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Mr Rational

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very true; BBC England for a period in 2014-15 seemed unable to present a package on any issue without a comment from Farage.

the only thing he didn't appear on was The Beechgrove Garden and even then I'm sure he was at the end of the phone giving Jim McColl a few Europhobic gags to throw into his discussion on geraniums.

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It was UKIP policy until very recently. It may still be, it's so vague and unclear.

are you one of those Kippers that goes out camapigning without bothering to check what the policies are first?

uhm no i know their main and relevant polices unlike you i dont believe every headline and ive never heard this be brought up at any meetings , and you link a article from 3 years ago i agree that past polices were awful

The scary thing is Ukip with about 5 Scottish members managed to walk away with 140,000 votes in Scotland and an MEP.

All be it on the back of the BBC being a Ukip support group.

everytime the BBC had UKIP on they tried to attack UKIP it just backfired

Is it a UKIP requirement that its members be semi-literate British Nationalist fucktards?

i have ADHD and english is not my first language but feel free to attack me all you wish after all UKIP are the bigots right

Didn't Farage say the policies were made up as they went along other immigration and BritEx.

pre 2015 they were a mess

I dont know what this means.

He did say the 2011 manifesto was a pile of shite and disassociated himself from it. The policy on the future of devolutioon though is *very* ambiguous and unclear.

The only reason i raised it was the claim that UKIP were somehow in favour of "direct democracy" and "localism" when the track record suggests anything but. And, as we have seen in Thanet, as with all far right parties UKIP are actually calamitously bad when handed power, by any electorate foolish enough to give it to them.

you have proved no track record you posted stupid articles with no proof or facts and party's can change

SNP and UKIP both had projectfear from the media in full force lets not act like they were in favor of UKIP or SNP

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oh, good.

feel free to post examples of UKIP's proud track record of direct democracy and localism in action. This should be good....

UKIP are a newer party but those are our main policies and you seem to think people cant change their views or policies. Ill admit its a new position for UKIP but if you wanna compare UKIP to when it had 800,000 votes to when it gathered 4 million go ahead.

Are Ukip putting candidates up in the Scottish elections.


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UKIP are a newer party but those are our main policies and you seem to think people cant change their views or policies. Ill admit its a new position for UKIP but if you wanna compare UKIP to when it had 800,000 votes to when it gathered 4 million go ahead.

so, no track record of "direct democracy" or "localism" at all, then, as opposed to nearly 15 years worth of opposition to devolution and shrill calls for Holyrood and Cardiff to be shut down on the grounds of Westminster supremacy and cutting bureacracy and red tape.

I think I'll leave it to someone else to bother taking you seriously.

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so, no track record of "direct democracy" or "localism" at all, then, as opposed to nearly 15 years worth of opposition to devolution and shrill calls for Holyrood and Cardiff to be shut down on the grounds of Westminster supremacy and cutting bureacracy and red tape.

I think I'll leave it to someone else to bother taking you seriously.

15 years of a totally different party but please continue to cry and wipe those tears. Policies change and you posted no proof of them wanting parliaments closed either. I take it since SNP have been alive their polices have never changed .

You have your pre judged view on UKIP that wont change.

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...apart from all the "proof" I posted of it being UKIP policy until very recently (and no clear policy has subsequently replaced it as Kippers will be elected in Wales).

faith-based politics in action. Loser.

you never posted any proof and by recently you mean 3 years ago of nigel saying he does not want to speak about irrelevant past polices. At least try a little bit harder

The 2011 UKIP manifesto for the Scottish Parliament, ‘We, the People’, is explicit and unashamed on this point. In a section entitled, ‘Democracy first. We, the people, shall rule’, its first point is a declaration that they would ‘Retain the Scottish Parliament’ and then on the next line, ‘Replace MSPs with Scottish Westminster MPs’ .

This was 5 years ago our manifesto has changed drastically and even ukip admitted it was a sham manifesto.

‘I have always thought that some kind of federal system is the way forward for the UK - Nigel farage , he was entitled to his view unlike you i wouldn't stop peoples opinions and views.

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..or how about the UKIP manifesto for the last GE of 2015, which doesnt mention Scotland or Wales at all?

all there are are some misty eyed appeals to "British culture and values", whatever that's meant to mean, opposition to multicultiuralism, salivation over EVEL and a Tory smorgasbord of very low council tax and keeping-the-gypos-out-of-our-back yard politics.

The last stated UKIP position on devolution was the one I have referred to throughout this thread which you seem desperate to ignore. There's not much point discussing your party's policies with you if you don't actually know what they are.


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..or how about the UKIP manifesto for the last GE of 2015, which doesnt mention Scotland or Wales at all?

all there are are some misty eyed appeals to "British culture and values", whatever that's meant to mean, opposition to multicultiuralism, salivation over EVEL and a Tory smorgasbord of very low council tax and keeping-the-gypos-out-of-our-back yard politics.

The last stated UKIP position on devolution was the one I have referred to throughout this thread which you seem desperate to ignore. There's not much point discussing your party's policies with you if you don't actually know what they are.


UKIP released a UK Wide Manifesto as we are a united kingdom , but i honestly could understand the lack of focus on wales and Scotland during the referendum as we didnt have the funds to obviously do a full UK wide campaign.

Opposition to multiculturalism is pretty wrong pre 2005 we were having a multi cultural system which worked we were not having 300,000 people which do not integrate.

UKIP had a local government section in their manifesto maybe go read it.

Your correct i dont know irrelevant old polices which are no longer our policy.

If you want to carry this on use PM.

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UKIP released a UK Wide Manifesto as we are a united kingdom , but i honestly could understand the lack of focus on wales and Scotland during the referendum as we didnt have the funds to obviously do a full UK wide campaign.

Opposition to multiculturalism is pretty wrong pre 2005 we were having a multi cultural system which worked we were not having 300,000 people which do not integrate.

UKIP had a local government section in their manifesto maybe go read it.

Your correct i dont know irrelevant old polices which are no longer our policy.

If you want to carry this on use PM.

*cough* I was actually referring to the local government section of your 2015 manifesto.

Oh, and the opposition to multiculturalism is repeated in your 2015 GE manifesto (pp. 60-61 if you want to read it for yourself. You clearly haven't read it to date).

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*cough* I was actually referring to the local government section of your 2015 manifesto.

Oh, and the opposition to multiculturalism is repeated in your 2015 GE manifesto (pp. 60-61 if you want to read it for yourself. You clearly haven't read it to date).

The Local government section of our manifesto is stuff i agree with.

We oppose it now because its not working we dont oppose cultures coming and integrating , pre 2005 it was working if you think 300,000 people coming so fast and not integrating is good multiculturalism then that says alot about you.

You have your opinion on UKIP it wont change i have my opinion on SNP and it wont change lets leave it there.

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Funny to see the big hitters in Ukip trampling over each other to grab a seat in Wales.

So much for the local candidates.

Scotland Ukip MEP was another case of eff the locals.

In the end it's all about money money money.

which big hitters?

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