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The Terrible Journalism & Tom English Thread

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Good Grief!


The gulf in quality and competitiveness between the two leagues has widened in recent years




Rodgers characteristically attempted to talk up the positives... though there is more than a suggestion of ever decreasing circles about Scottish football at the moment.




While having Celtic and Rangers back together is probably better than having them apart




They need to prove there is still some fight in Scottish football.


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4 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

They've been showing archived games all week. Overblown, I grant you, but not disgraceful.

I appreciate that they weren't exactly on the straight and level, but that was one hell of a good Rangers team.

The disgrace is that game was at Ibrox and therefore irrelevant to Sunday and was always above the line when you clicked on the page so that it was in your face whilst you had to scroll down the page to find the 3 appropriate Pittodrie clips showing a win for each and a draw.

It was clearly not there for editorial purposes, as highlighted by the narrative describing it which basically only says that Rangers scored 5 goals against Aberdeen at Ibrox in January 2000 as presumably there was nothing else to say about it, but as a complete GIRFUY to Aberdeen. If there's any doubt about that my man then you haven't really been paying attention this season, especially over the last few weeks.

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5 hours ago, Redstarstranraer said:

The entire match report for our game v QoS as penned by Chick Young is an utter abortion stylistically.  I'm not sure if the BBC actually told him to 'write casual' or if he really can't produce prose beyond the level of Intermediate One English but a professional journo ought to be producing better stuff than this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/37394312.

"The lack of goalmouth thrills belied the fact that the league leadership was at stake and only John McGinn of the key players on show threatened to light up an afternoon on which the rain continued to whip down pitch, powered by a wind in favour of the home team."

That sentence is fucking horrific in general but it isn't uniquely awful, partnered as it is by other inelegant phrasing as:

"It was no 45 minutes to file under "classic"."


"Palmerston, a ground caught in a time-warp but nevertheless a precious memory of different days of Scottish football, was packed with 1,500 Hibs fans squeezing into a crowd of 3,703."


"But that, out-with a minor scare for both goalies, was more or less that."

Pretty sure outwith is the way you spell that.  Sort of thing you'd think a guy who earned his keep at least partially through writing in the Scottish press would be wise to.

Fucking moron.


It isn't really an important issue but the whole tone of the piece is condescending and dismissive, as if "Chico" was being forced to attend the game as some sort of punishment. More pertinently seeing as he's supposedly retired the BBC are purposefully paying for a match report so poor he may well have written it in crayon.

Obviously, Chick can't write properly, but it's not just that.  

The content of his report bears very little relation to the match he watched.  He's just a bit of an idiot really.

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5 hours ago, 7-2 said:

The disgrace is that game was at Ibrox and therefore irrelevant to Sunday and was always above the line when you clicked on the page so that it was in your face whilst you had to scroll down the page to find the 3 appropriate Pittodrie clips showing a win for each and a draw.

It was clearly not there for editorial purposes, as highlighted by the narrative describing it which basically only says that Rangers scored 5 goals against Aberdeen at Ibrox in January 2000 as presumably there was nothing else to say about it, but as a complete GIRFUY to Aberdeen. If there's any doubt about that my man then you haven't really been paying attention this season, especially over the last few weeks.

Old Firm levels of paranoia there.

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6 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Obviously, Chick can't write properly, but it's not just that.  

The content of his report bears very little relation to the match he watched.  He's just a bit of an idiot really.

Apparently Palmerston was "packed" with 1,500 Hibs fans "squeezing" into a crowd of 3,703... in a venue whose capacity is well over 8,000?

Was he even at the game, or were the QotS and Hibs fans attending all really overweight?

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19 minutes ago, HibeeJibee said:

Apparently Palmerston was "packed" with 1,500 Hibs fans "squeezing" into a crowd of 3,703... in a venue whose capacity is well over 8,000?

Was he even at the game, or were the QotS and Hibs fans attending all really overweight?

I can confirm that the imbecile was there.  He was sitting behind me.

It was a decent crowd for us, but it still meant that most areas of the ground were fairly sparsely populated.

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Any pretence of the BBC giving every club equal coverage well and truly put to be today, 15 minutes into our game and we've not a heard a thing yet, despite it being the only game on the go.

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From the BBC and edited15 mins ago

Rangers team bus vandalised outside Aberdeen hotel

19 minutes ago

 From the sectionScotland


Police are investigating after the Rangers team bus was vandalised outside an Aberdeen hotel.

Graffiti referencing the Ibrox disaster and former player Ian Durrant was scratched into the paintwork of the coach in the early hours of Sunday.

The sides later played each other in a league clash at Pittodrie which Aberdeen won 1-0.

Officers said their inquiries were at an early stage and appealed for information.

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Aye, it's shocking. Shocking! We should expel Hamilton from the Premiership for having low home crowds, and St Johnstone for having a modest away support.

Of course if you suggested to Murray that the SPFL should have told BT to stick to the contract and show two League Cup R2 ties and two QF ties - avoiding the need to play a game on Thursday night, and therefore avoiding the need for today's game to be moved back 24hrs at a few weeks notice - he'd probably accuse you of "tail wagging the dog" or similar.

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