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...has been in the news again recently, I understand. In light of this, perhaps there might have been something to all those rumours about Lady Thatcher's consumption of babies taken from the poor.

Do the good people of P&B have some sage, level-headed opinions on the man and his works?

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I drifted away from Private Eye a few years ago for some reason, but I'm bloody sure I'll be buying the next edition.


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West - effin - monster right enough.

Parliament and the Lords down there are full of charlatans, crooks, cheats and paedos. All wrapped in their stupid backward rituals, ermine and precious 'traditions'. Stomach churning.


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Reptilian shape-shifter that gains energy from the blood of sacrificed infants IMHO

Aye, David Icke had a bit of a hard-on for him, didn't he? I think the gist was the Heath had shape-shifted in front of him and warned him off causing trouble for the Establishment, nudge nudge, say no more guv'nor, nice family you've got there, shame if anything happened to them, know what I mean, etc.

The Illuminati-controlled media, of course, aren't reporting this part of the story :rolleyes:

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It's quite funny that bands in the 60s and 70s thought they were outrageous and depraved. They were like school kids compared to the establishment.

Mick Jagger: I stuck a Mars bar up ma burds fanny.

Ted Heath: Did ye, a rode a 9 year old boy and dumped him in the Channel. Beat that.

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It's quite funny that bands in the 60s and 70s thought they were outrageous and depraved. They were like school kids compared to the establishment.

Mick Jagger: I stuck a Mars bar up ma burds fanny.

Ted Heath: Did ye, a rode a 9 year old boy and dumped him in the Channel. Beat that.

Gary Glitter, Pete "only research" Townsend, Led Zepplin the young groupie and the shark, Chuck "legal in some states" Berry?

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This could be the one that really opens the floodgates for all these upper class private school peadophiles , I wouldn't be surprised if there where dozens of them at it.


Tory whip from the 70s Fortescue .....Then, Fortescue said problems involving members might be debt, or it might be a scandal involving small boys.

They would come and ask if we could help, Fortescue said. And if we could we did, and we would do everything we could, because we could store up brownie points.

Thats one of the reasons we would get a chap out of trouble because hed then be ours forever-more.

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