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I wish that were true though.

Unfortunately our press are notorious for sensationalising these sorts of allegations and report them as fact.

Social media too doesn't help where mud can be thrown anonymously by anyone with an axe to grind.

As long as they don't throw the axes.
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It's quite funny that bands in the 60s and 70s thought they were outrageous and depraved. They were like school kids compared to the establishment.

Mick Jagger: I stuck a Mars bar up ma burds fanny.

Ted Heath: Did ye, a rode a 9 year old boy and dumped him in the Channel. Beat that.

Looking back to the Heath period i don't remember anybody mentioning that he wasn't married or had a female partner.

Here's a guy that had serious money yet no sign of females.

And nobody said a word.

Even in my little anti tory working class area not a peep.

And a lot of the old Labour/Communist types i knew weren't slow at coming forward.

This is at a time when in living memory Gay men were being giving electric shock treatment as a remedy for homosexuality.

We must have been just too polite.

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No evidence has been brought forward against Heath in public. Everyone going "definite beast" and all that kind of chat are prejudging someone (albeit dead) before they have a chance to be defended. Heath was a known homosexual and the rumours that went round were he frequented gay pick up sites like Hampstead Heath and may have used male prostitutes. Some rumours of being into younger men float around but back then they floated around about most gay men. Homosexuality was very closely associated with pederasty.

It may not be popular but he still is entitled to be considered innocent until proven guilty or as there will be no trial until some compelling evidence emerges.

If people knew Heath was a homosexual they didn't talk about it.

Certainly not in the political circles i was in.

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If people knew Heath was a homosexual they didn't talk about it.

Certainly not in the political circles i was in.

They didn't even discuss the press discussing it? :unsure:

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The main newspaper back then was the Scottish Daily Express.

Don't remember them mentioning it.

They went tits up in the early seventies, which is surprising as Robert Maxwell could have missed an open goal if he succeed in gaining control of the operation.

That said, the workers were more concerned about losing their investment in the paper, that and them concentrating on the problems with the Clyde shipyards at the time.

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They went tits up in the early seventies, which is surprising as Robert Maxwell could have missed an open goal if he succeed in gaining control of the operation.

That said, the workers were more concerned about losing their investment in the paper, that and them concentrating on the problems with the Clyde shipyards at the time.

People buying six copies each of the Scottish Daily News to try and save the workers jobs.

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