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Sectarianism just part of the national game


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So when this happened, why didn't you report it to the authorities? If you didn't want to do that, then why not the papers? Y'know, seeing as you're so determined to "prove" that sectarianism is rife out with the Old Firm...

Please do go into the "minor abuse within the stadium" as well. Could do with a laugh.

You could be steering into dangerous waters there...

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This is a bit of a powder keg of a thread but going to open myself up to abuse anyway.

I don't believe we should live in a society where singing songs is a jail able offence. I despise the culture that surrounds those two clubs and am also utterly baffled by it. Why Glaswegians attach themselves to those identities is absolutely beyond me and I don't want to understand. I pity them.

If that attitude/culture manifests itself in violence or genuine prejudiced acts then of course that needs to be tackled.

There are greater issues in life and Scottish football than songs being sung in a football stadium. And while we're at it, I have heard equally offensive songs sung by fans of my own team. Not sectarian but horrible nonetheless.

I am of a mind to tackle roots of

Cultures not jail someone for singing a song.

That brings me to my final point around the current rule of clubs taking every reasonable step within their power to prevent it is absolutely laughable from the two big clubs. Their entire culture and being is an invitation for that culture to exist.

You'd be confused too if you were a simpleton and your club offered you a platform to celebrate being the loyalist/republican club of choice with likeminded cretins then be arrested for it.

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Excellent point well made. Let's compare it to this.

Maybe this moron would be happy to see us reverting to racist chants. After all it might add to the atmosphere.

Yes a return to people screaming nigger or coon, bananas thrown on the pitch etc. Aye happy days so they were. Teams refusing to field players cos they kicked with the wrong foot and so on. The SFA are one of the most gutless self serving organisations I have come across and there appears to be more than a few on here that would like to keep it that way.

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I'm interested.

What sectarian abuse, and be very specific here, have you experienced at an away game against Kilmarnock.

How would it have been possible for him to give you a response without being specific or were you just desperate to use one of p&b's worst stock responses? Please be very specific with your answer.

The thing that has offended me most about this thread is finding out that there was a minutes silence for the pope at a football game. Is there always a minutes silence for the leaders of any religion at the football? I look forward to the minutes silence when the Dalai Lama passes.

I'll bet you can hear a pin drop in Celtic Park when the Queen snuffs it.

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This is a bit of a powder keg of a thread but going to open myself up to abuse anyway.

I don't believe we should live in a society where singing songs is a jail able offence. I despise the culture that surrounds those two clubs and am also utterly baffled by it. Why Glaswegians attach themselves to those identities is absolutely beyond me and I don't want to understand. I pity them.

If that attitude/culture manifests itself in violence or genuine prejudiced acts then of course that needs to be tackled.

There are greater issues in life and Scottish football than songs being sung in a football stadium. And while we're at it, I have heard equally offensive songs sung by fans of my own team. Not sectarian but horrible nonetheless.

I am of a mind to tackle roots of

Cultures not jail someone for singing a song.

That brings me to my final point around the current rule of clubs taking every reasonable step within their power to prevent it is absolutely laughable from the two big clubs. Their entire culture and being is an invitation for that culture to exist.

You'd be confused too if you were a simpleton and your club offered you a platform to celebrate being the loyalist/republican club of choice with likeminded cretins then be arrested for it.

The reason why offensive chants are being treated as both an individual and criminal matter is because the football authorities are too shit scared to hammer the clubs responsible for their fans' behaviour, through fines and points deductions. The clubs are clearly responsible for any large-scale, disruptive behaviour among their fanbase - such events simply do not occur without a culture that facilitates it, one which clubs too often turn a blind eye to.

If they are genuinely struggling with the behaviour of a few individuals, then banning orders offer a reasonable and effective halfway house between criminalising people and letting them vent their shite inside a ground. But we all know that in the case of the two bigots in particular, you could take literally thousands of their knuckle-dragging, armchair element, hand them a spare match ticket, and they'd be revelling in their party songs within a few minutes. Which means both dishing out banning orders and hammering the clubs responsible for maintaining their culture of bigotry, until the fans, the club or their bile are finished.

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How would it have been possible for him to give you a response without being specific or were you just desperate to use one of p&b's worst stock responses? Please be very specific with your answer.

The thing that has offended me most about this thread is finding out that there was a minutes silence for the pope at a football game. Is there always a minutes silence for the leaders of any religion at the football? I look forward to the minutes silence when the Dalai Lama passes.

