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Morton - Motherwell


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Morton were well worth their win tonight and it was no surprise that they got it. It was daylight robbery when we managed to score to force extra time as we'd been second best all night long, but just as always happens with us, that goal only papered over a crack which was opened up again soon after.

We are awful, simple as that and we have an awful manager who has to go asap. In a cup match you play your strongest team, not bench your top goal scorer, only available midfielder worthy of the name and our only attacking threat and as such we ambled about that park at walking pace all night with the exception of a few flurries when Ainsworth, McDonald and Moult were finally introduced. Just what the f**k was Baraclough thinking putting out that team tonight? In a match that he has to win with the pressure from the support already building and in a cup tie which are crucial to the club in terms of revenue, that team lineup and performance were unforgivable.

Tonight, for the first time since the dark days of Maurice Malpas, there were very vocal calls for the manager to be sacked from large sections of the support and the board and/or Baraclough can't ignore them. We need action, he has to go.

Baraclough OUT

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Congratulations to the famous


Don't think anyone could argue that we didn't deserve to win that: really poor on our part to be taken to extra-time having had more than enough chances to be 3-0 or 4-0 up by the time the ninety minutes were over. I was worried we would just collapse and lose comfortably in those circumstances but credit to the team for picking themselves up and going straight back to controlling the game after that.

Motherwell are the worst top flight side I've seen against Morton, the Gretna team we pumped 3-0 included. I know you've not been playing well but I hope to christ you're not quite that bad every week, because there's no way you can stay up playing like that.

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That was a great performance from Morton tonight. Not sure if Motherwell are as bad a team as their fans are saying or if we just didn't let them play, but the score flatters them, they really were poor on the night.

Samuel, Forbes and Sabajo all had great games tonight, and Tidser gave his best display since getting back into the team. The Morton goals were all excellent, and Peaso's pass for the first was a thing of beauty.

Many teams would've folded after that last-kick equaliser, but like they did so often last year Morton came storming back to win. Great to see such spirit in the team after the spineless displays under Kenny Shiels two seasons back.

Hopefully tonight's defeat for TheRingers will have punctured their bubble a little. With regard to Sunday's game we could've done without that extra half hour tonight - but it was worth it.

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There's a video doing the rounds showing the police back up arriving, taken by a Morton fan in the Sinclair St end.

Honestly, it's the biggest police response since Krispy Kreme had a sale on. Incredible stuff.

An absolute minter for Police Scotland.

Agreed. Useless twats.

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Even though he didn't have too many brilliant saves to make, Gaston was still very impressive for us as always. Commanded his area superbly, and just always makes you feel reassured whenever he comes for it. Great keeper.

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Motherwell were tragic but you have to give Morton credit for hounding them and not giving up, the goal was a sickener but it gave us Ton fans another brilliant Hawf hour.

Samuel was excellent, he had a great game as did all the players! Each and every one of them played their part tonight. Great effort

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I thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere created by the Motherwell fans tonight, thought their fans were excellent, and then it all kicked off. No idea of course what caused it to kick off like it did (I've heard a whisper of a steward being punched) but the fact it happened so soon after going 2-1 down does suggest that there was some dummy-spitting going on.

Chick Young was mentioning the trouble just a minute before Morton had went up the park and scored, so the trouble started before Morton took the lead again. Im sure the Morton goal didn't help after that.

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port-ton, on 23 Sept 2015 - 00:34, said:

Chick Young was mentioning the trouble just a minute before Morton had went up the park and scored, so the trouble started before Morton took the lead again. Im sure the Morton goal didn't help after that.

It did start before the 2-1, but it definitely kicked off again straight after we scored the second goal.

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It def started before we took the lead again. It seemed to kick off when a Motherwell chance went just by the post, and there was a surge forward by the fans at the front, this meant the stewards jumped in to keep them back and it all just went mental after that. Of course, it got even worse when we went 2-1 up. I have to say, the reaction to the goal by our fans didn't really help much, rushing into the very near corner next to the WDE which is usually cordoned off, with a few idiots running onto the pitch. Don't really see the point in that IMO.

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Struggling to think of a more inept managerial performance than that tonight.

He drops his only senior central midfielder and also the top scorer at the club. He plays a fucking pointless 4-3-3 which I have never seen Motherwell play with to any success. The formation left Robinson completely isolated up front against two centre backs.

Dom Thomas then showed a bit of promise drifting by a few men then immediately gets subbed.

Meanwhile, we continue to have the useless, gutless, pointless fucking waste of a jersey Taylor wandering about the centre circle like a shit Barry Ferguson tribute act. My only explanation is that it must be in Taylor's loan deal that he needs to play every game unless he's injured/suspended, because he doesn't warrant a fucking place out of his performances.

The upshot was we were overrun in midfield by a Morton side who weren't more talented, but actually looked like they cared. They played an organised style of football and outran us all night. We played right into their hands.

Baraclough's got to go before the rot really sets in. He's been backed to build his own squad and we've been left with 6 strikers, 3 keepers and no cover in midfield. He's had the signing policy of an excitable 12 year old who's just been given unlimited money on Football Manager.

And the "we're Greenock Morton, we're better than you" chant? Tell us something we don't know.

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TBH to pick out a MOTM tonight must have been difficult, Samuels maybe edged it but there were some excellent individual performances out there tonight, and a fantastic team performance.

Barra must be shitting himself now, will he be around for the first week in October? I don't even think he will be around for the last week in September!

Your getting sacked in the morning and a few of the Well players need to look at their displays from tonight, the passing from some of them was nothing short of fcuking dire! At least the Motherwell fans took it well

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Pleased to hear of this.

Given that Morton, by my reckoning, are shamefully the only full-time outfit not to play at Hampden in a domestic cup tie, one would hope for a home draw rather than a glamour tie.

A winable tie looks unlikely though given last night's other results so we may need to settle for and be proud of our quarter-final place and create some memorabilia to cash in on this.

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Pleased to hear of this.

Given that Morton, by my reckoning, are shamefully the only full-time outfit not to play at Hampden in a domestic cup tie, one would hope for a home draw rather than a glamour tie.

A winable tie looks unlikely though given last night's other results so we may need to settle for and be proud of our quarter-final place and create some memorabilia to cash in on this.

Quite a defeatous attitude already is it not? Would take dundee utd at cappielow and fancy our chances

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