would Jay want to kill her? He was a vague acquaintance by all accounts, and he hasn't been randomly killing since.

I don't think it happened like Jay said it did, but i do think Adnan killed her.

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I don't think he should have been convicted based on the evidence, especially given Jay's clear unreliability/inconsistency.

Fwiw I think they both did it.

The defence lawyer sounds like a total rocket from the clips. Can't help but feel a better lawyer would have scooshed that case


6 months later ;)

Having thought about it rationally I'm pretty certain he did it. It's clear the podcast journalist was very much on his 'side' and it skewed my judgement a bit. But after a cold hard examination of the facts you can see why he's in prison.

It boils down to it was either him or Jay as Jay knew where her car was. And then it's motive, why would Jay want to kill her? He was a vague acquaintance by all accounts, and he hasn't been randomly killing since.

I don't think it happened like Jay said it did, but i do think Adnan killed her.

Cheers was trawling through the GN forum, didn't think to look there ha.

If you listen to Undisclosed ( the latest Podcast to come out about the case) they pick holes in almost everything.

Jay's story changes so many times because its the Detectives who are making the story up for him as they go along ( finding out new info ).

I don't wanna go into too much details about the newest podcast because you/other folk might wanna give it a swatch.

The brandy bottle found inches from the girls body wasn't even tested because the detectives were told Adnan didn't drink booze. It's crazy.

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Cheers was trawling through the GN forum, didn't think to look there ha.

If you listen to Undisclosed ( the latest Podcast to come out about the case) they pick holes in almost everything.

Jay's story changes so many times because its the Detectives who are making the story up for him as they go along ( finding out new info ).

I don't wanna go into too much details about the newest podcast because you/other folk might wanna give it a swatch.

The brandy bottle found inches from the girls body wasn't even tested because the detectives were told Adnan didn't drink booze. It's crazy.

I did actually listen to that today, never even knew it was out. Was interesting.

However it's being paid for by Adnan's fund and been presented by his childhood friend/lawyer. So as you'd expect, it's really skewed in his favour, even more so than serial was.

There's no denying that there's certainly a lot of holes in the case and Jay's clearly not telling it how it really happened.

But he was definitely involved, he knew where her car was. That fact is the cornerstone of the whole case. It's not really conceivable to imagine Jay working with someone else to kill Hai. Either Jay killed her himself or Adnan was involved.

So the question then is.. Did Jay randomly murder Hai for no reason without the knowledge of Adnan? Or were both Jay and Adnan involved to whatever degree and however they both did it?

We know Jay is involved and we know Adnan was with Jay that day - Adnan admits he was. So it then all boils down to... Could Jay have killed Hai without Adnan's knowledge that afternoon?

That's where it unravels for me. Even discarding Jays lack of motive to kill her. I just don't see how Jay have killed her without at least Adnan knowing about it. Yet Adnan claims nothing unusual happened at all that day. I would guess Jay was more involved than he's letting on, and that explains his inconsistencies. He doesn't want to incriminate himself.

You could say that his conviction is unsafe due to the inconsistencies, but I don't doubt the right man is in jail and I think Jay should probably be in too. The frustrating truth is only three people know the real story. One of them is dead and the other two aren't showing any signs of telling the truth, I don't think we will ever know what really happened.

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they pick holes in almost everything.

Which is possible for just about every murder case given there are going to be unexplained parts of the story and other people with plausible motive and opportunity .

If you actually look at his story, you could drive a monster truck through it. Its absolute nonsense.

His convenient memory lapses.

His phone being in the vicinity of where she was buried in a shallow grave.

The Nisha call.

the Serial programme was determined to find out that he was innocent. The narrator more or less admits that at one point. It cant. Because the evidence is hugely incriminating.

They've picked this one case but I'd be willing to bet this isn't in the top 30% of American murder cases with questionable verdicts.

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I've just finished this and the whole case doesn't make sense, surely even in 99 all dna should dna been tested, you should never get 2 years probation for being an accessory to murder, the police should never be able to help you out before recording an interview and the prosecutor shouldn't supply a lawyer.

Although I still think abnam is guilty I also think jay and possibly an other person was present.

What's the second series called, I can't find it for some reason?

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I've just finished this and the whole case doesn't make sense, surely even in 99 all dna should dna been tested, you should never get 2 years probation for being an accessory to murder, the police should never be able to help you out before recording an interview and the prosecutor shouldn't supply a lawyer.

Although I still think abnam is guilty I also think jay and possibly an other person was present.

What's the second series called, I can't find it for some reason?

Not released yet coming out later this year

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Iv listened to Serial and now onto the undisclosed one. I'm not sure either way what's gone on, definitely think Jay is in on it somewhere. He has changed his story again in a recent interview with The Intercept,now saying Adnan showed him the body at his grandmas house.

I don't particularly believe Adnan either, he seems to ok with being in Jail when you hear him speak! I reckon they were both in on it and the sketchy nature of their stories would produce enough reasonable doubt either way to get them off but it back fired.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've just finished this and the whole case doesn't make sense, surely even in 99 all dna should dna been tested, you should never get 2 years probation for being an accessory to murder, the police should never be able to help you out before recording an interview and the prosecutor shouldn't supply a lawyer.

Although I still think abnam is guilty I also think jay and possibly an other person was present.

What's the second series called, I can't find it for some reason?

The Serial 2nd series will be about a different case. Undisclosed is a follow up podcast to Serial but has been mentioned its by a family friend of Adnan who is biased, she believes he is innocent but there are 2 other lawyers who are putting their reputation on the line by being on the show too.

There is 8 episodes of undisclosed out now with addendum episodes too which go through question and answers from twitter ect.

It is much harder to follow than serial, a lot of information is just thrown at you in any order. I find it quite hard to concentrate but there is a lot more information discussed in this that wasn't in Serial.

The last episode was about the cell phone tower pings and the autopsy episode reveals a lot. Medically she couldn't have been buried when the State said she was buried.

I think he still could have killed her but not in the way the State made out. It doesn't sit right with me but maybe they have got the right guy.

Will try and go through everyone's opinions on this, keep meaning to but forget about it and the topic falls back a few pages.

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