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M9 Crash near Stirling

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Lets examine the process. Call from Stirling goes to Edinburgh, written on a piece of paper then emailed to Dundee, responding officers dispatched from......Thurso maybe? Yup no room for f**k up there, solid system IMHO

Normally call comes in, goes straight on computer and despatched to the appropriate control room by the touch of a button.

Then despatched by control room to local officers to attend.

Not perfect but no system is unfortunately.

Again can't comment on exactly what happened here for one simple reason.

I don't actually know!

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^sure so wtf is this quill and ink nonsense.

And why no follow up?

Like all computer systems it can sometimes crash and paper and pen comes out.

It can then be radioed(if that's a word) direct to control rooms for despatch.

Unfortunately I don't know why there was no follow up and it has led to such a horrible tragedy where people have lost their lives.

I can only hope lessons are learned and never happens again which I admit is no consolation to the families concerned.

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This is worth a read: http://www.thecourier.co.uk/news/scotland/m9-crash-call-officer-could-not-use-computer-system-1.889605

The officer who took the initial call about Lamara Bell and John Yuill’s crashed car wrote details on a piece of paper because he could not work Police Scotland’s computer system, it has been claimed.

Multiple senior sources within Police Scotland have said the sergeant was drafted in because of a shortage of civilian police staff, a controversial practice known as “backfilling”.
It is understood the officer was not trained to use the updated version of the single force’s Storm recording system, which logs calls and incidents as they are reported.
Insiders said he wrote down the details and tried to give them to a civilian worker – but it is unclear why they were never entered into a computer.
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Think I just greenied you there by accident haha Anyway the point I was going to ask is has their been anything revealed about a system issue ?

Not to my knowledge fb.

Was just a point about how system works I was making.

As I say I can't comment on this exact incident.

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I think we can all agree that what this episode teaches us is that the police, both as an organisation and on an individual level, are incompetent, lacking in self awareness, and not to be trusted.

I for one hope Div bans all the officers who post on here. It's clearly the least they deserve.

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Sure and the one and only time i knew of that happening everyone had their scribble pads checked, logged and then signed by the CR inspector once Storm was back up. Back in the day tho.

Tbh the systems probably were better back in the day for some things.

I can see plus points for both and also negative.

It is possible to sometimes rely a bit too much on technology instead of good old fashioned policing.

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The officer who took the initial call about Lamara Bell and John Yuill’s crashed car wrote details on a piece of paper because he could not work Police Scotland’s computer system, it has been claimed.

Hard to believe really, based on the evidence on P&B, that police officers would be thick c***s unable to work a computer system :)

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Hard to believe really, based on the evidence on P&B, that police officers would be thick c***s unable to work a computer system :)

Welcome to the representative of the braindead.

HB the man who knows nothing and thinks he knows everything.

The thickest and most insignificant poster on Pie and Bovril.

Go play with your crayons HB.

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I often wonder if H_B is actually the former first minister Jack McConnell. He seems to fit the profile.

Even JM wasn't as thick as HB.

Although they are both fuckwits of the highest order to be fair.

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There's a lot of boy racers and joyriders go off on the roundabout 100 yds further down, it's not unusual at all to see cars off the road there so I can understand the guy thinking it was just another wee fanny that can't drive. I've passed maybe half a dozen cars there this year, smashed up, on their roofs, mating with trees and the like and it's never occurred to me to report them, far less get out to look for bodies.

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This is the point (no pencil pun intended) why would you have a car accident on a motorway of any type not logged on the system?

Not so sure about that but I take your point. This is a high speed exit, with no barrier or up-slope next to it, but a sharp down slope into trees. Not necessarily criticising it not being there, but it probably should be llooked at now

And I in turn take your point about the steep downslope, rather than level ground or an incline.

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A sergeant is not a senior officer no matter what he papers say.

I wouldn't believe everything a so called police insider tells the papers.

I work in 101 centre at the minute(not the one involved in this incident).

I know everybody I work with is trained in the appropriate systems but cannot comment on other centres.

Als there is a difference between the control room and call centre.

They are two different places.

I take it that you went into the wrong one by mistake once.

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