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Mr Rational

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Given the dockyard is the main local employer and independence would put a serious question mark over its future, that's an area where Labour would still be expected to be able to win.

Or take away Independence and a lot of unionists quietly vote SNP.

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BBC claiming a reduced majority despite Labour romping home is an interesting take on tonight's vote.

UKIP are a huge irrelevance and forever will be. Was it Oldham where Gordon Brown got caught calling some old dear a bigot?

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Would be very pleasing if there was a Corbyn bounce in England and a Kezia plummet up here. Pretty much the ideal scenario. There's a good chance though imo that they will see an increased majority where they hold the seat already but still get trounced in Tory seats.

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Good to see the Lol Dems continue with the "it's the Lib Dems or *insert party* here" leaflets. They trounced Sir Oink-A-Lot.

The did a very good job of beating the beloved mascot of Springfield A&M. That pig has friends in high places.

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