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Africa's most famous lion slaughtered by utter scumbag tourist

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Large predators don't really compete with humans for food, at least with large populations. Meat eating is unsustainable on a large scale and most people in the world (outside the first world at least) are mostly vegetarian and eat relatively little meat.

As for the UK, rabbits are an introduced species and aren't even native to these islands. They were brought here by humans and are an alien species. Also 4 of the 6 species of deer in the UK are introduced species. As for the red deer population the reasons are probably more complex than just the eradication of large predators. The depopulation of rural areas resulting in more land being wild or semi wild, restrictions on human hunting (shooting season, restricted to private land and relatively few people doing it), less severe winters and other factors have to be taken into consideration.

The answer to the final question is surely, no. In terms of food, 12,000 lions in southern Africa make next to no difference to the food yield of tens of millions of human beings living there. Also the money brought in by hunting is a drop in the ocean required to improve the infrastructure of Africa which required billions.

Political corruption, sectarian violence and warfare are Africa's big problems.

Easily the most boring post or bit of information, or quite frankly anything, I've ever read or heard or seen in my entire life.

I'm actually annoyed at myself for quoting it.

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Easily the most boring post or bit of information, or quite frankly anything, I've ever read or heard or seen in my entire life.

I'm actually annoyed at myself for quoting it.


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I just find it strange how so many idiots are getting wound up over a dead animal, wonder how many people have died in Zimbabwe because they didn't have adequate food, clean water or medical care because their leader is too busy enriching himself, or indeed the numbers who were killed in the ethnic cleansing carried out by the government in Matabeleland.

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I just find it strange how so many idiots are getting wound up over a dead animal, wonder how many people have died in Zimbabwe because they didn't have adequate food, clean water or medical care because their leader is too busy enriching himself, or indeed the numbers who were killed in the ethnic cleansing carried out by the government in Matabeleland.

I don't think you are an idiot if you are pissed off at both tbf.

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Here's a cotroversial idea guys. Get your red dots at the ready!

Africa, and indeed the world, is struggling to feed the human population. Large predators are in direct competition to humans for sources of protein.

In the UK since we killed off all the large predators we are over run by deer and rabbits etc, even to the point that we have to cull certain species to save them from the pain of starvation.

Is it possible that if we remove the competition from the food chain that the human beings on the African continent might benefit from that action? If we make people pay for that privilege the could it be possible that the money they are willing to pay would benefit African nations and improve their infrastructure?

More species have died out prior to the human race becoming civilised than exist on the planet now.

The planet is evolving, humans are part of that evolution and no doubt we will die out eventually too to make way for the next overlords. We are part of nature and as we keep hearing we should maybe let nature take its course.

The lion on 'Madagascar' became a vegetarian, proving they don't have to eat meat.

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There was an article in the Sunday Times today saying that those involved in conservation efforts of big game in Africa don't really care about trophy hunters. Lions are more likely to be killed by local people, annoyed that they have killed their livestock or, in some cases, people.

I try to be logical and skeptical about things but I just can't get my head around seeing a lion and thinking "hooray, I'm going to kill that". I'm off to send death threats to this dentist, while eating a steak.

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More species have died out prior to the human race becoming civilised than exist on the planet now.

The planet is evolving, humans are part of that evolution and no doubt we will die out eventually too to make way for the next overlords. We are part of nature and as we keep hearing we should maybe let nature take its course.

Correct, this is covered a fair bit in Bill Brysons A Short History of Nearly Everything.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, he is much smarter than me, I agree with his perspective on this. Yes, many species have died out, yes many of them survived for far longer than human beings have so far managed, but nevertheless as the first species to ever have any control over the matter it should be absolute travesty for us to cause any animal to go extinct. However, insects for example, there are far more species of insect than human beings in the world - and likely 10 times as many undiscovered species - it's hard to control the mechanisms to prevent them becoming extinct.

The only animals we should exclude, or actively target, are those that cause significant harm and death like mosquitos - they are far more dangerous to humans than lions.

This is a strange case for me, on the one hand it is a very good thing this has achieved publicity as hopefully it will mean that these completely unnecessary blood sports are less prevelant in future. However, as is quite obvious, the reaction has gone way too far. It is significantly worse than if the guy had shot a human, for example.

I'd give him a 20 grand fine, or so, and let him return to his life. A punishment proportional to the crime IMO.

As a side note, for predators Polar Bears are my favourite but you've got to have some admiration for lions who sit around on a tree all day and send females to do the hunting.

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I just find it strange how so many idiots are getting wound up over a dead animal, wonder how many people have died in Zimbabwe because they didn't have adequate food, clean water or medical care because their leader is too busy enriching himself, or indeed the numbers who were killed in the ethnic cleansing carried out by the government in Matabeleland.

Don't you know.

Animals = good

Humans = evil

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Don't you know.

Animals = good

Humans = evil

Lions are cute, humans are not - didn't ya know?

One of the best (or worst) things to be said about this is that killing lions is worse than killing humans because humans aren't endangered.

Lets park for a minute the fact that lions aren't either, and consider that even if a genuinely endangered species like a Rhino was attacking a human you wouldn't shoot it? Madness, of course you would, even if it was Mugabe.

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Yes, many species have died out, yes many of them survived for far longer than human beings have so far managed, but nevertheless as the first species to ever have any control over the matter it should be absolute travesty for us to cause any animal to go extinct.

I disagree to a certain extent. Going out and knowingly hunting an animal to extinction isn't really on, but I'm not for 'playing God' and keeping the status quo when certain species would die out naturally without human intervention. Habitat loss due to ranch building etc would be a notable exception.

This also links into the annoying focus on certain species based almost entirely on cuteness. Too much focus on things like the Giant Panda over more important creatures in the larger sense of the biosphere. In a harsh and continually evolving world, I find it difficult to sympathise with animals that struggle with the basics of shagging.

That said, I was reading something which involved the Permo-Trias extinction event* earlier, so perhaps that's set my 'drop in the ocean' mood.

*notably the most extreme of the lot by far, although few folk know about it as early cephalopods etc aren't as cool as T-Rexes.

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Pandas are cool animals, the world will be an inferior place without them.

And if humans can positively intervene in helping, what I perceive to be, interesting animals such as Pandas, Giant Whales etc. then worth the effort IMO. We aren't going to save every sting beetle and a little bit of effort to keep crowd draws like Pandas? Sure.

Also, besides giant squids miles down in the ocean there is scarcely any animal habitat or lifestyle that hasn't been touched by marauding humans, it's impossible to determine what effect we are having, but I imagine it has been substantial on many species.

On a pretty unrelated matter, there is quite a good storyville on iplayer just now about a Circus elephant that goes on the rampage. Similar to Blackfish in that you can only push an animal so far before it hits back.

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Nah sorry, nature has made it clear the time of the panda is up.

We shouldn't be interfering

Just think... to kindly put them out of their misery, you could be the person that kills the last known wild panda.

Celebrity A-lister overnight.

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