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Right enough, you'd think a player of Murray's class would never lose a set against the best player who's ever lived whilst being ONE break of serve ahead. blink.gif

Incidentally, Federer also 'blew' four or five match points in the same set. Did he 'bottle' those points too?

I have no idea what this is supposed to insinuate. Everyone who actually watched the match knows that Federer outplayed him, and fully deserved to win. Not sure what point you're making here. Other than making a tit of yourself.

1. Federer won the set/Championship,so can hardly be accused of bottling it...He looked comfortable and unruffled throughout the whole match .....

My point is, as i said originally was with Murrays acceptance,after having an excellent tournament he was shot down by the greatest player ever to pick up a racket,theres no shame in that.So why couldn't he just take it like a man and not blubber some inaudilbe crap and cry his fucking eyes out like a big wimp.

Perhaps he just can't can't handle the BIG tournament final pressure or perhaps he needs to see a sports shrink.As for the he's too good not to win a major how times did Greg Norman win a major in a America (7 2nds).How many times did Jimmy White become world champion (6x r/u) both deemed far too good not to win them,far too talented,some people for whatever reason just choke.....

Murray has the game to be a major winner in the future,but not with his current emotional atitude and needs to toughen up mentally as indicated by todays bawling.Federer was in control all day today and rarely looked in any trouble not because he played sublimely or because he was sensational it was because Murray was a poor reflection on the player he had been advancing through the round stages of this competition and looked a beaten man by the end of the first set.....

But he's Scottish and this is a Scottish forum so i don't expect many to agree with my point but unless he sorts out the his mental side he'll be just as as successful as Heman,Rusedski,Bates in majors.By crying his eyes went out went some way to give potential players in big matches an insight just how unstable he can be particularly when you've got the pressure of the british media whipping up a a frenzy and overhyping everything....

Edited by Seymour Bush
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congrats must go to murray,getting to 2 grand slam finals in the last year is a good achievement IMO

so what if he was emotional,if anyone has a problem with that then they have obviously NEVER played any kind of sport at a decent level to understand the emotionsyou can go through

Don't know if its just me but i think he kind of made it easy for federer,all his returns were far too near the service line allowing federer to attack his shots alot more than if he was pushed back to the base line or beyond.

A grand slam aint too far off though IMO.thumbup2.gif

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Guest The Phoenix

Fact is he bottled it today and played shite,shit happens deal with it like a man a sportsman.I hope he is embarassed by his wimpering and he might fucking man up and it might add a much needed a bit of steel to his temprament...

You really don't have a clue about the level of physical and mental energy Murray will have expended in trying to capture his first Grand Slam title, do you?

To be asked to speak without emotion after such a crushing blow is akin to asking Kilt to eat meat.

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To be asked to speak without emotion after such a crushing blow is akin to asking Kilt to eat meat.

Oh there's plenty more where that came from, TP. :rolleyes:

FWIW, I too think it is a mental rather than physical thing with Murray. Going by this tournament, he is just another Tsonga or Baghdatis:. amazing throughout the tournament but a frustrating inability to cross the finish line.

He looked pretty jaded though, tbf.

Edited by The Blair-Skint Student
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But he's Scottish and this is a Scottish forum so i don't expect many to agree with my point but unless he sorts out the his mental side he'll be just as as successful as Heman,Rusedski,Bates in majors.

Bates? :lol:

It's not because it's a Scottish forum that hardly anyone will agree with you, it's because you're talking shite.

In his 5 years or so on tour, I haven't once seen him even close to tears. He does it once after losing to the greatest ever in a Grand Slam final, and suddenly he has 'mental problems'. How many times has Federer broke down in tears over the years? Does he have emotional problems too?

Some of the people who post in this thread are priceless. You're seriously rivalling ayrmad for downright ignorance of the sport and its players.

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You really don't have a clue about the level of physical and mental energy Murray will have expended in trying to capture his first Grand Slam title, do you?

To be asked to speak without emotion after such a crushing blow is akin to asking Kilt to eat meat.

That's just typical British loser mentality,aw well nevermind,it's the taking part that counts....

If he had taken Federer to 5 sets and lost a 11-13 in a decider,and he got a bit teary eyed you could accept it a bit,but he just folded like a straw deck chair under Michelle Mcmanus,Federer is a great player but he didn't play great today he didn't have too.....

I'm not up on the dietry habits of the one that you call kilt but have read on other threads from other posters that he's partial to cock,whether thats true i don't know and whether that breaks the veggie code i don't know that either

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Federer is a great player but he didn't play great today

Yes he did. Did you actually watch any of it? His level dropped a wee bit in the 3rd set, but for the first two sets, not a single player in the world would have lived with him.

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Guest The Phoenix

Yes he did. Did you actually watch any of it? His level dropped a wee bit in the 3rd set, but for the first two sets, not a single player in the world would have lived with him.

Whit, not even oor Jeremy? :unsure::lol:

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Yes he did. Did you actually watch any of it? His level dropped a wee bit in the 3rd set, but for the first two sets, not a single player in the world would have lived with him.

Now who's talking shite.....Federer cruised through the whole match unflustered,untoubled and unchallenged.Yeah Murray was superb up untill the final but he choked today and stunk the place out and although it wasn't as an embarrassing defeat as the US Open he managed to salvage the embarassment factor by bawling his fucking eyes out.Thank f**k i turned over before ithe telly cut murray sitting on his chair on his mums lap getting cuddled saying why can't i beat the bad cuckoo man.......

He was shit today and was a big fucking baby when he lost ,but he might win one in the future he might not,i hope he does.....

I hear Tiny Tears wears an Andy Murray watch......

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Guest The Phoenix

Now who's talking shite.....Federer cruised through the whole match unflustered,untoubled and unchallenged.Yeah Murray was superb up untill the final but he choked today and stunk the place out and although it wasn't as an embarrassing defeat as the US Open he managed to salvage the embarassment factor by bawling his fucking eyes out.Thank f**k i turned over before ithe telly cut murray sitting on his chair on his mums lap getting cuddled saying why can't i beat the bad cuckoo man.......

He was shit today and was a big fucking baby when he lost ,but he might win one in the future he might not,i hope he does.....

I hear Tiny Tears wears an Andy Murray watch......

Ever thought of applying for RADA?

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It's quite sweet in its own way. Today was obviously the first game of tennis Seymour Bush has ever seen. Bless.

You're quite an excitable character aren't you?...You even resorted to name calling in your anger...If that was your attempt to groom me over the internet it was poor,very bad infact.Now sure i'm flattered but i'm straight and even i can tell that your technique is poor and it's needs work if you're going to get any arse action over the net....I know your quick temper and over sensitivity is bore out of the fruitless scouring of Stirling for cock,but do calm down

Might i suggest that a football forum isn't the best place for queers that want to hook up as it's mainly a hetrosexual enviroment...Isn't there a helpline you can phone to help you and it might make you less of an angry man and thus make you a bit more appealing to Mr right......

I hope you find what you're looking for soon because i worry that the pent up angry,sexual frustration you're feeling engulfs you completely.......

Regards and good lucks....And no hard feelings at your failure to recognise that 3-0 defeat is somewhat of a battering and crying about it makes one a bit of a w****r.......

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Jeremy Bates was 54th in the world at the pinnacle of his career, and only won 1(one) singles title in his whole career.

What a useless comparison. If it was Barry Cowan you'd brought up I'd have agreed, but not Jez.

Edited by The Arch
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