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About Albertlegend

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  1. A great day out at Troon, in the morning in particular tho it was freezing, felt more like October than July! xander deserved winner played some excellent golf to finish, unfortunately he was too good which ruined a potential all time finish for an open!!
  2. Heading down to this this morning, looking forward to a belting days golf! Have the fear I may be escorted out for leathering someone in the hawk tua/ mashed potato crowd!!! Who actually thinks these are funny???
  3. Chiellini bringing out the trophy is top trolling!!!
  4. Pickford being a c**t after that performance f**k me!! Then seeing kane dancing!! Couldn’t mark their necks with a blow torch!!!
  5. Can we stop with the glorious failure pish, there has been nothin glorious about this, complete shite bags!! Northern. Ireland got out the groups for f**k sake!!!
  6. This has been shite, changes required at half time! Created absolutely zero but had enough of the ball!
  7. So negative overall, why leave it so late with the subs? An improvement on germany but still pretty poor. Ralston just looks miles out his depth, would rather see James Forrest at RWB but Clarke will never be that attack minded. i though McGinn and McGregor were anonymous. Gunn and mctominay played well! I think Iv been burned too many times by Scotland at major tournaments but Hungary on Sunday in giving me Morocco at France 98 vibes!
  8. I get that Germany have better players than us in every position but that’s no excuse for inviting the pressure on and giving them acres of space in midfield, we had to get in their face and make things difficult and we haven’t got close. im not one for saying we need passion and to hammer opposition players, but we need to get close to them and at least try and give them something to think about!
  9. Giving Tony Kroos 5 yards of space in the middle of the pitch any time he has the ball is an interesting tactic!
  10. He knew right away it was a shocker that’s why he pretended he needed treatment!!!
  11. Feels like Germany have more players in the pitch than us!
  12. Let’s not kid ourselves here Celtic are fucking pish! Rangers are just fucking worse!!!
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