I'll bet you can hear a pin drop in Celtic Park when the Queen snuffs it.

She'll have the decency to die in the close season, I would expect.

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We won't see strict liability brought in for one reason - self interest.

Celtic and Rangers know that they have substantial elements within their support that will never learn. These supporters are not only continuing to bring their clubs into disrepute through their own actions, but are passing down this so-called 'tradition' to their children who will likely carry on the cycle. If both Old Firm clubs eradicated this element completely (by accepting SL, better self-policing etc) then they know fine well that they'd be shooting themselves in the foot. Sales of their faux-Irish/faux Unionist tat would drop significantly, and as such they'd be less able to splash cash they don't really have on foreign players that will do little more than appease their ADD support for another month.

The Old Firm derby has bigotry to thank for being seen as 'important' outwith these shores. It brings an element of hatred that can only be found when two similar sets of people use the others belief in a different sky fairy as a reason to dislike them. It's a pathetic situation, and one that only serves to keep the Scottish game in the gutter in the eyes of sane people worldwide.

Whether we like it or not, people from all over the world will tune into these games with a sort of morbid curiosity usually reserved for death row executions or episodes of Miranda, and it will leave an indomitable mark on their opinion of Scottish football. The matches are usually dreadful, with "that's what to expect in an Old Firm game" being used as a convenient smoke screen to mask each side's lack of real footballing ability. The majority of places in Scotland have changed dramatically in the last few decades, with integration among all religions, creeds etc making our towns and cities a far better place to live. Turn on an Old Firm game however, and you'd be forgiven for thinking that nothing had changed since the 1920's.

I don't have all the answers of how we eradicate this from our game, but fannying about with 'facial recognition' is nothing more than a PR exercise to try and fool folk into thinking that the SPFL have any interest in sorting this. Until a certain two clubs put the countries interests ahead of their own, we won't see any real change.

What an over dramatic response , the whole sectarianism in glasgow is over hyped by the media and faux offended journalists and bloggers , people of both supports work , live and socialise with each other on a daily basis .songs are sung during the match which are a bit "edgy" or "political" or whatever you may call it , but I have never been offended by anything a celtic fan has ever sung or shouted at me , don't agree with it but offended , nope.

Also ironic that you state your disgust at religous discrimination whilst mockingly labelling something which is obvioulsy very important to anyone of a religous persuasion on either side as a "Sky fairy" a term which anyone who is religous could easily find offensive

And where do we stop with the offence , football terraces have been full of songs regarding people of a particular team , city or region being referred to as things such as sheep shaggers , inbred , poor etc , all these are offensive in their own way and what if a scouser for example took offense to being labelled a thieve and poor or whatever in a terrace ditty , does that open the door to anti offensive measurements to be put in place ?

And religion also seems to be open to ridicule from all parts of society through the media , Internet and comedy yet everyone seems to be all up in arms when a song or chant is sung at a football game

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How would it have been possible for him to give you a response without being specific or were you just desperate to use one of p&b's worst stock responses? Please be very specific with your answer.

The thing that has offended me most about this thread is finding out that there was a minutes silence for the pope at a football game. Is there always a minutes silence for the leaders of any religion at the football? I look forward to the minutes silence when the Dalai Lama passes.

I'll bet you can hear a pin drop in Celtic Park when the Queen snuffs it.

The SFA instigated the minutes silence. It was held at both semi finals that weekend. Not sure why you pick on Celtic Park for the death of the Queen. You think republican points of view only apply to Celtic fans?

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The complete ignorance of diddy team fans in this Country is baffling to say the least.

If you genuinely believe that only Celtic and Rangers fans are sectarian then you are part of the problem, I've been to many Celtic away matches and been abused by opposition fans in a sectarian manner....worst of it coming from Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs, Killie, Motherwell.


The thing is, the common denominator is that pretty much exclusively, instances of sectarianism are at games involving either half of the old firm.

It just doesn't happen at at Diddy club games.

I think possibly the odd Hearts game would be the only example I could pluck.

It is very largely an Old Firm issue

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The thing that has offended me most about this thread is finding out that there was a minutes silence for the pope at a football game. Is there always a minutes silence for the leaders of any religion at the football? I look forward to the minutes silence when the Dalai Lama passes.


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Question for the OF fans.

Is it fun to sing about religious/political beliefs that your too stupid to actually understand?

I'm not sure about religious songs, but some forms of music may be deemed political by cultural association, irrespective of political content.

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